Sunday, October 27th
2:30-4:00PM: Lessons Learned through Innovative Community-Engaged and Community-Based Participatory Research Projects [Oral session, MCC: 203AB]
4:30-6:00PM: Community-Driven Transformation: Lessons Learned from Community Organizing, CBPR, and Community Action [Roundtable session, Hilton: Minneapolis Ballroom A]
Monday, October 28th
8:30-10:00AM: Community-Driven Work to Transform Policy and Address Social and Structural Challenges [Oral session, MCC: 203AB]
10:30AM-12:00PM: Community-Based and Community-Engaged Research to Address Healthcare System and Clinical Research Barriers [Oral session, MCC: 203AB]
12:30-1:30PM: Doing Community-Engaged and Community-Based Participatory Research: The Good, the Challenging, and the Beautiful [Poster Session]
12:30-1:30PM: Engaging with Community to Bring about Change [Poster Session]
2:30-4:00PM: Addressing Complex Health Challenges through Community-Based and Community-Engaged Work [Roundtable session, Hilton: Minneapolis Ballroom B]
6:30-8:00PM: Community-Based Public Health Caucus Youth Council Business Meeting [Business meeting, MCC: 212AB]
Tuesday, October 29th
6:30-8:00AM: Community-Based Public Health Caucus Breakfast and Business Meeting [Registration through APHA required for Breakfast; all welcome for Business Meeting] [Business meeting, MCC: M100BC]
8:30-10:00AM: Building Trust through Community-Based and Community-Engaged Tools and Strategies [Oral session, MCC: 203AB]
10:30AM-12:00PM: What Does It Take: Infrastructure and Strategies to Support Community-Engaged and Community-Based Participatory Research and Practice [Oral session, MCC: 203AB]
4:30-6:00PM: Methods, Measures, and Messages: The Action of Community-Engaged and Community-Based Participatory Research [Roundtable session, Hilton: Minneapolis Ballroom B]
6:30-8:00PM: National Community-Based Organization Business Meeting [Business meeting, MCC: 212AB]
Wednesday, October 30th
10:30AM-12:00PM: Application of Community-Based and Community-Engaged Research and Practice As Catalysts for Change [Oral session, MCC: 203AB]