SPC News
The Bad Weather is Coming, Time to Order Liquid Calcium Chloride
• As a reminder, the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) Governing Board has awarded the 2022-23 Liquid Calcium Chloride Contract (#213) to Sicalco Ltd., from December 5, 2022 through December 4, 2023. The SPC reserves the right to extend the contract for up to four (4) additional, one-year terms upon mutual agreement of both the vendor and the SPC on a negotiated basis. Orders shall be placed with the vendor and Sicalco Ltd. will handle all billing directly to reflect the following contract pricing:: Price/Gallon: $0.52 Delivery: $0.19 Total: $0.71.
For questions or additional information, please contact staff or Frank Sibr,
at fsibr@sicalco.net or call 630-371-2655.
here for more information about the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative and to view the current SPC Catalog.