The Dharma of Poetry:

How Poems Guide Us Toward Happiness

with Elizabeth Pyjov, JD MTS

Life-Changing Program


One of my favorite parts of what I do is sharing with you what I truly love.

I love meditation + I also love poetry.

In this class we combine the two.

It will basically be a POETRY SOUND BATH and an overview of how poems lead us to happiness.

Poems will span many decades, many cultures and will lead to pure inspiration.

In Buddhism it was thought that a person can REACH ENLIGHTENMENT by reading poetry. We'll see what happens :)

Poems help us process emotions, connect to common humanity, find meaning, notice with more awareness, and see ourselves and the world in a new light.

How does poetry support a spiritual practice?

We'll talk about how to read a poem as a spiritual experience.

Poetry is a rich reserve of spiritual energy.

The root of “spirit” is the Latin verb “spirare,” to breathe. Whatever lives on the breath, then, must have its spiritual dimension– especially all poems. We read poems with the breath, with our voice, and with our bodies. The fullness of spiritual knowledge lies outside words, and yet words can call us to it.

Poetry is the spiritual joining the physical: poems resonate in our bodies and voices, as well as in our imagination, heart, and mind.

We will do a meditation practice together as well as a poetry reading practice.

No prior experience with poetry is necessary.

Join if you love poems or want to love poems!


When: You can do it on your own schedule.

Place: Class recording

Host: Happiness Sangha

Facilitator: Elizabeth Pyjov



There are many ways for us to keep in touch, even daily.

 DAILY TEXT: If you want to receive occasional inspiring teachings from Elizabeth Pyjov, you can sign up here, and you'll receive fresh inspiration each morning. These daily texts are about mindfulness, self-compassion, gratitude, intention, happiness, energy, and growth. They're usually very short. They are completely free and you can unsubscribe any time. You can also text back. Elizabeth sees them and often replies : )

 INSTAGRAM: To see visual reminders of upcoming programs, follow @happinesssangha on Instagram here and to see more about what I'm up to follow @elizabethpyjov here.

 FACEBOOK: To receive Facebook invites, join the Continuing Compassion group on Facebook here.

 LINKEDIN: To stay up to date with everything I do, connect with me here.

See you soon in the program, in the realm of social media or anywhere our paths happen to cross!

❤️ Elizabeth