Our mission team will depart this Sunday, May 5 to serve for a week at Sager Brown in Baldwin, Louisiana! Please keep the team in your prayers as they faithfully serve:

Phil & Katherine Baldwin

Rick Baird (team leader)

Linda Ferguson

Stephanie Hodgin

Mary Ann Shillington

Larry & Debbie Stone


During the month of May, our church will collect canned fruit to be donated to our Neighborhood Cooperative Ministry. Please bring your donations - ANY canned fruit, but ONLY canned fruit - to the table in the narthex any Sunday during May. Thank you!

January - April 2024:

We were able to send out $60,583 year to date in support for our Missions and to our Missionaries.

Thank you for the $50,613 received thus far this year as donations so we could continue our reach locally and around the world.

Ongoing Missions

Ways to help our

Neighborhood Co-op

See list of current food needs here.

Bring your food donations to the bin in the

Donation Location.

Donations for the

Norcross Library Food Pantry

Leave non-perishable donations in the bin near the Fellowship Hall kitchen. This is an ongoing ministry.

More details

Outreach Team Leaders

GO Team Chair: Brad Carr

International Missions Chair: Gary Grahn 

National Missions Chair: Larry Stone 

Local Missions Chair: Mary Ann Shillington 

Evangelism Chair: Shelley Carr 

Missions Assistant: Rae Myles