May 2, 2024
Dear friends,
Yesterday brought us the first day of May — a day celebrated in Celtic traditions as Beltane, a festival heralding life and fertility and abundance, a time to be grateful for new life emerging. May Day is also a celebration of workers and laborers who have fought for a more just and equitable world. As we hold these different observations in mind, we are struck by the confluence of the longing for a world in which all beings may flourish.
Our work at The BTS Center is focused on that vision of flourishing, as we offer programs and spaces for deep honesty about our climate-changed and suffering world so that we may compassionately and collectively work toward a future of abundance for all. This spring, we are excited to bring you more opportunities to join us in this work.
We're thrilled to be offering a public conversation with renowned climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, author of Saving Us: A Climate Scientist's Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World, on Wednesday, May 22. We hope you'll join us for an evening of thoughtful conversation about Collective Honesty and Complicated Hope with Dr. Hayhoe and an incredible panel of conversationalists.
Also this month, we have another conversation from our Climate Conscious Chaplaincy Initiative, this one exploring Spiritual Caregiving and Ecological Grief, presented in collaboration with Chaplaincy Innovation Lab. These conversations have been robust and thought-provoking spaces in which to explore what it means to accompany one another in this climate-changed world.
There is still time to join our book study on Singing the Psalms with My Son: Praying and Parenting for a Healed Planet, starting next week! And we'll be offering our first Green Teams Gathering, in person in Cape Elizabeth, Maine in just a couple of weeks. If you're within reach of Southern Maine and are involved (or would like to be) in congregational climate work, this in-person offering might be for you!
We wish you moments of abundance this spring and beyond.
With best wishes,