Vol. 38: No. 03 ~ January 17, 2023
Official Announcements
Office of the Bishop

Clergy Appointment
Most Reverend Gregory Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg, announces the following clergy appointment, effective January 18, 2023:

Reverend Oscar O. Unakalamba [Owerri, Nigeria], to Parochial Vicar of St. Anthony of Padua Parish, San Antonio.

Talking Points re: Florida Human Life Protection Amendment
December 2022
The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops has prepared talking points regarding the Florida Human Life Protection Amendment that will be nationally discussed at gatherings on January 22, which is framed as “Sanctity of Life Sunday.”

Please follow this link to the document.
Ministries Updates
Intercultural Ministry
Avivamiento Eucarístico: Adoración, Canto y Formación
La Asamblea Hispana de la Diócesis de St. Petersburg, en colaboración con los artistas Iván Díaz y Santiago Fernández de Oregon Catholic Press (OCP) te invitan al evento “Avivamiento Eucarístico: Adoración, Canto y Formación”, en la parroquia Incarnation, 8220 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33615.

Viernes, 17 de febrero de 2023 – Misa presidida por Mons. Gregory Parkes y Hora Santa.
Sábado, 18 de febrero de 2023 – Oración, reflexión, canto, charlas y diálogo en grupos pequeños.

Se requiere inscripción y pago por adelantado ($40 para el sábado) visitando el siguiente enlace: https://www.dosp.org/avivamiento-eucaristico/.

Para obtener más información, visita https://www.dosp.org/revival/adoracion-canto-y-formacion/ o llama a Carlos Flores al 727-344-1611 ext. 5472.

Vietnamese Lunar New Year Festival
Holy Martyrs of Vietnam Parish, 4000 43rd Street N., St. Petersburg, is hosting its annual Lunar New Year Festival, Friday, January 20 and Saturday, January 21, 2023. Admission and parking is free. For additional details, please contact the parish at (727) 397-7906.
Office of Marriage and Family Life

National Marriage Week and World Marriage Day
The observances of National Marriage Week (February 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, February 12th) are an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family. This year’s theme, “Marriage…one flesh, given and received” highlights the one-flesh union of husband and wife that is willed by God. It also indicates the personal self-gift of each spouse, one to the other. These concepts point to Christ who gives Himself under the appearance of bread and wine—as real flesh and blood. The USCCB offers resources to help celebrate and live the great gift of married life at https://www.usccb.org/topics/marriage-and-family-life-ministries/national-marriage-week.
Retrouvaille Weekend
Retrouvaille is a lifeline for marriages…a program to help couples heal and renew their hurting marriages.

The next Retrouvaille of Tampa Bay Weekend is February 10-12, 2023. Click here for program details and to register for Tampa Bay Retrouvaille or contact the local team at (813) 816-0711, tampa@retrose.org

For more information regarding Retrouvaille: www.helpourmarriage.org.
Office of Vocations

St. Andrew Dinner
Young men, ages 16 and up, please join us for a casual discernment event. Dinner and vocation stories with Bishop Parkes, Fr. Chuck Dornquast, and other priests. Parents are also invited to join for a parent discussion and a meal.

We will meet at St. Matthew Catholic Church in Largo at 6:30 pm.
Register here.

Almuerzo de Discernimiento Sacerdotal
Jóvenes del 9º grado en adelante están invitados junto con sus familias a este evento de discernimiento. Habrá momento de oración, charlas, sesión de preguntas & respuestas, y almuerzo.

Iglesia de St. Joseph, 3012 W. Cherry St.,Tampa, de 10:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.
Evento gratis e incluye almuerzo.
Para registrarse, visite este enlace.

Para obtener más información, llame a la Oficina de Vocaciones al 727-345-3452.
Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry

March for Life Update on Take Five
A large group of young people from the Diocese of St. Petersburg will be making the trip to Washington D.C. to march in the annual March for Life. Ryan Phelan, Diocesan Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry, joins Bishop Parkes on this recent episode of Take 5 to talk about promoting a culture of life in our country. Click here to view.
Loving with the Heart: A journey of foster care and adoption
Did You Know That...
749 children enter foster care every month in the state of Florida
250+ children are awaiting adoption out of foster care
On average, children wait 24 months to be adopted

The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry and St. Jerome Parish invite you to join them on January 25, 2023 at St. Jerome Parish, 10895 Hamlin Blvd, Largo, from 2:00 – 4:00 PM. You will learn more about how, together, we can answer this call to help those children in foster care through prayer, donations, providing support to foster families, becoming a foster parent, and opening your family to adoption!
Bulletin Announcements
View current information that can be included in parish bulletins here.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
GulfCoastCatholic.org is a news website to help Catholics know, live and share the faith. You’ll find articles that inform and, hopefully, inspire
Important Links
Rev. Msgr. Robert F. Morris
Vicar General
Diocese of St. Petersburg