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Welcome Professional Women in Building!

The Builders Association of Metropolitan Pittsburgh, (BAMP) is pleased to announce the creation of a new council within the association, the Professional Woman in Building, PWB!  Led by Heather Dieckmann of SSB Bank, Maria Wilson of Wilson Architecture + Design and Candice Giel-Brown, of Thomas V. Giel Garage Doors, BAMP has been working through the necessary steps to establish a council that would be formally recognized by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).

Industry data show company earnings of PWB members are 22% higher than those of non-members. PWB members attribute much of their success to the support they receive from peer members, in addition to receiving exclusive access to professional development resources and participating in forums that hone leadership skills. Plus, the national recognition they attain through the largest network of residential construction professionals also gives them a competitive edge. (See attached listing of benefits of joining the PWB.)

Building from the success or informal networking events held throughout 2022, the group petitioned BAMP to initiate the process to become formally recognized by the NAHB. Those steps were completed by BAMP’s Board of Directors earlier this month, including the adoption of council’ by-laws and setting dues to become a member interested in becoming a member of the BAMP–PWB council. A meeting of the council was held yesterday at which members had the opportunity to sign-up as “charter members” of the council. These members also took action to elect the council’s Board of Directors and officers for 2023. The roster of members and related paperwork will be submitted to NAHB’s PWB trustees later this week in anticipation of receiving formal recognition on January 30th during the NAHB’s International Builders Show.

Before we submit our formal application and roster of charter members, we want to give ALL the members of BAMP the opportunity to be included as new members of our PWB.  Attached is the application for membership. Membership is open to all employees who are members of BAMP. If you and/or your employee(s) want to become charter members of the PWB council and have your name(s) included on the inaugural roster, please have the prospective members complete the attached application and return it to BAMP’s Executive Director, Jim Eichenlaub, prior to the end of business this Thursday, January 19th. Of course if someone wishes to sign-up after this time, we will be happy to accept the application. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide the ability to join online at this time until our charter is officially recognized by the NAHB later this month, so applications can only be received using the attached paper form.

We are very excited to include this new council as part of your membership experience and know that those who join BAMP’s PWB will experience the added benefits the council provides.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jim Eichenlaub at You should also send your application(s) to Jim’s attention for those looking to join.


Builders Association

Of Metropolitan Pittsburgh

2041 Boulevard of the Allies, 

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

(412) 434-5690

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