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CONNECTIONS: July 10, 2024

Photo from Sunday's Fiesta

Greetings, Church! 

Sunday was certainly a day of Sabbath JOY here at CCSM! From delicious ice cream sundaes at Coffee Happy Hour, to an evening of dancing on the lawn at our Fiesta Familiar, what a gift it was to connect with old and new friends as the holiday weekend came to an end. (If you had burnt vegetables from the grill at the party, I apologize, those were ones I cooked before Ago Pedalizo and Violeta Reyez jumped in to help!)

A quick story to share: Before the party even started, one of our neighbors was drawn into the kitchen by the music playing outside. She asked how she could help, washed her hands, and immediately started peeling potatoes (turns out she's a caterer!). She shared that she often walks by our church, has always wanted to stop by, but never quite made it inside. The festive music and friendly faces were a perfect recipe to make her feel welcome and comfortable enough to stop in and join the fun.

This weekend I'll be traveling to Illinois for a family reunion, and I'm sad to miss our second Sunday in our summer worship series on Hospitality, especially with Rev. Alvaro sharing his reflections on Hospitality and table ministry. You won't want to miss their message, "More than a Meal."

This weekend we also have a special opportunity for those who love to sing! All are invited to participate in our "Drop-In Choir." If you've ever wanted to sing in the choir, or can't make a regular commitment, this is your chance. Meet in the Sanctuary at 9am on Sunday to rehearse this week's anthem, "Sunshine in My Soul." Email Lynnelle Bilsey for more information.

I'll be back in the office next Thursday, and Chase and Alvaro will be available if you need anything while I'm away.

Until then, may we offer God's extravagant welcome to everyone we encounter!

With hope, gratitude, and love,


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Did you miss worship?


CLICK HERE for Rev. Jessica's sermon, "Beyond the Doorstep"


Wednesday, July 10

  • 7:15 - 8:45 PM — Bilingual Worship and Potluck, Kloss Hall

Thursday, July 11

  • 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM — Women's Coffee Group (off site)
  • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM — Hospitality: Tools of the Trade (ZOOM link:
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM — Bell Choir Rehearsal: Polishing Party, Choir Room

Saturday, July 13

  • 8:30 - 10:30 AM — CC Riders Weekly Bike Ride (contact Peter Held,
  • 10:30 AM — Coffee with CC Riders, Village Hub in Woodside (3154 Woodside Road)

Sunday, July 14

  • 9:00 AM — Drop-in Choir Rehearsal
  • 10:30 - 11:30 AM — Worship Service in person and online
  • 10:30 - 11:30 AM — Youth and Children's Programs, Memorial Garden
  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM — Coffee Hour, Kloss Hall

Tuesday, July 16

  • 10:00 - 11:30 AM — Men’s Coffee Group, Food Court, Hillsdale Mall (contact Peter Held,
  • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM — Board of Directors Meeting, in person and on Zoom, Buckham Room and

Wednesday, July 17

  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM — Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
  • 7:15 - 8:45 PM — Bilingual Worship and Potluck, Kloss Hall

Join us for our July Series:

HOSPITALITY: Tools of the Trade

We’ll dive a little deeper into this series beyond worship at three Thursday evening Zoom Gatherings from 5:30-6:30pm on July 11, 18 & 25, when we will reflect on the previous Sunday's sermon and a series of guided questions as part of a “Hospitality Audit.”



SF Night Ministry Sandwich Making Supplies

Once a month, youth and adults from our congregation gather in the kitchen to prepare bag lunches for the homeless served by the SF Night Ministry / Open Cathedral. Today we are collecting the plate offering to replenish our reserves of supplies.

Make a Gift


7.16 Meeting Agenda

Then next Board of Directors meeting will be Tuesday, July 16 at 6:30pm in the Buckham Room and on Zoom.

Board Minutes


Help us craft the Soundtrack of Summer: share your favorite hymn!

We're excited to celebrate summer by singing some of our community's favorite hymns. To help us create a joyful and meaningful experience, we'd love to hear from you! Submit your favorite song below, and take a moment to tell us why you love it. 



Plastics Recycling Second Hour, July 21

In concert with the launching of the CCSM Precious Plastics Recycling Project, the CCSM Environment Justice Ministry and Youth Group co-present a special in-person Second Hour program on Sunday July 21 after worship service in the Buckham Room. The program will feature a slide presentation and group discussion on the history of plastics, the explosive growth of plastics pollution, and what can be done to help solve the problem.

We hope you can join us to learn more about this vexing problem.

New Ministry Partnership with Peninsula Precious Plastics

We’re excited to announce a new and innovative recycling program at CCSM, called the Precious Plastics Project or P3. The program will enable the church and its members to turn hard-to-recycle plastics into new, usable products. The local P3 group in San Carlos has agreed to partner with CCSM and its members to collect the plastics and create new products.

So, if you’re interested in contributing to this program, here's what to do:

  • Sort and collect your plastic products, looking for the number inside the triangular recycling logo. P3 will only be able to use #2, #4, and #5 plastics:
  • #2's include milk jugs, cleaning product and detergent containers, shampoo bottles
  • #4's include plastic shopping bags, bread bags, snack bags, squeezable bottles and tubes
  • #5's include yogurt cups and tubs, margarine tubs, syrup bottles, plastic bottle caps, food containers and straws, plastic furniture
  • Remove any labels, wash and dry them.
  • Bring them to CCSM and place them in the P3 collection boxes in Kloss Hall, the hallway outside Kloss, or the Narthex.

Thank you for participating in P3!


You Can be a Ding-a-Ling Too!

Have you ever wanted to try your hands at ringing bells in worship, or just want to see the bells up close? Join our bell choir for a summer workshop on What’s Ringing All About – The Basics. These workshops are geared to take the mystery out of ringing bells - You don’t have to know how to read music to participate, its helpful but not required.

When: Thursdays (July 18 - August 22) from 6:30-7:15 in the bell room

(2nd floor across from the entrance to the Sanctuary balcony).

Questions? Reach out to Lynnelle at 650.339.5795 or  

Summer Sing-A-Long, July 21

Let's get together with friends and family and have a great time making music with an old-fashion sing-a-long! Join us on Sunday, July 21 from 3-4:30pm in Kloss Hall. Music will be led by Susan Bell, Siew Kang, Chona Tendero, Alan Roby, Lynnelle Bilsey, and more- bring your instrument and join in the fun! All ages welcome.

July 26-28, 2024 - Cabin Weekend for High School Youth

All incoming 9th graders through recent graduates are welcome to join Rev. Jessica, Michele, and Mike for a weekend retreat at Mike and Lee Mullery's cabin on the South Yuba River in Penn Valley!

We’ll have opportunities for swimming in the river, hiking, stargazing, playing cornhole, and relaxing in the cabin. Breathe in the fresh mountain air and soak up breathtaking views as we connect with God and each other.

Email Michele Cinq Mars for more information. The cabin is adjacent to the South Yuba River State Park.


Maybe you didn’t even know that there is a minor league baseball team in the Bay Area! The San Jose Giants are the Single-A affiliate of the San Francisco Giants, and play at Excite Ballpark, a family-friendly venue about 10 minutes off 101 in San Jose. CCSM has sent a group to one of the “little Giants” games the past two summers, and it’s been a great time. For our 3rd Annual trip, we’re going on AUGUST 17, Margaritaville Night! 


$44/adult (1 beer or wine) or $38/adult (soda); $27/youth (5-12)*

Group deal Includes: Bowl Reserved group seating, a World Famous Turkey Mike’s BBQ voucher plus drink ticket, and free fireworks following the game. (Plus there are free Hawaiian shirts for the first 1,000 fans.) If you haven’t tried minor league baseball, you need to check it out—prices are much more reasonable, there are fan participation events, and it’s just a whole lot of fun. 

Seats are limited, so sign up soon in Kloss Hall or contact Sandy McNabb .

BBQ available at 5:00 p.m.; Game starts at 6:00 p.m.

*Assistance available to help offset ticket costs. Contact Rev. Jessica for more information.

Join Chuck for an evening of somatic self care, Friday, July 26 at 7PM.

The Sound Journey will help you to recalibrate your nervous system- helping you to destress, sleep better, and find that quiet center.


Join CCSMers for a relaxed evening of music, food and fun each Thursday night from 6:00-8:00 pm in San Mateo's Central Park (note special time for July 4). This is a drop-in event, so look for fellow members once you arrive. Bring your own food and drink, or buy something from the vendors. A blanket or beach towel is a must, low camp chairs are a good idea. Bands performing are listed below.  Contact Mike Harris for more info,

Note: On July 11, 18, and 25, we hope you'll join a HOSPITALITY: TOOLS OF THE TRADE discussion on zoom (see above) which ends at 6:30... but there's plenty of time to come to the park after that!

  • July 11 - Pop Fiction (Party Mix)
  • July 18 - Julio Bravo y su Orquesta Salsabor (Latin)
  • July 25 - Electric Rodeo (Country)
  • August 1 - Land of Confusion/TAKE 2 (Phil Collins Tribute & Genesis/Party Mix)
  • August 8 - Bud E. Luv Orchestra (Swing/Big Band/Party Mix)



Weekly on Wednesdays  • 9:30-10:00am on Zoom

In light of the recent events in Gaza, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories, we are invited to join Churches for Middle East Peace, an ecumenical partner of the United Church of Christ's Global Ministries, to join others across the world in praying weekly for peace. Registration is free, but required to receive the Zoom Link. 


Make a Gift

You can also make a financial gift to help with humanitarian aid for people in Gaza, Palestine, and Israel through the United Church of Christ’s Wider Church Ministries HERE.

Call for a Ceasefire

 Send a pre-written message to your elected officials through UCC’s “Just Peace Church” program HERE calling for a ceasefire and encouraging Congress to take immediate action for de-escalation in Israel and Gaza, and support steps towards a lasting peace.



The "Blessing Box" outside of the entrance of CCSM is a project of the Ministry of Service and Justice, responding to the need for families in our neighborhood to access food and an expression of our call to be the "hands, feet, and face of God" in our community.

  • The container will be in the narthex to collect the following food items:
  • canned, dried and boxed
  • no fresh food please
  • donations must be full UNOPENED containers
  • no fruits, vegetables, or bread

  • We also collect individually wrapped plasticware!

Thank you for your continuing generosity!

CCSM Council of Ministries

Email to connect to any ministry!

Kay Harris, Council of Ministries Lead

Jim Schwandt, Building and Grounds

Kim Rey, Troy Grabow, Children, Youth and Families

Melodie Lew, Congregational Care

Sandy McNabb, Connect and Celebrate                       

Gary H. White, Environmental Justice

Alison Schwandt, Engagement/Communications 

Julien Phillips, Latino/a Ministry       

Pam Ridlehuber, Liturgical Arts

Sue Bell, Katie Bylander, Music        

Genel Morgan, Sharon Tobin, Service and Justice

Dave Olsen, Spiritual Life/Adult Ed.

Ivan Raikov, Stewardship

Email Kay Harris to get connected to a Ministry Lead anytime!

Click Here for a Full List of Staff and Leadership

Regular Office Hours:

9:00am - 4:00pm

Monday - Thursday

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