Friday Newsletter

January 20, 2023

This Sunday

Bulletin available here.

Single Service: 10 AM

Sunday School

Nursery care available.

Mid-High Youth Group 11:30

High School Youth Group 6:00

Listening Sessions Continue in Boulder Hall after the service during coffee hour.

We’re ready to listen! As the single services get into full swing, Session and Worship Committee want to hear what you think. The format will be informal, focusing on this question: "What was meaningful in today's service?" Can’t stay, but want to share your thoughts on this? No worries: there will also be a comments box for those who prefer to provide written responses to this question. 


It was previously announced that Marie Glascock's memorial service was to take place at Capital Manor on January 23. This event is not a service but an informal gathering for Capital Manor residents only. Please do not attend if you are not a resident--they do not have space for us! Thank you for understanding. A service is being planned for March at Westminster--more info to come.


  • On Sunday, January 29, please join the stewardship committee in welcoming Rev. Dr. Rob Hagan to our pulpit and to a seminar following the service at 11:15. The Seminar will include lunch, so please RSVP here (or contact the church office) by Thursday, January 26. If you'd like to RSVP after that date, talk to Paul Negstad at 503-910-8296. Dr. Hagan will discuss WHY legacy giving, including ethical wills, is important as a way to ensure the things we believe and value during our lifetime continue to resonate after we are gone and HOW to do legacy giving. Please, everyone plan to join us for this very special time as we explore together what it means to endow the future generations of Westminster with our values and our money.

  • Charity Circle is meeting on Jan. 24 at 1:30 p.m. We'll continue our study of “Celebrating Sabbath”. You are invited! For information, call Bonnie Shaughnessy-Smith, 503-364 8024 or Dolores Winter-Byrnes, 503-364-6646.

  • Register today for Oregon Interfaith Earth Summit 2023: February 5, 1:30-5:30 at Join other people of faith in your region who care about the environment and climate justice for this hybrid event: “Care for Our Common Home: Building Neighborhoods for Climate Resilience.” Several members of Westminster are helping prepare for the local portion of this event; if you would like to help, contact Deanie Anderson.

  • Do you feel led to help those affected by cancer? If so, we would love for you to join us on June 14, 2023 at the Mid Valley Relay for Life in Woodburn. We will be raising awareness and funds for our families and friends affected by this terrible disease. If you are interested in participating, or supporting those in our congregation participating, please contact team captain Shawna Clowser for more information at 503-689-7736.

  • Rides to Church: if you would like a ride or are able to provide transportation on Sunday morning, please contact Bobbie Clyde, 503-364-1301 or A neighbor or a fellow care group member would appreciate your help! 

Save the Date

  • February 5, 11:15 am: Budget Information 2.0 led by budget & finance, personnel, and stewardship committees.
  • February 26, 11:00 am: Annual Meeting

From your Session

Your elders met on January 18, 2023 for the monthly session meeting and covered a number of areas. Our training for the evening focused on membership categories in the PCUSA and what kinds of responsibilities Session has in maintaining the rolls. Later this month, a letter will go out from the Clerk checking in with folks who have been more inactive and inquiring about their desire to continue membership. Then, the elders passed two specific motions: 

  1. Approved sliding-scale rent for Creative Discoveries Preschool during period of lower student enrollment;
  2. Approved Terri Crall, as the incoming Financial Secretary, for permissions to view WPC’s bank statements.

The Session then made plans for two upcoming events:

  1. The Budget 2.0 event on Feb 5 at 11:15am will cover end-of-year financial reports from 2022, final Stewardship report, and understanding the pastor’s terms of call. The event will be recorded for anyone who is unable to attend.
  2. The Annual Meeting on Feb 26 at 11am will include a potluck, a grief & gratitude ritual as well as updates from the strategic planning team, the childcare task force and the Matthew 25 initiatives.

Thank you for all of your support. We welcome ideas and feedback from the congregation so please do not hesitate to contact any elder, the pastor, or the clerk of session.


Sandy McClean

Clerk of Session



We're grateful and honored to welcome our first refugee family this week--a family of four from Mali! Remember that we've been asked to give them space as they settle into their new life at Winola House.


  • If you have participated in a child protection training, but NOT turned in an application, please get it to Vik before the end of February so she can get you cleared and ready to help!

  • 2023 Offering Envelopes are available in the church narthex for pick-up on Sundays or during church office hours. Please contact the church office if you need yours sent to you.

Pray for

  • The family of Harold Daron, longtime church member who passed away Sunday night. No services will be held.

  • The family and friends of Ramona Tinnell as we celebrate her life here at Westminster on Saturday, January 21, at 2 pm.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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