New permitting requirements take effect on January 1
The provisions of Bill Nos. 210389 and 220008 become effective on January 1, 2023. These new code requirements will have a significant effect on new construction, demolition, and structural alteration permits filed on or after January 1, 2023 and include the following:
Protection of Property
- New requirements for pre-construction assessments, special inspections, and notification to affected property owners apply to construction or demolition that may impact adjacent property, including:
- Excavation work more than 5 feet below adjacent grade and within 10 feet of an adjacent building or structure.
- Excavation, demolition, or construction work where historic structure is within 90 feet on the same or adjacent parcel.
- Modification to a party wall, including demolition, joist replacement, and additions.
- Severing of structural roof or wall covering spanning properties.
In an effort to assist applicants through these new permit requirements, L&I has created the following information sheets:
- Pre-Construction Survey information sheet
- Monitoring Plan information sheet
- Notification to Adjacent Owner information sheet
The requirements for pre-construction assessment and special inspections also apply to historic buildings undergoing structural alteration, excluding one -and -two family dwellings.
In addition to the standard Protection of Property requirement, L&I will begin stricter enforcement of backfilling and wall covering provisions that will impact construction sequence. Refer to Code Bulletin B-2203: Demolition Permit Requirements for more information.
A new Party Wall Protection EZ Permit will become available on January 1. This permit will be required prior to the approval of a demolition permit that involves exposure of a party wall.
Review slides from past webinars on the Resources page of our website and keep an eye out for future information sessions.
Demolition permit checklist
New property protection laws that take effect on January 1, 2023, have a unique impact on complete demolition projects. The Department has published a new Demolition Permit Plan Review Checklist to assist permit applicants in navigating new requirements. Please also review Code Bulletin B-2203: Demolition Permit Requirements and Demolition Permit Slides from last month’s webinar to prepare for imminent changes.
The following permit resources were recently added to the L&I website,
Amendment to the Philadelphia Code
Bill No 2200638, amending the Philadelphia Code to incorporate the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC), as adopted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, was signed into law on December 14, 2022. The Department began mandatory enforcement of these provisions on August 14, 2022, as required by the Pa Construction Code Act.
Public comment on 2021 International Code changes now open
The Pa Uniform Construction Code Review and Advisory Committee (RAC) is reviewing changes to the 2021 International Codes for incorporation into the Pa Uniform Construction Code in accordance with the Pa Construction Code Act.
The RAC will accept public comment on modified and additional sections of code through March 12, 2023. You may submit comment and find information on adoption schedule and opportunities for participation through the RAC’s website.