Capitol Buzz
May 17th, 2023
Shared Revenue Bill Passes State Assembly

Two weeks ago the legislature introduced AB 245, the highly anticipated local government funding reform package dedicating one penny of the state's sales tax to local governments in Wisconsin.

Today the State Assembly passed the bill with an amendment that addresses some concerns that the League and partners had outlined. In addition, the Assembly Amendment increases the supplemental payment communities will receive from at least 10% (under the original proposal) to at least a 15% increase for all municipalities providing an increase from AB 245's $227 million to $260.7 million overall in a new county and municipal supplemental aid payments for cities, villages, towns, and counties throughout the state.

The League is currently reviewing the details of the amendment. For more information see the Legislative Fiscal Bureau Memo on the Amendment and new funding distributions statewide.

AB 245, as amended, will now head to the Senate to await action in committee and on the full Senate floor.

The funding for AB 245 will be provided in the 2023-2025 Biennial Budget through the Joint Finance Committee process.

Governor Evers Issues Press Release on Shared Revenue

Also today Governor Evers issued a Press Release on the Local Government Funding package and process. The statement comes as the Governor has been involved in more frequent recent conversations and negotiations with Republican leadership on AB 245.
“I’ve appreciated the opportunity to meet with Speaker Vos and Majority Leader LeMahieu, and I want to thank them for their willingness to work together to find a bipartisan compromise on an issue that I believe is one of the most important that will be taken up during this legislative session—the state finally stepping up to do its part to invest in local communities across our state."

While conversations are ongoing, this statement shows positive progress towards a bipartisan compromise.
The League’s Government Affairs Team is here to keep you updated on legislative proposals introduced during the session. If you have questions please contact: Government Affairs Director, Toni Herkert at or Government Affairs Specialist, Katie Scott at