Trinity Tidings

This Coming Sunday: April 28, 2024

Fifth Sunday

of Easter

 Click link for the Sunday Morning Scripture Readings

This coming Sunday, April 28

8:15 AM Holy Eucharist in the Nave

9:15 - 10:15 AM Conversation with Rev. Dave in the Parish Hall Classroom

Our beloved Rector of 15 years will be retiring on June 9. As this news is fresh on our minds & hearts, Dave invites you to the Parish Hall Classroom to ask questions about his retirement plans, what is next for Trinity, and anything else you would like to discuss. 

11:00am - 1:00pm Worship in the Park & Picnic at Johnson Park

Meet on the shady side by the playground at Pavilion 1

230 Ave. J, Marble Falls, TX, 78654

Please join us for a celebratory day of shared Christian fellowship in a lovely setting. We'll be sharing worship with five other churches: Fellowship Baptist, Hill Country United Methodist, St. Andrew Presbyterian, St. Frederick's Baptist, and St. Peter's Lutheran.  Worship will be followed by a tasty picnic. The service will be livestreamed. A Youtube link will be sent out in our Saturday email.

In case of rain, we'll gather at Trinity Church in the Parish Hall. 


Wear your Trinity T-Shirt!

Bring your own Lawn Chair!


Trinity's Ministry & Outreach Presented a $1100 check to Reverend Perry and Bessie Jackson of St. Fred's Baptist Church. Their Mission Outreach program cooks and serves lunch on Tuesdays and Thursday at their church, and cooks meals for delivery on Saturdays. Several of our parishioners volunteer there.

4th Sunday at Gateway Gardens

This Sunday afternoon at 2:30pm is our 4th Sunday Worship at Gateway Gardens Living Facility located at 605 Gateway Central off of Hwy 281 South. Please join the worship team as we provide a short service, along with a music sing-along for the residents. It's a meaningful service and a way to share our ministry with those residents who are unable to attend services outside their facility.

Anyone interested in attending please contact: 

512-461-7066, or simply show up to worship.

Sunday Schedule

8:15am . . . Holy Eucharist Rite II .9

9:15am . . . A conversation with Rev. Dave

11:00am . . Worship in the Park


April 29 . . . Mike Hodge

Trinity T-Shirts are still available!

Grab your shirt & celebrate your Trinity pride! Men & Women's sizes. Pick them up on Sunday or during regular office hours. 

Bake Sale

To order, call 830-355-2143 Bessie

Sunday Adult Education  

9:15 - 10:15am in the Parish Hall Classroom

* April 28 - Conversation with Rev. Dave

Rev. Dave invites you to this time to ask any questions you may have about his retirement plans, the future of Trinity, and anything else. 

* May 5 - Education for Ministry (EfM)

Education for Ministry is a program of intellectual and spiritual growth. EfM has thrived at Trinity for some 30 years. Explore the possibilities of this program for your own life during this hour which will give you a flavor of what a class is like. Come & see!

Rev. Dave to Retire in June

Rev. Dave has been an exemplary & well-loved Priest, Pastor, Friend, & Leader of Trinity Church for 15 years. The time has arrived for Dave to retire from parish ministry to focus on his family and maybe even get in some fishing. We will send Rev. Dave off with plenty of love on his last Sunday, June 9 (details to follow). Let's use our remaining 6 weeks with Dave well: celebrate with him, share some of our sadness with him, and share our favorite memories & moments. Read Rev. Dave's Letter HERE 

Will you BEE my neighbor? 

When Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment in all of sacred scripture, he replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40

Did you know that one out of every three bites we take when we eat is made possible by pollinators? Without the butterflies, bees, and other critters, whose life vocation is centered around passing pollen between flowers, our diet would be quite bland and our food much less colorful!

Jesus’ response to the greatest commandment invites us to wonder ever more deeply about who is our neighbor.  In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, the neighbor is the one who shows mercy…the one who cares for another as if it is part of our DNA. Bishop Desmond Tutu, of South Africa, defined the neighboring word “ubuntu” as “I am, because we are.”  For him, neighboring is about living into God’s reality (the kingdom of God), where we are fully aware of how we are connected and dependent on each other…people…butterflies…bees…all creation.

Last year at our weekly pastor’s text study (10+ years running!), I asked your pastors, Rev. Dave and Rev. Claire if Trinity might consider me creating a bee yard on some of the extra land of the church. We walked and discussed where it might be, and talked about how bees would be a good neighbor to the Community Garden. As a pastor myself, my understanding of neighbor is every expanding, and in my own call to beekeeping, I think bees have a lot to teach us about what it means to be a neighbor.  I believe if we can practice neighboring with our closest neighbors (creation), we will grow in our compassion, skills, and courage in practicing neighboring as humanity.

My son Henry, and I, joined the Williamson County Beekeepers Association last November, and began our journey in neighboring with bees. My bee mentor is Randy Oakley of Oakley Apiaries in Waco, who has created a “Texas style” of beekeeping that fits our climate and the ways bee naturally want to live in tree hallows. The “Trinity Bee Yard” has three hives (fitting for Trinity!) that were installed on April 20th. Right now these new “nucleus” hives are growing from about 10,000 bees to 50,000, as the honey flow is…well…flowing. Every two weeks, Henry and I will be doing a hive inspection to make sure all is well, and care for the hives as needed.  Bees have been in decline in recent decades. In 1990, 10% of hives would fail. Today, due to a new mite, the number is about 30% - 50%. Honey bees are quite tame and can happily coexist alongside humans. Yet, I am planning on putting up a couple simple bee signs, so all know where the bees are. I also look forward to updating and sharing learning from the bee yard. Thank you for letting me practice neighboring in this way. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at Peace,

On Line Services

This coming Sunday, April 28, we will livestream the 11 AM Worship In the Park. Look for the livestream link in Saturday's email.

Visit Trinity's Website

Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Rev. David S. Sugeno, Rector  The Rev. Claire Field, Associate Rector

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