Dear Octet,

Blessings to you this Eastertide! The celebration of Christ's resurrection is now a few weeks behind us, but we continue to bask in the newness and glory of His gift to man and creation. Octet's name was inspired by the concept of the new creation on the eighth day and it informs all that we do at MIT. In these times of conflict, indignation, self-absorption, and busyness, it is hard to imagine the fulfillment of this promise and yet it is happening. Each day, His Kingdom is growing in ways we cannot fully grasp. May we delight in this reality while bearing His likeness with humility, patience, endurance, thankfulness, and peace!

Warmly in Christ,

Mia Chung-Yee

Executive Director

The Patience to Act

By: Nathan Barczi, Associate Director and Senior Theologian

An essay about how the virtue of patience equips us to endure suffering for the sake of responsible action.

Read the Essay

Diálogos: The Adolescent's Transition to Adulthood

On Monday, April 29th, the Octet Collaborative welcomed Nancy Hill, Charles Bigelow Professor of Education at Harvard and developmental psychologist, and Thea Keith-Lucas, MIT Chaplain to the Institute, for Octet's fourth and final intellectual hospitality event of the academic year.

Dozens of faculty, staff and students gathered to discuss the similarities between different generations entering adulthood.

Thank you for supporting the Octet Collaborative during MIT's 24-Hour Challenge on Pi Day! Octet raised a staggering $18,200, including the matching gift of $3,000, during the 24-hour fundraising period. We are overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for your investment in Octet's current and future initiatives. You make this work possible, and we thank God for your commitment to the MIT community.

Sabbath Midweek

There are four more Sabbath Midweek meetings of the spring semester! Each Wednesday, find the Octet Collaborative in W11 Main Dining Room for a time of lunch and prayer. The weekly event, open to MIT faculty, staff and students, is meant to provide space and time for rest, prayer and fellowship during the busy week. All are welcome! If you'd like to receive weekly reminders on Sabbath Midweek, text JOIN to 833-459-3187.

Listen Now

Richard Ibekwe on The Good Life Hawaii Radio Show

Richard Ibekwe was featured on The Good Life Hawaii Radio Show, hosted by MIT Chaplain Danny Yamashiro. Richard is a Nuclear Science and Engineering Ph.D. candidate at MIT working at the Plasma Science and Fusion Center. Listen to his conversation with Danny about his childhood and what led to the path he is on now.

Scholarly News

Rosalind Picard was featured on the Making Sense of Science podcast to discuss measuring your stress levels, fitness trackers and other wearables.

Martin Culpepper co-authored a paper in Advanced Intelligent Systems on using living muscle as an efficient and adaptive actuator in biohybrid machines.

Mingda Li co-authored an article in Nature Communications on radiation mapping using Tetris-inspired detector pixels.

John Marshall co-authored a study in the Journal of Climate on using a 2D energetic framework to explore zonal movement in the Indo-Pacific sector.

Danielle Wood co-authored a paper in Acta Astronautica titled, "Challenges and progress in applying space technology in support of the sustainable development goals."

Veritas Forum: Does AI Threaten Human Dignity?

Octet co-sponsored the Veritas Forum hosted by the MIT Graduate Christian Fellowship on April 4 with featured speakers Max Tegmark, MIT physics professor, and Rosalind Picard, MIT Media Lab professor, moderated by Fr. Philip Larrey, Boston College philosophy professor. The discussion explored what it means to be human in the age of AI through secular and Christian lenses. Octet Executive Director Mia Chung-Yee led a post-forum discussion with students and other attendees.

Watch the Video

Ministry News & Events

  • The MIT Baptist Student Fellowship will host its Question Night on Wednesday, May 1 at 5:30 pm in W11-080. Submit your question anonymously!
  • The MIT Tech Catholic Community is hosting a TI Talk with Professor Michael Wahl titled, "Imitating the Saints & Growing in Virtue" on Sunday, May 5 at 6:30 pm in W20-401.
  • The MIT Asian Christian Fellowship hosts its large group every Friday at 7:30 pm in Twenty Chimneys (Study 3).
  • MIT RUF hosts its Dinner & Discussion meeting every Tuesday at 6:30 pm in W11-080.
  • MIT Cru's large group gathering is on Tuesdays at 8 pm. Watch this short welcome video to MIT Class of 2028!
  • MIT's Graduate Christian Fellowship has two small groups available this spring: Thursdays at 1 pm in Building 46 or 7:30 pm in Central Square. Learn more at the link.

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