Weekly news & announcements
January 19, 2023
Thank you to those serving this weekend!
Sign up online to assist with worship. Sign up to host coffee hour.

Lector: Amy Sweeney
Intercessor: Volunteer needed - Sign up online
Ushers: Tedi Eaton + one more usher needed - Sign up online
Chalice Bearer Volunteer needed - Sign up online
Crucifer: Volunteer needed - Sign up online
Digital Verger: Jack Barrett
Coffee Hour: Barbara Hurley and Linnea Wren
Altar Guild: Barbara Brailey, Marcia Mather, and Betsy Amsbary
Sign up to help with worship here.
MANNA Needs Volunteers for February and March
MANNA/Monday Lunch moves forward to February and March. We need casserole-makers, Baked Goods, Bananas and Drivers. Please use SignUpGenius or contact Barbara Hurley or Joanna Starr. Thank you!

Click on the picture to enlarge it.
L to R: Ron Dennenberg, Nancy Stern and Amy Sweeney help driver Rich Gatto load food for MANNA to be delivered to cathedral on January 8.
We have about 30 college-age students and military men and women to whom we will send care packages for Valentine's Day.
It's a wonderful tradition at Christ Church, and we are happy to continue showing our grads and military that our church community is thinking about them.

We are looking for monetary donations and food donations. Donations are accepted THROUGH FEBRUARY 5.
  • This will help pay for postage.
  • Venmo: Kim-Rutherford-9 
  • Mail a check to: Kim Rutherford, 28 Lincoln St., Dedham, MA 02026
  • FOOD!!
  • Gum, mints, chips, popcorn, cookies, Valentine's candy or regular candy, small containers of pringles, fruit snacks, microwave popcorn, pretzels, etc.
  • Homemade baked goods: Please pack them individually (and label the ingredients for allergies).
  • We will need about 30 of each item to fill the boxes.

Donations can be dropped off at Church or we can make arrangements to meet
Let us know if you have any questions and THANKS!

Kim Rutherford 617-710-7153 / kimruth2222@gmail.com
Ginny Yerardi 617-285-4314 / gyerardi1@gmail.com
Youth Choir Interest Meeting: This Sunday, January 22
Dear Parents of Children 6 years through 6th Grade,

You're invited to a Youth Choir Interest Meeting this Sunday, January 22 at 11:30 am in the Memorial Room. Join me to discuss forming a Youth Choir here at Christ Church Needham and learn more about how being part of the Youth Choir can help children grow in faith, build community, and develop leadership skills.

During this meeting, we can also discuss the content of Youth Choir rehearsals, potential rehearsal times, and past experience forming youth choirs in other congregations.

I hope to see you there –
Minister of Music

Learn more about Mary HERE. And the Children's Choir Vision is HERE.
Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 5
Parish Elections: YOU ARE NEEDED!!
The Election Committee is seeking candidates for the 2023 Vestry elections. See position descriptions and submit your nominees on our ballot. If you are interested in serving or would like to know more please ask! Catch Ginny Yerardi at coffee hour or email her.
The Christ Church Annual Meeting is on Sunday, February 5 at 11:30am in Upper Parish Hall. There will only be one service at 10am that Sunday. Below is the warrant. Please click on the image to enlarge.
Amendment to our By Laws to be Presented at Annual Meeting

Our Vestry, with the consent of the Standing Committee of the Diocese, has approved and recommends to the Annual Meeting an amendment to our by-laws.

This change will reduce the size of our Vestry classes in keeping with the current size of the active membership, ease the recruiting of parishioners to serve om Vestry members, and simplify the election process.

The text and explanation of that amendment is here, with pertinent phrases highlighted in yellow. The Amendment will be voted on at Annual Meeting. Vestry Member Jim Black, who crafted the amendment, will be on hand this Sunday, January 22 after 10am worship to answer questions.
Our Own Film Series on Race - February 12 1pm-3:30pm
If you are curious about race and why it’s getting so much attention these days, please attend the first event sponsored by our own Racial Justice Initiative.

We will watch the film American Creed, a PBS documentary hosted by Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David M. Kennedy. Through interviews and discussion with a range of Americans, they try to answer the basic questions: what does it mean to be American, and what holds us together in turbulent times?

Following the film, we will have a discussion to explore reactions and meaning for us individually and collectively as a church community. Popcorn and beverages will be served.

Please mark your calendars! Sunday, February 12, 1:00 to 3:30 PM, Upper Parish Hall. Email us for more information: bobknr@gmail.com.
Anyone who would like to explore the choir is invited to come to a rehearsal. This means rising 7th graders, people who sing in the shower, people who used to sing, and people who want to learn to sing. Everyone is welcome. The Choir is not an exclusive club. Singing is for everyone, and Mary will teach you to match pitch and read music. We will have four section leaders that you can rely upon, and we can also start at different levels. Start by singing hymns with us, and once you are comfortable, we will add you in on the Anthems. You can also start by making a small commitment by liturgical season. Sing for Epiphany, or Lent or Easter, or join us for an Evensong. Rehearsals are on Thursdays 7:30pm-9pm. Email Mary if you would like to join.
Staff Directory
View our updated staff directory with contact information online here.
Music Events at CCN this Winter
Singers, choral conductors, keyboard players and observers welcome! All are welcome! This should be a fun way to gather, chase away the winter blues and learn some new things or refresh your skills. 

Please feel free to share this information. We have a large Sanctuary for lots of participants, and plenty of parking. 

Friday, February 3 at 3pm
Coffee and Greeting; followed by Workshop featuring Marian Antiphons, useful Canticles and Responses, Tudor Anthems; then we will have supper. At 7:30pm, we will Sing Compline using what we learned in the workshop for a congregation in the Main Sanctuary. 

RSVP by January 30 to maryjodice1@gmail.com 

A $20 offering will be taken for supper. 

More information about Nicholas.
Perhaps the English language’s most famous diarist, Samuel Pepys was a prosperous civil servant and bon vivant in Restoration London. The diaries he kept from 1660-1668 provide a fascinating glimpse of life during the reign of the “merry monarch” Charles II. An enthusiastic amateur musician who sang and the lute, viola da gamba, and flageolet, Pepys chronicled his experiences making music with the best (and the worst) musicians in town. STS brings this bustling, bewigged, and bawdy London to life with readings from Pepys’ diaries along with music by his many friends including Blagrave, Young, Locke, and others.

Corey Dalton Hart, tenor, recorder
Karen Burciaga, violin, guitar, voice
Daniel Meyers, recorders, flute, bagpipes, voice
David H. Miller, bass viol, voice
Matthew Wright, archlute, voice
with Alastair Thompson as Samuel Pepys
Sunday, February 26 at 4pm
The Chapel at Christ Episcopal Church
1132 Highland Ave. Needham, MA
$20 general seating. Masks required.
Your immediate support will help Episcopal Relief & Development and other Anglican partners provide humanitarian assistance to people fleeing the violence in Ukraine. Donate here today.
If you or someone in your family is in the hospital or in need of pastoral care, please call the church office so that our clergy or the Pastoral Response Ministry team may be notified and tend to the need.
The office number is (781) 444-1469, and you can reach Nick at ext. 113.