Christmas 2022

Weekly eNews

Join us and invite a friend or neighbor to celebrate Christmas at St. Michael's. It will be a memorable celebration with our energetic family service, singing of "Silent Night" with the lights dimmed, a brass quartet, and parishioners playing instruments and lifting their voices as we worship together! We look forward to seeing you in-person or online.

4:00 PM Family Service & Nursery

7:00 PM Traditional Service, Brass, & Livestreamed

11:00 PM Midnight Service, Choir, Incense, Brass & Livestreamed

Pre-service music begins at 3:45, 6:30 & 10:30 PM.

Nursery is available from 3:30 - 5:30 PM.

To watch the 7:00 or 11:00 PM online visit our website for viewing links.

Christmas Eve Worship Volunteers Needed : Click Here to help

We are ready! Are you?

The park lot has been plowed, sidewalks shoveled, the bulletins are printed, the musicians have been practicing, and the church is beautifully decorated! St. Michael's is officially ready to celebrate Christmas with you. As you prepare to celebrate the Christ-child coming into the world - we invite you to be still, pray, and make space for the most important part of Christmas.

Spreading Christmas Generosity

Your generosity has allowed us to respond to the increasing needs in our community beyond our walls. As we prepare to celebrate God's generosity in our lives through the gift of a Savior, below are a few ways St. Michael's has been spreading Christmas Generosity in December.

Christmas Extravaganza

After the Marshall Fire St. Michael's distributed nearly $20,000 immediately after the fire in February. The remaining $8,600 was delivered by Rev. Angela to 'A Precious Child' which funded the, "Christmas Extravaganza" that provided Christmas trees, gifts, and essentials to over 700 victims who are still rebuilding their lives a year after the fire. Thank you St. Michael's!

Light Festival Food & Toy Donations!

Over 3,100 guests enjoy the lights at St. Mike's this year and they donated thousands of canned goods and hundreds of toys! The response was overwhelming and have already been delivered. The food was distributed to Mercy's Gate, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, and D20 Schools Family Resource Center. The toys (including 3 bicycles) were donated to Partners in Housing. Thank you St. Michael's!

Sweet Treats for Inmates & Prison Staff

St. Michael's active Kairos prison ministry donated over 100 boxes (or 15,000) Oreos to the inmates and staff at Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility in Canon City. Thank you Deacon Gary for delivering these sweet treats. Thank you St. Michael's!

College Care Packages

Owen along with our our middle & high schoolers stuffed 21 care packages for our College Students ahead of semester finals in December. Inside were fuzzy socks, snacks, notes of encouragement and several other items. Thank you St. Michael's!

Laundry Love's 2022 Impaty

In 2022 St. Michael's helped our neighbors in West Colorado Springs wash 6,254 loads of laundry and we served 2,309 guests. $13,688 in quarters went into the washers and dryers because of your generosity and our partnership grants. Thank you St. Michael's.

Church Office Holiday Schedule

The church offices will be closed on Monday-December 26, Tuesday-December 27, and Monday-January 2. Regular church offices hours are Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. For pastoral emergencies please contact a member of our clergy or call 719-598-3244 and select the option to speak to an on-call clergy member.

End of Year Giving


To make an end of year gift please submit all check contributions on/before December 29. Online contributions can be made through December 31 and envelopes postmarked by 12/31 with the check memo "2022 Contribution" will be applied to your 2022 giving statement. If you have a question about your pledge balance or giving history, please contact the Finance Manager, Jan McLaughlin at or by calling the church office 719-598-3244 x 105. Every gift is important and appreciated.

Christmas Day

Sunday, December 25

10:00 AM Holy Eucharist & Livestreaming

New Year's Day

Sunday, January 1, 2023

10:00 AM Lessons & Carols, Nursery, & Livestreaming

Last minute gifts!

Purchase a St. Michael's water bottle ($15), mug ($15), journal ($10), or sticker ($1) for that someone special in your life. St. Michael's merchandise can be purchased on Sundays or normal business hours in the hallway leading to the church offices. Simply place payment in an envelop and drop in the secure lock box. Questions? Contact Rev. Angela or Diane in the church office.

Light for the Journey Begins January 12

6:30 - 8:00 PM

You are invited to a new small group experience brought to you by "The Well" at St. Michael's. Light for the Journey is a discussion group for those still drawn to Jesus but struggling in the cultural currents defining Christianity, for those in the process of deconstruction and reconstruction and for all who feel alone in the darkness while navigating an evolving faith. Connect with other fellow wanderers and seek out the Light along the journey and within ourselves. This six-week class will meet on Thursdays from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Questions? Email

Free Covid Tests

It was announced on December 15 that households are able to request 4 additional at-home Covid tests to be delivered to your home for free. CLICK HERE to place your request for free tests.

This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, December 23

9:00 AM - Celtic Group in Chapel

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, December 24 - Christmas Eve

3:30 PM - Cherub Choir Rehearsal

4:00 PM - Family Christmas Eve Service

7:00 PM - Traditional Christmas Eve Service

11:00 PM - Midnight Christmas Eve Service

Sunday, December 25 - Christmas Day

10:00 AM - Holy Eucharist: In-person & Online

Monday, December 26 - Office Closed

9:00 AM - Laundry Love

Tuesday, December 27 - Office Closed

8:00 AM - Virtual Men's Fellowship

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, December 28

2:30 PM - Virtual Contemplative Prayer

Thursday, December 29 - Last Day of 2022 Giving

6:00 PM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, December 30

9:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group in Chapel

1:00 PM - Friday Women's Book Group

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, December 31

New Year's Eve


Birthdays This Week:

December 25 - Perry Keller

December 26 - Daniel Tucker

December 27 - Deacon Gary Darress

December 29 - Emily Cabrera

December 29 - John Partrick

December 30 - Gus Combs

December 30 - Christopher Graves

December 30 - Barbara Pinckney

December 31 - Bryan Call

December 31 - Chris Couch

December 31 - Bridget Hause

December 31 - Debbie Swanson

December 31 - Terry Thatcher

Anniversaries This Week:

December 26 - Bonnie & David Paffett

December 27 - Diane & Jim Anderson

December 29 - Jennifer & Rich Carpenter

December 29 - Kristal & Rex Harrison

December 30 - Jessica & Neil Pettigrew

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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