A Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, January 6, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,


I pray you have had a good start to the new year, and have been intentional to recognize the presence of God each day. Over the years, I have come to realize the more I stand in a place of gratitude, the more I experience God. I encourage you to start each day with a spirit of gratitude, and see how you will experience God.


The new year has begun, but we know the days are going quickly. We are almost at the close of the first week of 2023. All we have done in the past year we have committed to God, and we trust that the Lord will bless the work of our hands and minds, according to his will.


We have an open slate to start new and great things, while building on some of the wonderful work we have already done.


Last year we focused on discipleship, and that will be our overarching theme in all we do and practice. We are, and will always strive to be disciples of Jesus Christ, growing in our walk with him each day. There are three other emphases the Lord has brought to my heart as I was praying for Saint Mark a few weeks ago. They are Evangelism, Generosity, and Outreach. These are all inherent practices of discipleship, and means by which we live faithfully to Christ. Through evangelism, generosity, and outreach we bear witness to the love of God and share the good news of God’s love with others. With discipleship, these will be the four pillars of the ministry of our church. All we do throughout this year and going forward will flow from each of these. I am convicted that we will thrive when we live by these.


This Sunday, Rev. Jess Cusick will be preaching on the visit of the three Kings to the Christ Child. We will also have the opportunity to remember our baptism. I look forward to seeing each of you in worship. Let me remind you that the chapel is closed for repair, so the 9am service will be held in the sanctuary.


God’s blessings and peace,

Pastor Carolyn. 

Saint Mark United Methodist Church

Rev. Carolyn Stephens, Senior Pastor

781 Peachtree St NE

Atlanta GA 30308-1205



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