December 2022

The STATUS Newsletter is published every month after the STA Board meeting to inform the public and our stakeholders of what’s happening with transportation in Solano County. 

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  • STA Board Meeting in Suisun and via Zoom on 1/11/23 at 6pm
  • Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) in Suisun and via Zoom on 1/12/23 at 6pm
  • Paratransit Coordinating Council (PCC) via Zoom on 1/19/23 at 1pm
  • Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (CTSA) Advisory Committee via Zoom on 1/26/23 at 9:30am
  • Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC) in Suisun and via Zoom on 2/2/23 at 6pm


  • Tribute to Mayor Harry Price
  • STA Board Members & former Board Members pay tribute to outgoing Board Members Mayor Harry Price and Supervisor Jim Spering
  • Caltrans Update on the I-80 Comprehensive Multi-Modal Corridor Plan 
  • Regional Traffic Impact Fee (RTIF) Annual Report for FY2021-22
  • STA releases Draft Legislative Platform and Priorities for 2023 for Public Comment 
  • Solano Connected Mobility Implementation Plan - Initial Public Outreach Summary
  • STA Receives Accounting Award
  • Solano Mobility – Commuter and Employer Programs Update 
  • Openings Still Available for STA Advisory Committees
  • STA Staff Update

Tribute to Mayor Harry Price

The Solano Transportation Authority is saddened to learn of the passing of long time Board of Directors Member and two term Board Chair, Harry Price. Serving on the STA Board since 2005 and as Board Chair in 2011 and 2019, Fairfield Mayor Price advocated for increased mobility options for older adults, people with disabilities, veterans, and low-income residents. 

Mayor Price actively supported and participated in STA’s Safe Routes to School Program and could often be seen at “Walk to School Day” and “Walk or Wheel Wednesdays.” Most recently, Mayor Price successfully advocated at the federal and state levels to secure the necessary funding to begin construction on the I-80 Express Lanes Project be benefit commuters in the City of Fairfield and all of Solano County.

Our thoughts, prayers, condolences, and sincerest gratitude for his many years of service to the transportation community go out to the City of Fairfield and the family of Mayor Price.

STA Board Members & former Board Members pay tribute to outgoing Board Members Mayor Harry Price and Supervisor Jim Spering

During the December 14 STA Board meeting, the STA Board were joined by former Board Members, retired Vacaville Mayor Len Augustine and retired Vallejo Mayor Osby Davis, to present proclamations of appreciation to outgoing Board Members Mayor Harry Price and Supervisor Jim Spering.

Caltrans Update on the I-80 Comprehensive Multi-Modal Corridor Plan

Caltrans staff provided an update on the recently completed Caltrans District 3 (Sacramento region) and District 4 (Bay Area region) Comprehensive Multi-Modal Corridor Plan (CMCP) for the segment of the I-80 corridor covering all of Solano, Yolo, and part of Sacramento counties. The CMCP is a long-range comprehensive planning document created to develop a balanced, multi-modal transportation system that addresses community and environmental impacts. This plan provides the foundation and details for future projects and federal, state, and regional investments along this megaregional and national freight corridor.

For more information on the I-80 Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan, click here.

Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) Annual Report for FY2021-22


STA has completed the 9th annual Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) annual report for Fiscal Year 2021-22. Since the inception of the program, a total of $17.9 million has been collected with $3.7 million collected in FY 2021-22. At the December 14 Board Meeting, the STA Board approved STA entering RTIF funding agreements for a total of $5.1 million for the following projects:

Working Group 1

  1. Canon Road Overcrossing Near-Term Improvements ($385K) (Fairfield)

Working Group 2

  1. West Texas Complete Street ($645K) (Fairfield)
  2. Railroad Avenue Extension ($200K) (Suisun City)

Working Group 4

  1. Rockville Road Crossing Improvements ($175K) (Fairfield/Solano County)
  2. West Texas Complete Street ($550K) (Fairfield)

Working Group 5

  1. Parkway Boulevard Overcrossing Project ($1.9M) (Dixon)

Working Group 7

  1. Benicia Road Improvements Phase 1 ($200K) (Solano County)
  2. County Roads Safety Projects ($175K) (Solano County)
  3. McCormack Road Improvements Phase 2 ($100K) (Solano County)
  4. Rockville Road Crossing Improvements ($175K) (Solano County/Fairfield)

For additional information about the RTIF program, please click here.

STA releases Draft Legislative Platform and Priorities for 2023 for Public Comment

The STA Board has released the 2023 DRAFT Legislative Platform and Priorities for 30-day public review and comment. STA’s main priorities in 2023 include advancing projects such as I-80 Express Lanes in Dixon and Vallejo, the I-80 Westbound Truck Scales Project, SR 37 Fairgrounds Interchange, completing Jepson Parkway, and rail crossing projects located in Dixon and Fairfield.

Written comments may be submitted prior to the STA Board meeting on January 11, 2023. To view STA’s Draft 2023 Legislative Platform and Priorities, please click here.

Solano Connected Mobility Implementation Plan - Initial Public Outreach Summary

STA’s consultant presented a summary of the initial public outreach for the Solano Connected Mobility Implementation Plan. This plan will provide a comprehensive assessment of the Solano Express transit system. The Public Outreach plan is designed to seek meaningful input in an equitable, inclusive and transparent manner, and reporting to stakeholders and the community how their input is helping to inform the key elements of the plan. 

This plan is partially funded by regional funding provided to STA by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) that includes addressing the 27 recommendations developed by MTC’s Blue Ribbon Transit Recovery Task Force and is being developed in coordination with Solano County transit operators. 

Additional public outreach events will be scheduled in Spring of 2023 with STA Board adoption scheduled for Summer of 2023.

STA Receives Accounting Award 


In November, the accounting work of STA’s finance staff of Susan Furtado and Brenda McNichols received recognition from the Government Officers Finance Association (GFOA) for their accounting work for FY 2020-21 for STA’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR). This is the sixth time STA Finance staff has been recognized for the award by the GFOA.

At the December 14 STA Board meeting, staff presented the annual audit for the CAFR for FY2021-22 to the STA Board. The STA audit received an unqualified “clean” audit from our independent auditors. With this audit, STA has now received seventeen consecutive fiscal years of no reportable deficiencies and will be submitting the CAFR to GFOA for their consideration. 

Solano Mobility – Commuter and Employer Programs Update 

STA’s array of Solano Mobility Programs focus on providing convenient and accessible mobility options for older adults, persons with disabilities, veterans, students, and commuters. All of Solano Mobility's seven commuter programs are increasing in participation and usage, focusing on assisting Solano residents and workers get to and from their places of employment: the First/Last Mile Program, Ride Amigos incentives, the Guaranteed Ride Home Program, the 2 for 1 Incentive (Clipper), Amtrak+Lyft, Bucks for Bikes, and the Vanpool Program.

Twenty new vanpools have recently taken advantage of this program in the first quarter of FY 2022-23 traveling from Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Vacaville, and Vallejo to Richmond, San Francisco, St. Helena, and Treasure Island. Currently, there are 123 total vanpools travelling to and from Solano County. The First/Last Mile program has had 210 new commuters enrolled in the first quarter, with a total of 863 enrolled in the program’s start. A total of 164 participants have signed up for the Guaranteed Ride program between August and November of 2022.

Openings Still Available for STA Advisory Committees


STA is asking for your help to build a more bicycle and pedestrian-friendly Solano County. The STA currently has open positions on our Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC). The BAC and PAC advise the STA on the development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities as an active mode of transportation in Solano County. Committee members also help STA develop countywide transportation plans and projects and provide funding recommendations for active transportation projects.

We are looking for the following representatives:

Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC)

  • City of Fairfield 
  • City of Suisun City
  • Member-At-Large

Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC)

  • City of Vacaville
  • City of Rio Vista
  • Member-at-Large
  • Member-at-Large (Solano Community College)

For more information on the BAC Open Positions, click here, and click here for more information on the PAC Open Positions

STA Staff Update

Regina Benson was promoted from part-time Customer Service Representative to Customer Service Representative II. Her new position start date was December 1, 2022, and she will be assisting with Travel training and PEX cards. Regina will continue to be supervised by Erika Dohina, Program Services Supervisor. 

2022 STA Board Members
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