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How amazed would you be if we told you that a simple daily dietary intervention is capable of regressing or reversing the underlying disease process in millions of fatal heart conditions?

We are excited to share with you the results of a study on Pomegranate juice and the resolution of atherosclerosis, and by implication could profoundly reduce deaths linked to cardiovascular mortality.

Published in Clinical Nutrition in 2004 and titled: ā€œPomegranate juice consumption for 3 years by patients with carotid artery stenosis reduces common carotid intima-media thickness, blood pressure and LDL oxidation,ā€ Israeli researchers discovered 8.11 ounces (240ml) pomegranate, administered in juice form over the course of a year, reversed plaque accumulation in the carotid arteries of patients with severe, though symptomless, carotid artery stenosis (defined as 70 to 90 percent blockage in the internal carotid arteries).

In a world where we preemptively medicate millions with drugs that only reduce surrogate markers for cardiovascular disease, how could something as simple and powerful as pomegranate be overlooked?

It's time we all get our 'juice-on' and begin drinking 8 ounces of unsweetened pomegranate juice per day and spreading the word to our loved ones (as easy as sharing this newsletter:) that pomegranate juice has been clinically proven to reverse plaque buildup in the carotid arteries by 13 percent in just three months!
Pucker up and read on for more juicy details...

From our heart to yours,
Veronica Sanchez RN, BSN, LAc and the staff at IMW
"The heart holds many emotions that can build up over time."

Dr Heidi Fennell-NET practitioner
January Special Offer

Decrease stress and its effect on your heart from the comfort of your home with
One-on-One virtual NET w/Dr Heidi

NET=NeuroEmotional Technique
$130 value for only $59
ļ»æ*valid 1 discount per pt
*valid for new virtual pts only
* offer expires Jan 31st
3 Ways Pomegranate Heals the Cardiovascular System

The researchers identified three likely mechanisms of action behind pomegranateā€™s observed anti-atherosclerotic activity:

1.Antioxidant Properties
Subjects receiving pomegranate saw significant reductions in oxidative stress, including decreases in autoantibodies formed against ox-LDL, a form of oxidized low-density lipoprotein associated with the pathological process of atherosclerosis.
Decreases in oxidative stress were measurable by an increase in the blood serum enzyme paraoxonase 1 (PON1) of up to 91 percent after three years; PON1 is an enzyme whose heightened activity is associated with lower oxidative stress.
All of this is highly relevant to the question of pomegranateā€™s anti-atherosclerotic activity because of something called the lipid peroxidation hypothesis of atherosclerosis, which assumes that itā€™s the quality of the blood lipids (i.e., whether they are oxidized/damaged or not), and not their quantity alone that determine their cardiotoxicity/atherogenicity.
Essentially, pomegranate prevents the heart-disease-promoting effects of oxidative stress.

2.Blood Pressure Lowering Properties
The intervention resulted in significant improvement in blood pressure: the patientā€™s systolic blood pressure was reduced by 7 percent, 11 percent, 10 percent, 10 percent, and 12 percent after 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of pomegranate consumption, respectively, compared to values obtained before treatment.
Pomegranateā€™s ability to reduce systolic blood pressure indicates it has a healing effect on the endothelium, or the inner lining of the artery which fails to relax fully in heart disease; a condition known as endothelial dysfunction.
"Essentially, these results reveal that not only does pomegranate reduce the lesion size in the carotid arteries, but ā€œthe lesion itself may be considered less atherogenic after PJ consumptionā€. . ."
3.Plaque Lesion Stabilization
Because two of the 10 patients on pomegranate juice (after three and 12 months) experienced clinical deterioration, carotid surgery was performed and the lesions were analyzed to determine the difference in their composition to those who didnā€™t receive pomegranate. The researchers noticed distinct positive differences in the composition of the pomegranate-treated lesions:
1. Reduced Cholesterol Content: ā€œThe cholesterol content in carotid lesions from the two patients that consumed pomegranate juice (PJ) was lower by 58 percent and 20 percent, respectively, in comparison to lesions obtained from CAS patients that did not consume PJ.ā€
2. Reduced Lipid Peroxides: ā€œThe lipid peroxides content in lesions obtained from the patients after PJ consumption for 3 or 12 months was significantly reduced by 61 percent or 44 percent, respectively, as compared to lesions from patients that did not consume PJ.

This finding is quite revolutionary, as presently, the dangers of carotid artery stenosis are understood primarily through the lesion size and not by assessing the quality of that lesion.
This dovetails with the concept that the sheer quantity of lipoproteins (i.e. ā€œcholesterolā€) in the blood can not accurately reveal whether those lipoproteins are actually harmful.

Finally, it should be pointed out that all the patients in this study were undergoing conventional, drug-based care for cardiovascular disease, e.g. cholesterol- and blood pressure-lowering agents. Not only did the pomegranate treatment not appear to interfere with their drugs, making it a suitable complementary/adjunct therapy for those on pharmaceuticals, but it should be pointed out that the control groupā€™s condition got progressively worse.

Read full PubMed study hereļ»æ
NeuroEmotional Technique (N.E.T.)
We now know that accumulated stress and emotional pain can have widespread implications on the physical body. People used to think stress resides only in the mind. Now, we know stress can be locked in the body leading to heart issues, diabetes, low back pain, nausea, headaches and more.

Virtual NET is a simple technique that allows patients to feel at ease in the comfort of their own space while addressing sensitive emotional topics. Dr Heidi has been working with patients virtually since 2020 and now has a full-time virtual practice creating profound emotional release for her patients.
A True InnerMovement.

Simple technique/Profound results
Acupuncture & Stress
Acupuncture is highly effective for many conditions, especially stress, anxiety and depression. Acupuncture doesn't hurt. When the hairlike needle is inserted a sensation similar to a mosquito bite is felt. Once the Acupuncture point is activated you feel a pleasant sensation as movement of energy in the meridian is activated. This movement results in shifting from sympathetic (fight/flight) to parasympathetic (relaxation) nervous system activation decreasing pain & downregulating stress physiology.
Massage & Stress
Customized, doctor prescribed, therapeutic Massage is an integral part of our Wellness approach. The power of healing touch by a compassionate practitioner is proven to be essential to health. Studies show without healing touch infants fail to thrive, the need for healing touch continues into adulthood. Our therapists have been named the 'best in town' by many of our clients. We offer Wellness, Deep tissue, Bamboo Fusion, Cold Stone Therapy, Myofascial and Prenatal Massage.

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With gratitude,
The InnerMovement Wellness Team