December 2022

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United Way of Charlotte County

Mission: Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty.

A Thrill of HOPE

A Simple Ask

Year-end opportunities to give back to Charlotte County.

Dec. 20 marks my five-year anniversary as the Director of this amazing United Way of Charlotte County (UWCC). Having spent the three years prior as the Development Director, I reflect now on what this journey has meant to me.

UWCC has served and will continue to serve Charlotte County for many years, mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty – one block, one home, one person at a time. .

Click here to read the full column in the Charlotte Sun.

Pictured above: Angie Matthiessen and United Way Worldwide CEO Angela F. Williams, who recently joined UWCC's staff and board members for breakfast.

May your

Sighing turn to Singing

Sorrow to Joy

Weary to Hope

-this season and always-

Thank you for all you do to lift up this community we love.

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