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May 2024 Newsletter

Monthly Calendar

A Note from the Pastor

"The Spirit is not known as a lake or a reservoir, but as a flowing river. As a river flows on and does not stop, so the Spirit moves and flows through the life of the true Christian."

-The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

This year, I’m finally moving into the rhythms of Maine. I have always lived near a college where summers are lazy, church life slows to a crawl, and stores and restaurants are quiet. Here in Midcoast Maine, when the water is turned on for all the cottages, the busy season is just starting. Restaurants are re-opening, traffic is picking up (along with road construction), and we are getting ready to welcome our summer members and a revolving door of visitors to our homes. (Almost no one visits us from November to May!). My whole life has been busy from September through May, and I was more relaxed between June and August. 

I felt upside down the last two summers trying to accommodate Maine life to my lifelong natural patterns. My brain neuropathways have been reorganizing to move with the seasonal flow. "As I adapt to my new surroundings, I find myself learning from the natural world. The shift from academia's rigid seasons to the more fluid rhythms of tides and winds reminds me of how the Spirit moves through our lives. Navigating life in Midcoast Maine requires a new approach. I never needed a tidal app before, but now it's a daily essential. I could ride my bike on any fair-weather day, but kayaking needs planning—knowing the tidal highs and lows to make it home."

New geography makes us see life in new ways. Desert mystics find stark simplicity. Mountain contemplatives experience expansive grandeur. On the fruitful plains, God's abundant generosity blossoms in prayer. Now that I live on a tidal river near the ocean, I pay more attention to the ebb and flow of life. The waters move in different directions and rise and fall throughout the day. I can't do what I want on my schedule. I must read the great forces of the ocean and moon and go with the flow of the tidal rhythm. Imagining God as a great tidal river flowing through the world changes my perspective from a static deity removed in heaven to a dynamic God flowing through our lives. This God must be experienced by moving into the flow and traveling with the currents. As the Apostle Paul said, "In God we live and move and have our being." (Acts 17:28)

This month, the flow of the liturgical season shifts from Christ to Spirit. We move out of Lent and Easter as the season of Christ acting in the world, to Pentecost and the Holy Spirit working in the lives of disciples to bring love and justice alive in the world. We won't have any significant religious holidays till Advent in December. 

The quote by A. W. Tozer about the Spirit as a flowing river resonates with my experience in Maine. Just as rivers flow and shift, so too does the Spirit move in our lives, guiding us in unexpected ways. Just as we ready ourselves for the seasonal inflow of double our population (maybe triple by July?), how are we paying attention to the shifts of the Spirit? Take a moment to reflect on where the Spirit is leading you. What steps can you take this week to align with the flow of God's guidance? What do you need to move with the flow? If this question perplexes you, email me, and let’s find time to talk about it. 

We'd love to see you at our Sunday services throughout the summer. Find more ways to get involved as you read this newsletter. This month, we will walk for Habitat for Humanity and have a church tour for anyone interested in learning more about our history and mission. Join us as we explore the flow of the Spirit and the joy of community. Together, we will navigate the great tides and flows of Spirit moving among us. 

Pastor Todd

May Worship Schedule

May 5 | Sixth Sunday of Easter | Holy Communion

"I Call You Friends"

John 15:9-17

May 12 | Seventh Sunday of Easter | Ascension Sunday

"Why Do You Stand Here Looking into the Sky?"

Acts 1:1-11

May 19 | Pentecost Sunday | Children's Sunday

Guest Minister the Rev. Virginia (Ginger) Rickeman

"A Red Letter Day"

Ezekiel 37:1-10 and Acts 2:1-8

May 26 | Trinity Sunday

"How Can This Be?"

John 3:1-12

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New Member Information Tour


Pastor Todd will lead a church tour on June 2nd following worship, focusing on our history, mission, and activities. Many of our values and experiences are embedded in our physical space. Come and learn about the church’s role in forming the town, famous pastors, and how our architecture reflects our beliefs and theology. Everyone is welcome, and Todd will answer questions along the way. If you are interested in joining the church or meeting Pastor Todd, email

News from the Faith Formation Committee

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News from the Faith Formation Committee

It is wonderful to see the church start to fill with people again after COVID and the winter doldrums. The water is back on, and summer people are returning. We have welcomed 17 new members to church since Todd arrived 2 1/2 years ago. How many of them do you know? Would you like to know more about some of our long-time members? Our mission statement calls us to “welcome everyone” to cultivate “faith, justice and joy. This summer, we will have the opportunity to welcome each other with joy. We hope to encourage a sense of community and build relationships through food.

In July and August, we will host several different get-togethers in small and large groups. The first will be an appetizer potluck on Sunday, July 14th. Everyone will bring their favorite finger food to share along with the recipe. We will share stories about the food (i.e., why we like it, where we first had it, etc.)

Then, we will have a series of small group meals in different members' homes throughout mid-July and mid-August. These will be on different dates and times, serving brunch, lunch, or dinner to 8-10 people. At each gathering, guests will be encouraged to share something about themselves. 

We need volunteer hosts for these gatherings. You can pick the date, time, and menu that is convenient for you between 7/15-8/19. When we have a list of dates and times, guests can specify the meal that fits their schedule. We also welcome co-hosts. If you would like to help but do not have room in your house to host a meal, we can pair you with another host. Please respond by May 15th if you would like to host a meal and specify the date and time you would like. Send your preferences and questions to

Let’s get to know each other and cultivate joy together. 

AP Exams

Advanced Placement Exams to be Hosted by the Church in May


The church will host BRHS students again this year for the Advanced Placement (AP) Exams during the first two weeks of May.


The building will need to be as quiet as possible during testing times. If you have church business on the days of testing, please do not enter the rooms where exams are taking place and try to be quiet as a church mouse.


The schedule for AP Exams is on the May calendar and listed below.


Monday, May 6

7:30 AM-2:00 PM in the Library


Wednesday, May 8

7:30 AM-2:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall


Thursday, May 9

7:30 AM-2:00 PM in the Library


Monday, May 13

7:30 AM-2:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall


Tuesday, May 14

7:30 AM-2:00 PM in the Chapel

Wednesday, May 15

7:30 AM-2:00 PM in the Library

Thursday, May 16

11:30 AM-3:00 PM PM in the Fellowship Hall




Sunday, May 5, 2024


1:00 PM


2:00 PM


Click HERE for Map of Route


The Grace Episcopal Church

1100 Washinton Street, Bath, ME 04530

The Congo Church is putting together a Team to walk in the 2024 Spring Walk to Build! If you would like to walk with our Team, follow the directions below. If you would like to donate to the Team, click HERE. If you have questions or need help signing up, please contact Liam Kent or Heather Bryer-Lorrain.


  1. Click HERE to register. 
  2. Click on “Register”. 
  3. Click on “Register A Walker”. 
  4. Click on “Add to Cart” from the top Individual Walker Registration box. 
  5. Click on “Checkout now”. 
  6. Select the name of the team that you’re joining from the drop-down menu. (Congo BBH)
  7. Enter your first and last names and email address. 
  8. Input a fundraising goal (if you have one). 
  9. Let us know your t-shirt size. 
  10. Optional: Personalize the link to the web address where supporters can access your page; we recommend using your name to make it easy for supporters to remember. 
  11. Click on “Save,” and the box will collapse. Click on “Next” to proceed. 
  12. Indicate if you would like to receive updates about the walk. 
  13. Enter your mailing address and your phone number, then click on “Next”. 
  14. Review your information and click “SUBMIT”.


FINAL DONATION DATE: Thursday, June 27, 2024 - All funds to be turned into Habitat offices by 5:00 PM.

SEND OFFLINE DONATIONS: Habitat for Humanity 7 Rivers Maine,11 Elsinore Ave, Bath, ME 04530

MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: HFH7RM. Please include the walker name or team name in the memo line.

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Sunday School News

It is hard to believe we are already wrapping up our Sunday School year! Here are some important dates to remember:


May 5

Tie-dying t-shirts for Children's Sunday


May 12

Finishing up Mother's Day crafts


May 19

Children's Sunday


May 26

Family Sunday


If you have any questions about what we have coming up in Sunday

School, please email Magen at 


Ms. Magen

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News from the Deacons

At our in-person meeting in April, our Treasurer, Jeff Long, presented on the church financials—highly informative!

We reviewed a job description for a Parish Nurse, which the Deacons approved. This was presented to the Church Council with a recommendation to approve. This was approved at the April meeting by the Council. Some highlights of the job description:

  • Serves under the supervision of the Pastor.
  • The individual must be a Registered Nurse (RN).
  • The primary role is to be an advocate, educator, case manager, a supporter that focuses on preventive, acute healthcare, and psychosocial needs of an individual and caregiver(s).
  • This individual does not provide “hands-on” care or transportation.
  • Is a referral source, facilitator.

Presently, the church funds liability insurance and some educational offerings but is unpaid for these services.


We continue to encourage anyone to sign up for the invocation/scripture reading on Sundays. This should be a short prayer and welcome. Our Pastor can provide an invocation and will share the scripture days before the Sunday.

Additionally, all are welcome to sign up to 1) provide flowers for Sunday service and 2) host Coffee Hour after church. This can be done online or by calling the church office at 633-4757. 

Thank you to all who presently have volunteered for any of the above!!

We welcome your comments and thoughts – please reach out to any of the Deacons.

Church Life & Education

Please email ( or call (207.633.4757) for the ZOOM links.

Adult Education

8:15 AM Sunday

Bible Study

NOON on Mondays

Book & Meditation

6:30 AM Tuesdays

Currently Reading: The Amen Effect by Sharon Brous

Wednesday Book Group

4:00 PM Wednesdays

Men's Breakfast

8:00 AM

First Thursday of the Month

Mama D's

Spouse Support Group

2:00 PM Wednesdays

Bells Rehearsal

2:00 PM Thursdays


Choir Rehearsal

4:30 PM Thursdays


Contact Us

Congregational Church

of Boothbay Harbor, UCC

125 Townsend Avenue

Boothbay Harbor ME 04538

(207) 633-4757

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