Volume 11, No. 4, April 25, 2024

Sharing news from mid-March to mid-April 2024

One Health Happenings

New to the One Health Conversation? Learn - What is One Health?

One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development. The One Health paradigm forges co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between animal, plant, environmental and human health arenas, i.e. chemical, engineering and social scientists, dentists, nurses, agricultural/horticulturalists and food producers, wildlife and environmental health specialists and many other related disciplines that fall under its purview. The reader can review a compilation of organizations that are actively working to advance the One Health paradigm shift and many additional  organizations and individuals that declare support for the concept.

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One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared by the

One Health Commission (OHC)    

A U.S. based non-profit organization working globally to 'connect' One Health Stakeholders, to 'create' teams and networks that work together across disciplines to 'educate' about One Health and One Health issues.

View archived issues:

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listserv of over 19,000 global One Health supporters.

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Submit it (100 words or less) here.

Contact the One Health Happenings Team

See other Resources provided by the One Health Commission


Quote of the Month

Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.

James Baldwin


WHO Member States agree to resume negotiations aimed at finalizing the world’s first pandemic agreement

Updates on the WHO Pandemic Treaty (Pandemic Accord)


  • March 28, 2024 WHO Press Release     
  • March 13, 2024 DRAFT Text (pdf)
  • 2-page brochure about the treaty and the INB negotiations process. After nine rounds of negotiations, in late May, the final draft heads to the World Health Assembly, the annual gathering of WHO member states, for approval. On March 28 WHO Member States agreed to resume INB9 negotiations during 29 April to 10 May. The decision came at the end of two weeks (March 18-28, 2024) of intensive country-led discussions on critical subjects aimed at making all countries of the world better prepared for, and able to effectively and equitably respond to, future pandemics.
  • Toolkits of information about the Accord, What it can do, What it IS and Is NOT

See also - Numerous Discussion in the Blogs/Opinions Section Below


Relevant for Today’s discussions -

2019 Salzburg Global Seminar:

Finding Outbreaks Faster: 

Metrics for One Health Surveillance 

Based on the success of their 2007 inaugural program, Ending Pandemics and Salzburg Global Seminar hosted a 2019 program that expanded the focus to animal as well as human health and developed timeliness metrics for zoonotic surveillance. Fellows produced this Salzburg Statement on Metrics for One Health Surveillance.;

See also: Developing One Health surveillance systems, Hayman DTS, Adisasmito WB, Almuhairi S, Barton Behravesh C, Bilivogui P et. al., (One Health High Level Expert Panel), One Health, Volume 17, 2023,


The Quadripartite announces proposed members of its Term II One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP)

19 March 2024

The OHHLEP is the scientific and strategic advisory group to the Quadripartite organizations - the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) – in their collaboration on One Health. Twenty-six international experts from 24 countries were appointed in May 2021 to serve. The Panel brings together experts who have a range of technical knowledge, skills and experience relevant to One Health from a wide geographic range. Since its launch the OHHLEP has provided critical advice to the Quadripartite in its first term, which concluded on 31st December 2023, and has produced many impactful deliverables.  Following launch of the One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA ) and its implementation guide the Quadripartite collaboration has prioritized support to countries in its roll out.  In this regard, the Terms of Reference for OHHLEP have been revised and in October 2023 a Call for Experts was issued for Term II. After careful consideration of all applications submitted to the Quadripartite, 30 proposed OHHLEP members, some previous and some new, having expertise in a range of areas, have been announced.  See overview of Term I and Term II.


Released April 4, 2024

Global Leaders Group (GLG) Report calling for

UN Member States to take action on AMR

Towards Specific Commitments and Action in the Response to Antimicrobial Resistance

Amid the escalating impact of antimicrobial resistance, the GLG calls on UN Member States to take bold and specific action (

Key recommendations include: 

  • Request the Secretary-General, in close collaboration with the Quadripartite and other relevant stakeholders, to convene an Independent Panel on Evidence for Action against Antimicrobial Resistance by 2025, in a One Health context to monitor and provide Member States with regular reports on the science and evidence related to antimicrobial resistance, its impacts and future risks, and to recommend options for adaptation and mitigation.
  • The Quadripartite organizations should urgently update the 2015 Global Action Plan on AMR to ensure a robust, multisectoral One Health response and drive greater impact against AMR.
  • All countries should establish a national core multisectoral coordinating body for AMR with appropriate human and financial resources and mandate to engage relevant ministries with accountability, monitoring and reporting mechanisms.
  •  Member States should formalize the standing Quadripartite Joint Secretariat on AMR as a key coordinating mechanism of the global One Health response to AMR drawing on the mandates and roles of the Quadripartite and other relevant organizations in each sector.


See the Concept Note for the

UN Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Antimicrobial Resistance 

To be held May 15, 2024 at UN Headquarters, New York, New York, USA

“AMR remains a significant health and developmental challenge, being listed as one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity. It contributes to 5 million deaths per year, 1 million of which are among children under five years of age……..In the 2016 political declaration, Member States committed to develop multisectoral national action plans, in line with a One Health approach…..Considering the severity and urgency of AMR, and subsequent to the General Assembly resolutions 76/257, as well as 78/269, a second high-level meeting on AMR will be convened by the President of the General Assembly at UN Headquarters in New York on 26 September 2024 during the high-level week of the seventy-ninth session of the Assembly.”


North Carolina State University

Global One Health Academy launching Undergraduate Global One Health Minor,

Summer 2024

A 15-credit program exploring the interconnections between human, animal, plant, and environmental health. Students employ interdisciplinary perspectives and systems thinking to key Global One Health issues including emerging infectious diseases, challenges to sustainable food and water sources, and climate change and related health disparities. Students will gain critical skills and experience to address complex global challenges.


July 8-26, 2024 One Health Course Launching in Brazil - International Students Welcome

Tropical and Neglected Infectious Diseases:

An Integrated One Health Approach to Public Health

Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Multi-professional course launched by the Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health. This Inter disciplinary course will discuss the major waterborne diseases in Brazil and their implications for Public Health as well as wastewater genomics surveillance strategies, transmission of arboviruses and neglected diseases such as chagas disease, malaria, leishmaniasis, HTLV-1, Hansen’s disease, and Tuberculosis. How these neglected diseases affect the state of Bahia will be explored, with a focus on their environment, population and territories aspects. Includes some site visits. Course Coordinators: Dr. Geraldo José Argôlo and Msc. Viviane de Matos Ferreira. Contact for registration guidelines and fees.


New Documentary Film about Public Health

The Invisible Shield

Released March 26, 2024, Streaming on PBS

“Public Health is like the foundation of your house……and our’s is cracked!” The Invisible Shield examines how public health makes modern life possible, but it is underfunded, undervalued and misunderstood putting our health at risk. Streaming on and the PBS App.

See Press Release

View the Discussion Guide


New Books!

The Outbreak Atlas 

By: Rebecca Katz and Mackenzie Moore

This book uses plain language and case studies from across the globe to clarify and demystify outbreak preparedness, response, and recovery for “armchair epidemiologists” and public health professionals alike. Discusses how COVID was like the “Twilight Zone,” and the rewards of an effective outbreak response, whether it’s against a Campylobacter outbreak at a mountain biking race in Canada, or containing cases of Ebola.


Coming in October

One Health and the Politics of COVID-19

By Laura Kahn

In this timely book, leading public health expert Laura H. Kahn uses the comprehensive One Health approach to investigate the COVID-19 pandemic. The concept of "One Health" recognizes the interconnected links among the health of humans, animals, plants, and the environment. By comparing the history, science, and clinical presentations of three different coronaviruses—SARS-CoV-1, MERS, and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)—Kahn uncovers insights with important repercussions for how to prepare for and avoid future pandemics.


Call for Papers

Special One Health Issue in Scientific Reports

The One Health guiding principle can help facilitate cooperation between stakeholders across these different systems; however, challenges remain in putting this holistic principle into practice. This Collection welcomes original research on all aspects of One Health, with the aim of showcasing a broad range of perspectives that explore potential solutions and future directions in this area. Guest Editors include: Lauren E. Charles, Yinzi Jin, Balbir Bagicha Singh Dhaliwal, Michael Tong and Sandul Yasobant. Submissions open until 27 September 2024 (possibly flexible). If you are the corresponding author from a participating institution, you may be eligible to publish with the APC covered or discounted by a fully open access agreement. Learn more.


Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Health

Special Issue of new Journal - Academia Biology

The special issue aims to explore the intricate and intertwined relationships between the natural environment and human health. It encourages studies that explore the biological processes behind biodiversity changes, the influence of climate change, and the consequent effects on human health and disease dynamics. There are two ways to get involved:

  • As a contributing author
  • As a Guest Editor

 If you are interested in serving as a Guest Editor for this Special Issue, please express your interest here.


Did You Know About???

The Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics (APUA) shares 

‘Antibiotic cards’ for Human Health

These antibiotic cards have been primarily designed to assist human health prescribers in the selection of the most appropriate antibiotic, with optimal dosages, and to provide guidance to those who take care of patientsreceiving antibiotics. Produced by members of the APUA board and colleagues with no support from the pharmaceutical industry, the cards are available free of charge. They share a common design, with a special focus on their antimicrobial spectrum, main indications, dosing, and adverse events and have already been downloaded over 10,000 times from countries all around the world. It is hoped that these antibiotic cards will contribute to better [human health] use of antibiotics worldwide. Download the cards for free:

[Cards such as this have not been developed for animals as there are many different species (cows/buffalo, swine, poultry, goat, sheep, salmon, cats, dogs, horses, camelids) and many evolving diseases, making such an operation too unwieldy. For some 70 years has been widely consulted by veterinarians for guidance. Some larger veterinary organizations also provide recommendations on dosage and indications. Additionally, the database is useful. ]


Report from JPA Health

One World, One Health: Exploring the Connectability between Human, Animal and Environmental Health

November 1, 2023

This report by JPA Health, a public relations, marketing & advocacy agency, reveals a concerning lack of communication and collaboration among influential global stakeholders in human, animal, and environmental health. Salient points include:

  1. The One Health conversation is taking place in a bubble.
  2. Climate and conservation stakeholders are almost absent in One Health conversation and interactions. 
  3. Policymakers are disconnected from One Health.

The full report is available here.


The One Health Workforce Academies (OHWA)

OHWA is a collaborative educational and capacity building project of AFROHUN and SEAOHUN as part of the USAID One Health Workforce Next Generation Program. Anyone with a free OHWA account may access these training materials. Case studies, Facilitator Guides, and Tool Kits may be accessed without enrollment. Online Courses require enrollment. You may enroll at any time and there are no prerequisites for participation. Courses will be immediately accessible after enrollment.


One Health Microbiome Center at Penn State University

The One Health Microbiome Center at Pennsylvania State University cultivates and disseminates long-lasting microbiome applications and knowledge. We harmonize our expertise in agricultural, environmental, and biomedical microbiome sciences with an integrative One Health vision. With a collaborative spirit, we welcome you visit our website and contact us to learn more.

Blogs / Commentaries / Editorials / Opinions / Popular Media

Re-Treating Pandemic

April 17, 2024

Authors: Pannenborg O, Seifman R

In: Journal of Global and Public One Health

The current final stage negotiations for a new pandemic treaty are moving towards a dead-end situation. Concerns of national sovereignty are dominating today’s pandemic negotiations. In this situation there are two lower-level approaches and a third option:

  1. Build on and expand the technical pandemic systems,
  2. Regionalize pandemic alert and control systems
  3. Establish a tri-partite pandemic agency

The authors propose a regionalization of the pandemic treaty structure. JGPOH 2024. Posted: 17/04/2024,

DOI: 10.61034/JGPOH-2024-10


How to avoid human-made pandemics

April 10, 2024

Author: Filippa Lentzos, Jens H. Kuhn 

In: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

….Most viral disease outbreaks stretching back over millennia have been caused by viruses transmitted to humans through direct or indirect contact with other animals. Our increasing encroachment on the natural environment and climate-driven changes in ecosystems are likely creating more opportunities (or even pressure) for potential pandemic viruses to spill over into novel animal hosts, including humans, now than in the past……In 2022, the task force was convened by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists to analyze the trends and oversight of high-risk research on pathogens. The goal was to identify ways and means for research with pandemic risk to be managed as safely, securely, and responsibly as possible.


On the Verge of a Possible Avian Flu Pandemic

April 5, 2024

Author: Richard Seifman  In: IMPAKTER

Another “zoonotic” crossover with human illness and fatality? …Self-interest must have us better prioritize the interconnectedness of human, animal, plant, and environmental well-being. Much work has already been done, both in developing the evidence base and in identifying the approach to move forward…..Quadripartite Plan of Action plus the considerations in the last Pandemic Agreement draft document that is available to us — including an explicit article on One Health — suggests heightened recognition and attention by countries, regions, international organizations, scientists, civil society, the private sector, and communities to look beyond explicit human medical challenges and underlying root causes…. This may be wishful thinking, but we will know more in the next few months if such apparent awareness is translated into concrete commitment and actions.


How do we halt the next pandemic? Be kind to critters like bats, says a new paper

March 26, 2024

Author: Ari Daniel   In: NPR’s Goats and Soda and Heard on NPR’s All Things Considered

“….the paper demonstrates the importance of proposing solutions based on the whole ecosystem at once. It's something public health researchers call the One Health approach.”  

  • Protect where and what animals eat: Stable food sources mean bats will be less likely to resort to scouring human environments. 
  • Protect animal habitats: Safeguarding caves and canopies where bats congregate can buffer against human encounters and reduce stress that can lead to viral shedding. 
  • Protect people at risk: Communities who have contact with wildlife as part of their culture or vocation need extra training and adequate gear like masks and PPE.

See the Nature Communications article that this popular media publication was based on.

Ecological countermeasures to prevent pathogen spillover and subsequent pandemics, Plowright RK, Ahmed AN, Coulson T, et al. , Nat Commun 15, 2577 (March 26,2024).


The Pandemic Agreement Draft:

Will It Fully Embrace One Health?

March 25, 2024   

Author: Richard Seifman In: IMPAKTER

Animal health, biodiversity, ecological, environmental and plant health are key to addressing existing and future infectious disease risks. The current Pandemic Treaty drafting process is a unique opportunity to globally fully integrate animal health, biodiversity preservation, ecological, environmental, and plant health, i.e., “One Health,” as a priority.

How to Save the Pandemic Treaty

March 25, 2024

Author: Mariana Mazzucato In: Project Syndicate

As countries cavil over specific clauses in a draft pandemic treaty, there is good reason to fear that the document will be whittled down so much that it becomes useless. To ensure success, negotiators must heed the lessons of the COVID-19 crisis, and stay focused on the overarching goal: preventing or minimizing outbreaks.


A Story about how everything is connected

Bats are in trouble. That’s not good for anyone who likes mezcal, rice or avocado

March 21, 2024

Author: Whitney Bauk  In: The Guardian

Some of our favorite foods and drinks rely on these oft-misunderstood mammals, which are facing multiple threats.


Climate change unleashing torrent of infectious disease threats, physicians caution

March 20, 2024

Author: Mary Van Beusekom In: U Minnesota CIDRAP

Healthcare providers should be vigilant for infectious diseases with changing ranges and hosts.


Dengue Fever: Not Getting Many Headlines,

But It Should

March 7, 2024

Author: Richard Seifman In: IMPAKTER

An old “One Health” disease is breaking out in new places and requires attention….It is a zoonotic disease, one that spreads from an animal to humans and is exacerbated by global warming. This happens as a result of both the disease spreading in new areas and lasting for longer periods than before. It encapsulates the One Health concept, confirming yet again the linkages between animals, humans, plants, and environmental health.

See also: 

Procopio AC, Colletta S, Laratta E, Mellace M, Tilocca B, Ceniti C, Urbani A, Roncada P, One Health, Volume 18, 2024,

Gwee SXW, St John AL, Gray GC, Pang J, One Health, Volume 12, 2021, 100216,


What Scientists Are Learning about Women’s Health

from Other Female Animals

March 1, 2023

Author: Barbara Natterson-Horowitz In: Scientific American

Evolved adaptations of female animals could help solve women’s health challenges. “I wanted to call attention to the connections between women and other female animals…..Given the importance of female health challenges such as pregnancy to the survival of a species—including our own—shouldn't the realities of female life in the wild be more than an afterthought for doctors and biomedical researchers?..I've become fascinated by how females of other species have adapted to [these] challenges. I now study their biology to find possible solutions to women's health issues ranging from heart failure to breast cancer. This field of research is still emerging, but already it is generating insights that could lead to lifesaving treatments for some of the most prevalent human health concerns…”


Hot Off the Press!! (Last 90 days - see also older Publications list below in Library Section)

Advances in understanding bat infection dynamics across biological scales,

Sánchez CA, Phelps L, Frank HK,, 2024, Proc. R. Soc. B.,

Cost-effectiveness of One Health intervention to reduce risk of human exposure and infection with non-typhoidal salmonellosis (NTS) in Nigeria,  Sanni AO, Jonker A, Were V, Fasanmi OG, Adebowale OO, Shittu A, Jibril AH, Fasina FO,  One Health, Volume 18,

Integrated One Health strategies in Dengue, Procopio AC, Colletta S, Laratta E, Mellace M, Tilocca B, Ceniti C, Urbani A, Roncada P, One Health, Volume 18, 2024,

Ecological countermeasures to prevent pathogen spillover and subsequent pandemics, Plowright RK, Ahmed AN, Coulson T, et al. , Nat Commun 15, 2577 (March 26,2024).

Who coined the term “One Health”? Cooperation amid the siloization, Pettan-Brewer C, Penn G, Biondo AW, Jaenisch T, Grützmacher K, Kahn LH, One Health, Volume 18, 2024, 100678, ISSN 2352-7714,

The evolutionary drivers and correlates of viral host jumps, Tan, C.C.S., van Dorp, L. & Balloux, F. Nat Ecol Evol (2024).

While spillover of viruses from animals to people is a longstanding concern, University College London researchers have found humans pass 2X as many viruses to animals. 

Tailoring a One Health course for an established non-One Health graduate program in Brazil, Magalhaes T, Barreto A, Mesquita-Silva J, et. al., Frontiers in Tropical Diseases, Vol 4, 2024,

Did You Miss It?

November 23, 2023

One Health, One Future Against Antimicrobial Resistance

Inaugural Plenary Assembly of the

AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform 

FAO hosted the inaugural Plenary Assembly of the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform on behalf of the Quadripartite (FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH). Open to all Platform members, this event set the stage for collective action on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The meeting opened with strong video messages of encouragement from the leaders of the Quadripartite. As facilitators of the Platform, the unwavering unity set a great example of the importance of collaboration under a One Health approach, encompassing all sectors and disciplines (human, animal, plant and the environment).


See also the 2023 UNEP Report

Bracing for Superbugs: Strengthening environmental action in the One Health response to antimicrobial resistance


July 27-31, 2020 Virtual Workshop and Report

Biodiversity and Pandemics

Hosted by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). IPBES was established to improve the interface between science and policy on issues of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The purpose: to strengthen public knowledge about the link between biodiversity, the current COVID-19 and future pandemics. The workshop evolved from the ongoing IPBES thematic Nexus Assessment 2019-2030  Work Program examining the sustainable development goals related to food and water security, health for all, protecting biodiversity on land and in the oceans and combating climate change. See the initial IPBES Nexus Assessment scoping overview.   See the Workshop Report. [One Health called for/appears 76 times]

Citation: IPBES (2020) Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Pandemics of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4147317


One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) News

One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) Initiative

(A working group of the

One Health Commission - founded in 2017)

April 12, 2024

First 2024 OHSS Membership Meeting

Debbie Stoewen, leader of the OHSS Webinars and Presentations (W&P) group, with Severine Thys and Wendy Rib, OHSS Co-Chairs, provided updates on OHSS goals for this year. Cheryl Stroud, Executive Director of the OHSS parent organization, the One Health Commission, gave a historic overview of how the OHSS was formed and its accomplishments so far. Recording available.

The W&P group plans to lead bimonthly, 1-hour membership meetings and three or four 1-hour continuing education (CE) sessions per year. The membership meetings will provide opportunities for OHSS members/participants to :

  1. Learn something new, with a 10-15 minute mini-presentation by a guest speaker,
  2. Get an update on current OHSS activities and get involved, and
  3. Network with one another.

OHSS Member List: Call for Updates

The OHSS steering team realized that its initial member list needed to be updated with expanded detail to better address participant interests. To continue being informed about OHSS activities and keep this collective initiative lively and creative, please complete this shared document (see link below) that will in time replace the old email list. Thank you in advance for filling in this form at your earliest convenience: 

OHSS memberlist_detailed - Google Sheets

Be sure to visit the OHSS Homepage. Check out the OHSS Webinars Library for recordings of past webinars.


OHSS-Food Safety & Food Security (OHSS-FSFS)

Small Working Group



OHSS-FSFS Webinar Series

As World Food Safety Day approaches, celebrated 6 June 2024, OHSS-FSFS is hosting a webinar series to discuss One Health and Food Safety. Professor Muhammad Umar Zafar Khan of the Institute of Microbiology at the University of Agriculture in Faisalabad, Pakistan is leading discussions. Dr. Khan is an expert in cutting-edge technologies to provide rapid and robust diagnostic solutions in food animals. His research has contributed to molecular epidemiology of bacterial pathogens, particularly in unraveling the population genetic structure, evolution and virulence mechanisms of major zoonotic pathogens including Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella enteritidus, Staphylococcus aureus and others with a focus on the human, animal and environment interface (One Health). Recordings can be found on the OHSS-FSFS Youtube Channel

March 24, 2024

One Health and Food Borne Diseases

April 21, 2024

One Health and Food Safety Plan

Neglected One Health Issues

Not yet mainstream in the One Health Conversation Focus but urgently needed

1991 Book

Animals as Sentinels of Environmental Health Hazards

National Research Council. 1991. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

This book presents an overview of animal-monitoring programs, including detailed case studies of how animal health problems—such as the effects of DDT on wild bird populations—have led researchers to the sources of human health hazards. The authors examine the components and characteristics required for an effective animal-monitoring program, and they evaluate numerous existing programs, including in situ research, where an animal is placed in a natural setting for monitoring purposes.


The Dancing Cats of Minamata Bay

2005 True ‘Animals as Sentinels’ story from Japan

Aronson SM, Medicine and Health Rhode Island, Providence Vol. 88, Iss. 7, (Jul 2005): 209.

A true story of human destruction of ecosystems and biodiversity and recognition of animals as sentinels.

Image by Isa Karakus from Pixabay


2017 and Still True

Canine maps predict Lyme disease risk

better than the CDC does

August 24, 2017

Author: Lorrain Johnson, JD, MBA On: website

Dogs are considered a good gauge of the exposure of their human owners to infected ticks because they usually share the same environment and visit the same outdoor areas. In other words, canines are considered to be sentinel indicators of Lyme disease risk for humans. Not all dogs who test positive for Lyme antibodies are ill. However, they have been exposed to the Lyme disease bacteria.


The need to take a One Health Approach to Chagas Disease, a Neglected Tropical Disease

Over 300,000 people live with Chagas disease in the US, but very few people have been tested and treated. In Gainesville, Florida, a group of scientists and doctors led by Dr Norm Beatty at the University of Florida are trying to end the neglect of this parasitic killer. They have found the parasite in local kissing bugs and local animals and are concerned that it is not being addressed. This short film shows how neglected diseases all over the world can be fueled by climate change, migration, and increased human-animal interaction.

Student News

International Student

One Health Alliance



ISOHA LinkTree


ISOHA Contact Information! For memberships, projects, and partnerships, please contact ISOHA at this address.

(WhatsApp group only for Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral students who are interested in One Health to discuss One Health issues, share information, and collaborate.)


ISOHA One Health Art Competition -

What One Health Means to You

The ISOHA One Health Art Competition provides a creative platform for individuals to express their perspectives on One Health through various forms of artistic expression. It seeks to foster dialogue, raise awareness, and inspire action towards the integration of health, environment, and agriculture.

Submission Deadline: April 28, 2024.

Upcoming Events

March - June, 2024 Webinar Series

One Health Innovation Program (MOHIP)

Organized by Michigan State University, Hosted by the Mekong-U.S. Partnership. See Webinar Archive.


April 24-26, 2024 Conference

AFROHUN’s 4th International

One Health Conference

Nairobi, Kenya. The 1st AFROHUN International One Health Conference was held in September 2013 in Addis Ababa, the 2nd in November 2015, and the 3rd in July 2019. These were, respectively, attended by 287, 236, and 310 delegates from all over Africa, Asia, America, and Europe. Participants included practitioners from government and inter-governmental bodies, academia (students and faculty), Civil Society Organizations, researchers, bilateral agencies, and private sector players. Themes in 2024: 

  • Regional One Health university networks in advancing global health security: 
  • Developing workforce and 
  • Fighting antimicrobial resistance in the era of climate change.


April 26-27, 2024 International Veterinary Forum

Sustaining One Health in a changing environment: the Global Challenges to the lives of our Pets, Livestock and Biodiversity

Tunis, Tunisia. Hosted in celebration of World Veterinary Day by the African Veterinary Association and the Union Générale des Médecins Vétérinaires de Tunisie. This forum will gather high level experts from Continental and National veterinary organizations for the following events:

  • The 12th African and Euro-Arab veterinary Associations Congresses
  • The General Assembly of the World Union of Liberal Professions
  • The International One Health Veterinary Forum for Africa & Middle East.
  • Technical trainings, round tables and workshops on Diagnostic diseases.

It will also be a good opportunity to enhance and strengthen the partnership and collaboration between the African and the Euro-Arab Veterinary Associations and the International Veterinary Organizations as well as the partnership with the World Union of Liberal Professions.


April 27, 2024

Saint Louis Zoo's 10th Annual One Health Fair

The Saint Louis Zoo is excited to host its 10th Annual One Health Fair! Join us as we tackle One Health topics with our teams of next-generation One Health practitioners. These teams from multiple disciplines will spend the day sharing One Health messages with our zoo guests. No online event link available.



May 1, 2024

US CDC’s Zoonoses and One Health Updates

(ZOHU) Call

2:00 pm Eastern

ZOHU Calls are 1-hour monthly webinars that provide timely education on zoonotic and infectious diseases, One Health, antimicrobial resistance, food safety, vector-borne diseases, recent outbreaks, and related health threats at the animal-human-environment interface. Free Continuing Education is available for live calls and recordings. See recording.


May 2, 2024 Hybrid Event

Wildlife Disease and Health in Conservation

4:30 Eastern

Hosted by the Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health. Robin Radcliffe, and David Jessup will discuss their new co-edited volume Wildlife Disease and Health in Conservation (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023). The book combines theory and practice, offering cutting-edge scientific information to aid in planning for, responding to, and conducting research on these serious challenges to both human and wildlife health, and to conservation efforts around the world.


May 19, 2024

World Family Doctors Day -

Theme "Healthy Planet, Healthy People"

Hosted by the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA). This year, the focus is on the urgent need for action against climate change and its impacts on human health. Family doctors play a crucial role in linking community health to the health of our environment. As trusted members of their communities, they are uniquely positioned to underscore the importance of protecting our environment as a means to ensure the health and safety of future generations of all creatures. The impact of climate change, manifested in rising temperatures, increased extreme weather events, and escalating challenges such as infectious diseases and food insecurity, directly affects health today. Contact -


May 20-24, 2024

Course: Plant Biosecurity in Theory and Practice

Kansas State University (KSU), Manhattan, Kansas, USA. Hosted by the KSU Biosecurity Research Institute. A one-week overview of plant biosecurity including case studies, interactive scenario exercises, biocontainment lab training, an optional BSL-3 lab experience, plant biosecurity plan development, and a forensic desktop exercise built on an actual plant disease outbreak event. Contact:

More information,


May 21-24, 2024 Conference

Tropical Veterinary Medicine in challenging times:

how should academic and research programs adapt?

3rd Joint Conference of the Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine & Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (AITVM-STVM)

Montpellier, France. Locally hosted by the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD). The advancement of the field of tropical veterinary medicine to sustainably support agricultural development is what unites both AITVM-STVM organizations. During the conference, you will be able to exchange and share your experiences and research results in all aspects of tropical veterinary medicine through keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations. See Conference Themes including One Health.


May 22, 2024

University of Guelph Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses (CPHAZ) Symposium 2024


Guelph, Ontario, Canada. At the University of Guelph's Ontario Veterinary College. This free, virtual event will feature selected abstracts discussing current topics related to One Health, Public Health and Veterinary Medicine.


May 22-24, 2024 Conference

73rd Annual James Steele Conference

on Diseases in Nature (DIN) Transmissible

to Humans

College Station, Texas, USA. Sponsored by the Texas Department of State Health Services Zoonosis Control Branch and supported by the Texas Health Institute. ​ DIN is a not-for-profit conference and serves as a forum for the presentation of epidemiological investigations, clinical case studies, basic and applied research, and other topics in emerging and current zoonotic and environmentally-acquired infectious diseases. The conference's goal is to increase knowledge and awareness of these diseases within the veterinary, medical, public health, and academic research communities. Participants include human medical providers, veterinarians, public health professionals, scientists, animal control officers, and others involved in the diagnosis, investigation, prevention, control, and research of zoonoses and environmentally-acquired infectious diseases. Be sure to check out the history of this conference and the tribute to Dr. James Steele on the conference webpage (scroll to bottom).


May 30-31, 2024

2nd Biennial PSU One Health Microbiome Symposium

Hosted by Pennsylvania State University(PSU) Huck Institute One Health Microbiome Center. This symposium will feature internationally-renowned keynote speakers, faculty and trainee research talks, poster sessions, and networking events. The goal of the symposium is to showcase how diverse ecosystems are dependent upon their microbial communities and how microbes flow through these ecosystems to shape the outcomes of health and disease.


August 17-21, 2024

Fostering Global Collaboration for a Healthier Planet: International One Health Conference and ISOHA Assembly

Bangkok, Thailand. The International One Health Conference and ISOHA Assembly, organized by the International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA), aim to create a dynamic platform for students and professionals across diverse disciplines to converge and explore the principles of One Health. Recognizing the intricate interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health, the event seeks to foster collaboration, share knowledge, and inspire innovative solutions to address global health challenges. This five-day conference will comprise a two-day scientific program open to all participants, two days dedicated to the ISOHA Assembly exclusively for ISOHA members and students, and a final day featuring engaging tourist activities.


August 30, 2024 Hybrid Event

Third Infectious Diseases and One Health Day

Tours, France. Hosted by the Infectious Diseases and One Health Consortium, a partnership of some of Europe's leading research-intensive universities in the field of infectious diseases and the "one health" concept. The three founding partners are Université de Tours, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Hannover Medical School. This conference brings together students and young professionals with top researchers and industry leaders from various disciplines and sectors who are working on the development and implementation of integrated approaches to address current global health problems. You can watch the full event held in September 2023 at this link:  Registration opens soon.

September 20-23, 2024 Conference

8th World One Health Congress (WOHC) 2024,

Cape Town South Africa

This 4 day congress enables discussions on major One Health challenges, sharing of research data and policy developments. It includes parallel tracks addressing One Health science, antimicrobial agents and resistance, and science - policy interface, amongst others. It will provide an opportunity to look at global One Health science and policy through an African lens. WOHC brings together One Health stakeholders, from science researchers, policymakers, representatives of international institutions, and civil society to the private sector from around the world.


October 13, 2024 Conference and Training

Pathways Europe 2024 - Human Dimensions of Wildlife:

Theme - Revisiting What is Wild for Coexisting

9:00 CEST

Cordoba, Spain. Registration is now open! Cohosted by the Institute for Advanced Social Studies - Spanish Research Council (IESA-CSIC), the University of Córdoba, and the Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources at Colorado State University. The concept of “wild” often refers to elements of nature that remain untamed and unaltered by human intervention. Some argue that in today’s interconnected world, true wild, untouched by human influence, is exceedingly rare or perhaps even nonexistent. In this human-dominated, Anthropocene era, new challenges and new debates arise as to what is wild and what is natural.

Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)

These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!

Track the progress of One Health since 2001

Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's

Global One Health Events (since 2001) webpages.

Select a year and click 'VIEW'

April 25, 2024 Webinar - DelVal One Health Seminar

Managing Foodborne Pathogens without Antibiotics:

Embracing a One Health Strategy

Delaware Valley University's One Health Seminar Series brings experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of One Health issues. This week's presenter is Khaled Abdelaziz of Clemson University. All DelVal's online seminars are free, but you must register at our link to attend. For more information on our One Health program, visit Register here,


April 21-23, 2024  In-Person Symposium

International Symposium on One Health Research:

Improving Food Security and Resilience

Galveston, Texas, USA. Hosted by the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) - Galveston Chief Research Office, UTMB One Health, and the Galveston National Lab and Institute for Human Infections and Immunity. This Symposium was unique in that food productions experts were centrally featured to identify common ground from which new interdisciplinary research partnerships might arise and lead to better food resilience. Lectures from the beef, dairy, egg & poultry, pork, aquaculture, fresh produce, and processed food industries were featured. Other research topics included emerging infectious diseases and the environmental, social, and public communication factors that impact Food Security. Included side excursions, Travel Awards for best Abstract and a Poster Competition. See promotional video More information


April 23, 2024 Hybrid Event

One Health - Research and Innovation at the Crossroads of Environment and Health

Hosted by the KU Leuven and co-organized by One Europe for Global Health and the KU Lueven One Health Institute. Under the Belgian EU Presidency, this event brought together various actors in panel discussions in sessions that focus on major themes relating to One Sustainable Health that are high on the Belgian and European policy agenda.


April 22, 2024 Earth Day Webinar

Turning Conscience into Action for a Thriving Earth: Insights from Fritjof Capra and Marina Silva

Hosted in English and Portuguese by Earth Charter International. The purpose of this webinar was to generate a learning opportunity by tackling the following questions:

  • What are the current efforts of the Brazilian government in addressing the climate and ecological crisis and moving towards a thriving Earth?
  • What are the linkages of the plastic pollution problem with our production and consumption patterns and how can we address it with a systemic approach?
  • How can systems, ecological, climate and ethical literacy help us move forward in addressing the current challenges and what role can the Earth Charter play in this?


April 17, 2024

10th WVA Global One Health Summit -

Coordinated & Sustainable Actions to Contain AMR

Cape Town, South Africa. Hosted during the 39th World Veterinary Association Congress, this summit gathered global leaders and the Quadripartite to address the critical issue of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Strategies for coordinated and sustainable actions to combat AMR across human, animal, and environmental health domains were explored. More information:


April 16, 2024 CRILS Public Online Lecture

Industrial Animal Agriculture in the Polycrisis Era

Hosted by the Royal Veterinary College, Camden, London. What role does industrial animal agriculture play in this era of multiple intersecting ecological, social, and economic crises? How can we reconsider the entangled nature of multi-species connections between people, farmed animals, and nature in this context? Drawing on research across marine and terrestrial food systems governance and labour theory, speakers Alex Blanchette (Associate Prof of Anthropology, Tufts University) and Christina Hicks (Prof. Political Ecology, Lancaster University) explored these questions in depth. Learn more,


April 16, 2024 Webinar

Expert Talk: Faith, Wildlife, and Biodiversity: Harnessing Religion for Environmental Conservation and Ethical Action

Hosted by the International Alliance Against Health Risks of Wildlife Trade. Dr. Iyad Abumoghli, Founder and Director of the Faith for Earth Initiative, explored how religious beliefs can influence human behavior towards the conservation of our planet’s precious ecosystems and wildlife. Dr. Abumoghli is currently the Lead Principal Advisor on Engaging with Faith-Based Organizations at UNEP. From understanding the intrinsic value of animals in religious teachings to discussing the role of faith-based organizations in shaping global biodiversity frameworks, this webinar offered insights into the powerful potential of religion to promote environmental stewardship and ethical action. Learn more,


April 16, 2024 Webinar

One Health and Animal Research:

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Speaker Jerrold Tannenbaum. This webinar described the crucial role laboratory animal research played in the development of the concept of One Medicine, the historical precursor of One Health. The discussion reviewed differing approaches to One Health and discussed how biomedical animal research can be an important component of some of these approaches. The webinar also highlighted current approaches to One Health that provide challenges to laboratory animal research. These include the increasing use of privately owned animals, mainly pet cats and dogs, in clinical studies and trials. Of greater concern are approaches to One Health that diminish the importance of human and animal research that benefits human health; would require the diversion of critical resources away from animal research; incorporate concepts of “health” (such as environmental health, ecosystem health, or planetary health) that are unhelpful and may be incoherent; and include societal or geopolitical considerations that have no clear connection to science-driven biomedical research. The webinar examined how the biomedical research community can recognize, and counter approaches to One Health that are inimical to or threaten animal research. The discussion suggested ways the community can support and engage in approaches to One Health that appropriately benefit people, animals, and the environment. Information about the webinar is available here,


April 16, 2024

Happy Birthday COHR!!! Hybrid Event

Integrated Approaches to Health:

The Place of One Health and its Future

COHR Environmental & Occupational Health Seminar

The University of Washington Center for One Health Research (COHR) celebrated its 10th Anniversary on this day by hosting speaker Dr. Jacob Zinsstag in its Environmental & Occupational Health Seminar series. Recording will be found here.


April 15, 2024 UN Global Plastics Treaty Webinar Series

The UN Global Plastics Treaty:

What Should Be Its Core Strategy?

Hosted by the Stimson Center. Recording Available.


April 12-14, 2024

Reimagining Education for Ecological Civilizations -

2024 Earth Charter Conference

Winter Park, Florida, USA. Building upon the successes of previous Earth Charter Conferences focused on education for sustainable development and global citizenship, this three-day event showed profound insights and dynamic exchanges led by a diverse range of experts. From environmental scholars to influential authors, the speakers are committed to contributing towards a sustainable future.


April 12, 2024 Symposium

Inaugural NCSU GOHA One Health

Research Symposium

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Hosted by the North Carolina State University (NCSU) Global One Health Academy (GOHA). This half-day event sparked excitement and spurred academic conversation and new collaborations around One Health. Keynote speaker Rob Dunn presented on the ‘Future of One Health.’


April 10, 2024 Webinar

DelVal One Health Seminar: Agroecological approaches to sustainable food transitions

Delaware Valley University's One Health Seminar Series brings experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of One Health issues. This week's presenter was Rachel Bezner Kerr of Cornell University. All DelVal's online seminars are free, but you must register at our link to attend. For more information on our One Health program, visit Register here,


April 8, 2024

UN Global Plastics Treaty Webinar Series

The UN Global Plastics Treaty: Why Is It Needed?

Hosted by the Stimson Center. Recording Available.


April 3, 2024

US CDC’s Zoonoses and One Health Updates (ZOHU) Call

  • Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances: Understanding Exposure and Adverse Health Outcomes in People and their Pets
  • Responding to Avian Influenza A H5N1 Detection on a Hospital Property in Maine- An Interdisciplinary Approach
  • Multistate outbreaks of salmonellosis linked to contact with backyard poultry — United States, 2015–2022

ZOHU Calls are 1-hour monthly webinars that provide timely education on zoonotic and infectious diseases, One Health, antimicrobial resistance, food safety, vector-borne diseases, recent outbreaks, and related health threats at the animal-human-environment interface. Free Continuing Education is available for live calls and recordings. See recording.


April 9, 2024

Calvin Schwabe Lectureship at U California, Davis

Winner of the 2024 Calvin Schwabe Lectureship, Dr. Jakob Zinsstag, investigator at the Swiss tropical and Public Health Institute discussed the concept of One Health, how it shapes his research and the world around us.


March 28, 2024 Hybrid Event

Cities of Futures Past: 

Examining the Social-Ecological Legacies Affecting Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health

Hosted by Simon Fraser University, Canada, President’s Dream Colloquium. Dr. Chris Schell explored how past societal processes, such as redlining, continue to influence urban biodiversity and ecosystem health. The lasting impacts of historical practices on modern-day social and environmental dynamics were discussed with insights into how addressing these legacies is crucial for building resilient and equitable cities for the future.


March 8-10, 2024

Consortium of Universities for Global Health

(CUGH) Conference 2024

Global Health without Borders: Acting for Impact

Los Angeles, California. Post Conference materials now available/


Don’t forget!! You can view and also post your One Health-related Opportunities yourself directly to the Commission’s

Online One Health Opportunities Bulletin Boards

When you arrive on this webpage be sure to scroll 'down' to

the bottom of the page

Courses and Summer Programs

May 19-24, 2024 (evenings)

Evolutionary Medicine Summer Institute (EMSI) 2024

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Hosted by the Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine (TriCEM). Evolution is largely absent from medical, veterinary, and public health training, yet it is vital to tackling our most urgent health challenges, including emerging infectious diseases, microbial resistance, food safety, and cancer and other non-communicable diseases. EMSI provides computational training in evolutionary biology to students, postdocs, and faculty from medical schools, veterinary medicine programs, and graduate programs in public or global health, ecology, and evolutionary sciences. Clinicians and other practitioners looking to enhance their evolutionary perspectives and apply this knowledge in practice are also welcome. This is a fun and exciting week-long workshop at North Carolina State University. Applications are now being accepted. Limited scholarships available. For more information, please view the EMSI website or contact


May 28-31, 2024 (Online Course - 4 Half Days)

Addressing the Challenges Posed by Chemical and Biological Weapons: Intensive Online Introductory Course for Students of Technical Disciplines

14:00 to 18:00 CEST

Hosted by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and the European Union Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (EUNPDC). For graduate and postgraduate students of the technical or natural science disciplines: An intensive online introductory course on chemical and biological weapons—their proliferation, the efforts to eliminate them, the various mechanisms used to control their spread—and endeavours underway to reduce the risk of chemical or biological agents in terrorist attacks. Instructed by renowned experts on non-proliferation, arms control, disarmament, export controls, verification and related subjects from SIPRI, other European research centres, think tanks and international organizations. Learn more and apply here.


May 31, 2024

12 Month Sustainability in Health Master's Program Online in English

From Turin, Italy. Organized by the Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Turin. This Master's degree is designed to shape professionals into Health Sustainability Managers and Experts in sustainability within health processes. Students will acquire a robust set of skills and competencies that are increasingly in demand to mitigate future health and environmental challenges. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree, Competency in English, Strong motivation for mastering skills to advance a healthier future for people and planet. Program starts 31 May, 2024. Contacts:  and


June 9-15, 2024

4th Annual One Health Summer Institute 2024

Bow River Basin, Alberta, Canada. Hosted by One Health at UCalgary, in partnership with the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment, and Health and the UNESCO Chair in Mountain Water Sustainability. For undergrads, graduates, postdocs and adult professional learners from all disciplinary backgrounds. In-person, classroom sessions and field trips. This week-long class and field-based program explores a One Health approach to watershed planning. Participants will learn how human activity impacts the Bow River Basin, whic is a critical source of water supporting the basin’s human, animal, plant and ecosystem health and services as well as numerous economic activities in the region. Insight into the science, management strategies, and collaborative transdisciplinary skills necessary for sustaining the health and viability of the basin and the diverse ecosystems it contains will be gained. More information:

Cost: $500 CAD, Contact:


August 12-16, 2024

Summer School on One Health Approaches to Study Climate Sensitive Infectious Diseases​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Rotterdam, Netherlands. Hosted by Erasmus University Medical Center, Pandemic and Preparedness Center, IDAlert and One Health Impact. For MSc and PhD candidates, as well as postdoctoral scientists, from diverse backgrounds eager to apply One Health approaches in their research or work. Explore the intersection of human, animal, and environmental health with a focus on infectious diseases in a climate change context. From zoonotic diseases to vector-borne illnesses, we'll delve into the connections between health and our changing planet. Engaging lectures, hands-on workshops, field trips, and collaborative projects. Only 30 spots available. Includes lectures, practical work, and self-study for a total of 1.5 ECTS credits. Registration closes on May 15, 2024. Selected participants will receive confirmation before June 1, 2024.


Assistant/Associate Professor in Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

Director, Institute for Biosecurity and Microbial Forensics

Stillwater, OK, Oklahoma State University

Research positions at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston


  • Nurse Clinician II, Institute for Translational Science Galveston, TX
  • UTMB Postdoctoral Associate Position 2 in Virus Discovery and Characterization Galveston, TX
  • Physician – Scientist / T32 Training in Emerging Infectious Diseases Galveston, TX

Contact: if you have any questions.

See the One Health Commission's Online One Health Library

Publications Worth Revisiting

Incorporating One Health into Medical Education, Rabinowitz, PM, Natterson-Horowitz BJ, Kahn LH et al., BMC Med Educ 17, 45 (2017).

See also: Relevant Publications on the Preventing Pandemics Website

New Book

One Health in the Wildlife Trade

Authors: Siyeun Kim, Hongying Li   Illustrators: Seungmin Han, Jihye Choi

The development of this document is supported by Samuel Freeman Charitable Foundation, Wallace Research Foundation and the International Alliance against Health Risks in Wildlife Trade, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. 

Citation: EcoHealth Alliance (2024). One Health in the Wildlife Trade.


Animal and Human Health for the Environment and Development - AHEAD Updates

APHA One Health Section

Belgian Biodiversity Platform - Biodiversity News Flash

CABI One Health News

Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Arthropod-borne Pathogens (CEZAP)- Virginia Tech University

Center for One Health Research University of Alaska Fairbanks

Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health

National Link Coalition - Link Letters

North Carolina State University

Global One Health Academy (GOHA)

One Health Institute Newsletter

University of Guelph

One Health Trust Weekly Digest

One Sustainable Health Forum News

Planetary Health Alliance

St. Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine

University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) One Health Newsletter



One World One Health Podcasts

Hosted by the One Health Trust (formerly CDDEP). Our world faces many urgent challenges, from pandemics and decreasing biodiversity to pollution and melting polar ice caps, among others. This podcast highlights solutions to these problems from the scientists and experts working to make a difference.

Click each image to listen to the podcast.

Check out more Blogs, Books, Podcasts, Presentations and Videos
in the One Health Commission’s


Thank you for reading One Health Happenings.

Check out more Resources on the OHC website.
And a Special Thank You to One Health Commission's Sponsors!
Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
 'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.

The One Health Commission (OHC) is a prominent, US-based, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, E.I.N. 27-0799294. It is a body of action-oriented, One Health-minded individuals and organizations working locally, nationally and internationally to advance the One Health concept and approach.

See the OHC 2021 Annual Report.

With a focus on education, the OHC ‘connects’ One Health stakeholders, facilitates One Health Action Teams, provides a monthly global One Health Happenings Newsletter and compiles links to One Health Educational Resources to further understanding of One Health.

Prepared by Blair Budd, Bailey Goff, Caitlin Holly, Ayinka-A Brown and Cheryl Stroud

with support from the international One Health Network.

The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.

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