Highest Accuracy Sequencing Chemistry
The DNA Technology Core AVITI sequencers will soon be able to generate the highest quality sequencing data. This will be enabled by UltraQ reagent kits that should become available within two months.
When starting with high-quality DNA samples, the AVITI data will reach a quality score of 50 or better for 70% or more of the data.
Q50 is defined as an error rate of 1 in 100,000 bp. For comparison, the current AVITI chemistry (Cloudbreak) exceeds Q40 (1 error in 10,000 bp for similar samples and considerations).
This post on the Element Biosciences webpage describes some of the methods employed to achieve these numbers: https://www.elementbiosciences.com/blog/enhancing-sequencing-accuracy-with-cloudbreak-ultraq
The article also describes how such high degrees of accuracy can be verified. Such verification requires essentially perfect and complete reference genome assemblies and haploid DNA samples for example.
Projects studying low-abundance genomic variants will likely benefit the most from this new technology. Each UltraQ run is expected to yield about 240 Gbp in PE150 data (800 million read pairs) and will likely cost ~$3000.