Cores Newsletter July 2024


Metabolomics Core

This 10-day course is comprehensive and hands-on data analysis for untargeted metabolomics and exposome analysis. You will understand choices for technologies, get trained on different types of software, and be able to integrate datasets for different purposes. This course is great for participants at any level. No experience in metabolomics is needed and is ideal for participants who receive, acquire, or analyze metabolomics data.

Course Schedule:

  • Day 1: Prospects and choices in large-scale untargeted analyses
  • Day 2: Measuring the Metabolome: Study Design & Quality Control 
  • Day 3-4: LC-MS raw data processing for untargeted analyses 
  • Day 5: Confidence in compound identification in metabolomics, lipidomics & exposome analyses 
  • Day 6: Electives, choose from 4 new electives that'll cover hands-on lab portion to data processing 
  • Day 7: Chemical identifiers to map data against compound databases & pathways 
  • Day 8-9: Statistics for untargeted metabolomics analyses 
  • Day 10: Use what you have learned: assessing metabolomics reports

  • Register here, early bird registration ends 7/31/2024
  • More information here
  • Questions: Jeannette,
Find more courses from the Metabolomics Core here

Proteomics Core

Our Introductory Hands-on Proteomics Course is designed to expose participants to fundamental technology platforms and current methodologies in the field of mass spectrometry-based proteomics. The week will include a combination of equal parts hands-on laboratory work, lectures, and interactive data analysis in the computer lab.

  • Register: here
  • UC Davis lodging: here
  • Questions: Jeannette,

The following topics are covered:

  • Fundamentals of mass spectrometry and proteomics
  • Bottom-up quantitative and non-quantitative nano-electrospray proteomics tandem mass spectrometry (nESI-LC/MSMS)
  • Hands-on Sample preparation and processing
  • Nano-scale HPLC & peptide-spectrum matching using open-source software
  • Introduction to quantitative proteomics using data-independent analysis (DIA)
  • Data analysis, using free and commercial programs such as Fragpipe, DIA-NN, and Spectronaut. 
Find more about the 2024 Proteomics Short Course here

Bioinformatics Core

Intro to Command Line for Bioinformatics


September 16, 18, and 20 from 2-5 pm


Get off to a good start in bioinformatics with this three-part workshop on the use of the command line interface. This workshop lays the foundation for successful bioinformatics experiments by teaching the skills necessary for efficient handling of large data sets.

Intro to R for



October 7, 9, and 11 from 2-5 pm


This three-part workshop in R is designed to help biologists with no prior data analysis experience get up to speed with the R programming language as it is widely used in many bioinformatics workflows to explore data, perform statistical analysis, and generate publication-quality graphics.

Intro to Python for Bioinformatics


November 18, 20, and 22 from 2-5 pm


This five-part workshop will teach the fundamentals of programming to begin the analysis of bioinformatics data using Python. We will start from the basic building blocks of programming and progress to using simple Python packages for applied bioinformatics analysis.

Find more courses from the Bioinformatics Core here


Metabolomics & Proteomics Core at ASMS 2024

Several key members of the Metabolomics and Proteomics core lab presented at the ASMS 2024 conference held in June in Anaheim, CA.

Oral presentation by Dr. Uri Keshet (Metabolomics Core) - "Metabolomics of 13,700 human plasma samples for the TEDDY cohort: A Big Data Challenge and Opportunity for Mass Spectrometry"

Poster presentations by:

  1. Lauren Dixon & Dr. Gabriela Grigorean (Proteomics Core) - "Evaluating Sample Preparation methods in a Core facility environment for samples with low amounts of protein"
  2. Luis Valdiviez (Metabolomics Core) - "Advancing Metabolomics Analysis using GC-MS with Cold EI for Increased Identification, Throughput, and Sensitivity"
  3. Emilia McCann (Metabolomics Core) - "Selecting Optimal Internal Standards for Non-targeted LC-MS Metabolomics in a Large Core Facility"

DNA Technologies & Expression Analysis Core

Visit our Website

Highest Accuracy Sequencing Chemistry

The DNA Technology Core AVITI sequencers will soon be able to generate the highest quality sequencing data. This will be enabled by UltraQ reagent kits that should become available within two months. 

When starting with high-quality DNA samples, the AVITI data will reach a quality score of 50 or better for 70% or more of the data. 

Q50 is defined as an error rate of 1 in 100,000 bp. For comparison, the current AVITI chemistry (Cloudbreak) exceeds Q40 (1 error in 10,000 bp for similar samples and considerations).

This post on the Element Biosciences webpage describes some of the methods employed to achieve these numbers:

The article also describes how such high degrees of accuracy can be verified. Such verification requires essentially perfect and complete reference genome assemblies and haploid DNA samples for example.

Projects studying low-abundance genomic variants will likely benefit the most from this new technology. Each UltraQ run is expected to yield about 240 Gbp in PE150 data (800 million read pairs) and will likely cost ~$3000.

UC Davis Genome Center

451 Health Sciences Dr., Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530) 752-9654

Don't forget to check out the following Core facilities at the Genome Center:

West Coast Metabolomics Center

Bioinformatics Core

Proteomics Core

DNA Technology & Expression Analysis Cores

Tilling Core

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