Friday Newsletter
January 13, 2023
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This Sunday
Bulletin available here.
Single Service: 10 AM
Sunday School resumes!
Nursery care available.
Mid-High Youth Group 11:30
High School Youth Group 6:00
Listening Sessions Begin in Boulder Hall after the service during coffee hour.
We’re ready to listen! As the single services get into full swing, Session and Worship Committee want to hear what you think. The format will be informal, focusing on this question: "What was meaningful in today's service?" Can’t stay, but want to share your thoughts on this? No worries: there will also be a comments box for those who prefer to provide written responses to this question.
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It was previously announced that Marie Glascock's memorial service was to take place at Capital Manor on January 23. This event is not a service but an informal gathering for Capital Manor residents only. Please do not attend if you are not a resident--they do not have space for us! Thank you for understanding.
Men's Night Out: January 17, 6 pm at the Ram. Please RSVP to John Dalen.
On Sunday, January 29, please join us in welcoming Rev. Dr. Rob Hagan to our pulpit and to a seminar following the service. The seminar, entitled Legacy Giving, will take us through how to make an impact and do Christ’s work, even after our lifetimes. Rob will be speaking about the Theology of Legacy Giving, The Joy of Giving, and Ethical Wills. He will talk about Giving NOW & LATER. The Seminar after worship at 11:15 am will include lunch, so please RSVP here (or contact the church office).
Do you feel led to help those affected by cancer? If so, we would love for you to join us on June 14, 2023 at the Mid Valley Relay for Life in Woodburn. We will be raising awareness and funds for our families and friends affected by this terrible disease. If you are interested in participating, or supporting those in our congregation participating, please contact team captain Shawna Clowser for more information at 503-689-7736.
Register today for Oregon Interfaith Earth Summit 2023: February 5, 1:30-5:30 at Join other people of faith in your region who care about the environment and climate justice for this hybrid event: “Care for Our Common Home: Building Neighborhoods for Climate Resilience.” Several members of Westminster are helping prepare for the local portion of this event; if you would like to help, contact Deanie Anderson.
Rides to Church: if you would like a ride or are able to provide transportation on Sunday morning, please contact Bobbie Clyde, 503-364-1301 or A neighbor or a fellow care group member would appreciate your help!
Save the Date
February 5, 11:15 am: Budget Information 2.0 led by budget & finance, personnel, and stewardship committees.
February 26, 11:00 am: Annual Meeting
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- George Genevro expresses his deep thanks for the birthday greetings and for the successful food drive in honor of his birthday. His family reports that his birthday was a big boost!
- A heartfelt thank you to everyone at Westminster for the grand send-off into retirement! The day was special in every way; obviously a lot of planning and hard work went into creating an event I’ll remember forever. The service was lovely (now that I’ve gone back and watched the recording! My brain vacated my body in the actual moment…) and the reception was perfect. Thank you all for the many generous gifts and the wonderful cards and notes. It’s comforting to know I’ll see everyone at church and remain an active member of the congregation for many years to come. See you at church! Cheers, Jean
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The church will be closed on Monday, January 16, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Salem for Refugees will be moving into Winola House starting Monday, January 16. A family is due to arrive by the end of the month. SFR requests that we Westminsterites not overwhelm the family with kindness--they will need time and space to settle in. Please don't go knocking on their door with a fruitcake!
2023 Offering Envelopes are available in the church narthex for pick-up on Sundays or during church office hours.
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Pray for
- Pat Randle as she continues testing before surgery and plans a delayed trip to visit family.
- The church family as we grieve a number of recent losses and host the following upcoming memorial services:
- Ben Silveira: Friday, January 13, at 6 pm
- Ramona Tinnell: Saturday, January 21, at 2 pm
- Barbara Tallman: Sunday, January 29, at 3 pm
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A simple way to help us build homes in the Mid-Willamette Valley is by donating your car, truck, boat or other vehicle to Habitat for Humanity. The process is fast and simple, and one hundred percent of the proceeds stay in the community. learn more
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Westminster Presbyterian Church | |
3737 Liberty Rd. S
Salem, OR 97302
PHONE: 503-364-3327
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