Celebrating The Birth of Christ with CCI India Family

"The angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. [...] You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” They went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger." 

-Luke 2:10-11,16

Greetings Ministry Partners,

The story of Jesus’ birth is known as the Nativity. Angels greeted shepherds, watching their flocks, and led them to the side of the infant King Jesus, who was resting in a feeding trough. The Nativity narrative presents the entire story of Jesus and the Bible as a whole. The birth of Christ fulfilled many Old Testament promises, and all these scriptures help us better understand the Messiah.

The birth of Christ was

  1. To reveal who God is
  2. To live a perfect life for us
  3. To fulfill the scriptures
  4. To atone for our sins and become our perfect sacrifice for sin
  5. To show us how we ought to live for God (Jesus is our Perfect Example)

During the Christmas season, we prayed that God would provide support to all the teachers and coordinators in India. The gospel needs to be shared with millions of Indians who are in the darkness of Idolatry. There is also a need to train many untrained poor pastors in India. We encourage you to give to this important cause and to make an impact on the country where the gospel can change and bring light to many lives.

Also, in December, God enabled our CCI team and me to share the gospel during different Christmas programs conducted during this month.

All the CCI teachers and staff are faithfully fulfilling their God-given responsibility and are committed to increasing the CCI ministry in India. Please continue to pray. 

We appreciate your prayers and support.

Vijay Kumar

CCI India National Director

Click Here to Support Vijay

Staff Update

Our CCI team and their families had a Christmas staff meeting in Hyderabad on December 11.

CCI staff children celebrated Christmas by cutting a cake.


Seven students graduated after completing the BTCL courses. They trained for one and a half years in Ambedkarnagar, Telangana.  

The new CCI graduates, along with their families, at the celebration.

The National Director presented D.S. Raju with his graduation certificate.

Telangana State

Christmas Visit to Nalgonda District:

My family and I visited the Nalgonda district on Christmas. First, I visited a branch church located in the interior part of a village at 9 a.m. on Christmas morning, 25 miles away from Nalgonda's main town. These village Christians had a deeper love for Jesus, their Savior.

Then, I preached to 200 people at the main church in Nalgonda on Christmas. The service started at 11:30 a.m. and continued until 2 p.m.

Andhra State

The classes in Telangana are given a Christmas break, and assignments were allocated to the students.

Odisha State

The classes in Odisha are regularly conducted for pastors and leaders across Odisha. There are nearly 150 students in training, who are taught by six teachers in different regions of Odisha state. It is a blessed opportunity as the students are trained in their own regional language, Odiya, and all the students appreciate the course books, which are translated into their own language by CCI efforts. These are some of the class photos.

Punjab State

To protect these believers from persecution in this area, their full names & exact locations are not disclosed.

The classes in Punjab are regularly conducted for students across Punjab. There are 19 teachers who are taking classes under the leadership of the Area Coordinator. There are 103 students who are in training now. These are some of the class photos.


Support India New Coordinators & Ministry Needs

Prayer Requests & Praises

  • Please pray for my personal support of $250 per month.

  • Also, please pray for the monthly support of four existing area coordinators, $175 each. Pray for the travel support of the teachers who are traveling to teach these CCI classes. Click HERE to help.

  • Pray for the existing students, teachers, and their families.

  • Pray for full-time CCI India staff.

  • Praise God for all the faithful donors and prayer partners who are continuing to pray for CCI India's ministry.
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