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August 8, 2024

Mission Statement

We will be the body of Christ in our Community by Connecting with God, Growing in Discipleship, and Serving the World.

Annual Conference Website
Annual Conference Summary

Please Pray Our Breakthrough Prayer Daily...

Live services available

on our Facebook page.

Traditional Worship Service:

Sunday at 8:30 a.m. in

the Sanctuary.

Non-traditional Worship Service:

Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in

Whitehurst Hall.

In case you missed last

Sunday's sermon,

Click one of the buttons below.

YouTube Channel
Oak Grove's Website
Oak Grove's Facebook Page

If you would like to be more involved, please consider volunteering for

needs during our 11:00 a.m. worship service.

Upcoming Sermon

Our next Golden Oaks gathering will be held on Tuesday, August 20, in The Bridge beginning at 11:30 AM. After time for fellowship, lunch will be served at noon—turkey croissants, pasta salad, chips, fruit, and dessert. A $5 donation is requested to help cover the cost of lunch.

Our theme is “Fun & Games.” Following lunch, a representative from Chesapeake Parks and Recreation will present a PowerPoint highlighting senior programs in our city. We’ll finish with several rounds of Bible Bingo, complete with prizes.

Please sign up to attend no later than Sunday, August 18. Sign-up sheets will be available in the adult Sunday School classrooms and on a table outside of Whitehurst Hall. You may also sign up by contacting Carol Avenson ( or 757-749-0574).

Oak Grove's Small Groups

Click here for all of Oak Grove's Small Groups
Click here for all of Oak Grove's Sunday School groups

Miles Clark family (Cathy Emerick)

Oliver (Susan Watts,)

Ken Denton (Becky Martinez)

Marvin Evans (William Evans)

Juanita (William Evans)

Larry Morton (Melissa Biancardi)

Larry Watts (Jane Kimes)

Valerie (Juanita Shaw)

Grace Morgan, Bart, Rog's (Grace Morgan)

Walt Thomas (Mandy Midgett)

Donald (Pat Broyles)

Jackie Meeks (York & Bridget Winston),

Eileen Booth (York & Bridget Winston)

Lou Chatfield (Cheryl Kos),

Jim McGirr (Jane Kimes)

Steve Kimes (Jane Kimes),

Fred Fields (Emma Stauss)

Alana (Alice Varelas)

Sherry Riddick (Susan Baker),

Dana Dekker Family (Karen O’Donnell)

Jackie Vale (Tammy Ennis)

Quovinus Harris (Tammy Ennis)

And to all the unspoken prayers

Submit a Prayer Request