In this Issue:
- News
- Events & Webinars
- Community Resources
- Los Recursos Familial en Español
- Family Resources in English
- Job Opportunities
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Spotlight On:
International Overdose Awareness Day
August 31, 2024
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It’s a devasting statistic that just about everyone has been impacted by substance misuse and overdose. It might be your child, a friend of a friend, or your favorite musical artist. Maybe it was someone you saw every day and maybe it was someone you haven’t seen in years. Regardless, time stands still when you get the news that someone has lost the fight against drugs.
According to the Center for Disease Control’s National Center for Health Statistics, there were an estimated 107,543 drug overdose deaths in the United States during 2023. Of those fatal overdoses, 645 were in Milwaukee County. The RISE Drug Free MKE coalition is among the organizations in our community that work to reduce and eliminate drug-related deaths.
Community Advocates’ Public Policy Institute and RISE Drug Free MKE are proud sponsors of Healing Starts Today’s Rhythm and Soles 5k Walk/Run Event honoring International Overdose Awareness Day. The event will be held at Veterans Park in Milwaukee on August 31 from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. In addition to the walk/run, there will be memorialization activities, speakers, and naloxone (Narcan) administration training. The event will have healing spaces, guest speakers, community resources, and more.
When you participate in an International Overdose Awareness Day event, you are participating in the fight to reverse the devastating trend of overdose. Check out RISE Drug Free MKE International Overdose Awareness Day page for resources and information about this year’s event.
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Milwaukee Turners Will Launch Substance Abuse Recovery Support Circles in September | |
The Milwaukee Turners, with the support of Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Better Ways to Cope Campaign, will begin offering Substance Abuse Recovery Support Circles.
Starting Tuesday, September 3, and Thursday, September 5, The Milwaukee Turners we will be offering weekly meetings for the age groups 13-15, 16-20 and 18+. The groups, facilitated by Connie Calderon, Program Coordinator, will offer weekly support circles and opportunities to experience fun and fulfilling recovery through wellness, movement and connection. The meetings do not follow specific recovery programming.
Guardians, please contact Connie prior to meetings to obtain an informed consent form for your child. Please also contact Connie with any other questions at 414-604-6311 or
There is no other registration necessary!
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VitalCog Suicide Prevention in the Workplace
Schedule Your Organization's Session to Support Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in September
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VitalCog trains organizations to proactively address the early warning signs of suicide in the workplace. This two-hour training gives participants the skills and tools to appreciate the critical need for suicide prevention while creating a forum for dialogue and critical thinking about workplace mental health challenges, and by promoting help-seeking and help-giving.
VitalCog workshops are best conducted in the workplace for groups of 7 to 25, with human resources staff present to discuss available services for employees.
To learn more and schedule a training, email Community Advocates Public Policy Institute Trainer Rita Liesiefsky.
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Public Health Alternatives to Policing and Incarceration
Tuesday, August 13
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This webinar from County Health Rankings & Roadmaps will explore how public health and community-based organizations can partner to recommend policies that restore justice, promote community safety and advance equity. Participants will hear from Christine Mitchell, a program director at Human Impact Partners, who will discuss public health alternatives to policing. Mark Rice, the transformational justice campaign coordinator at WISDOM, will share how his experience with the criminal justice system has informed his work around incarceration alternatives that center healing for those who have suffered from trauma, addiction or mental health crises. The webinar will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. on August 13. Immediately following the webinar at 3 p.m., County Health Rankings & Roadmaps will host a one-hour interactive virtual discussion.
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Verbal De-Escalation Techniques
Wednesday, August 14
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During this virtual workshop from Community Advocates Public Policy Institute, you will learn how to increase safety by utilizing verbal de-escalation techniques. Participants will explore foundational information on how to reduce the level of conflict through self-knowledge, understand how past experiences influence current behavior, and practice de-escalation. This session will be held from 9 to 11 a.m. on August 14 via Zoom.
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Women's Well-Being at Work Virtual Conference
Wednesday, August 14
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This one-day free virtual conference will cover the health, happiness, and security of women at work. Experts will present data and trends while a panel of female leaders across industries react, respond, and discuss the practical strategies that have helped them personally, as well as the programs, policies and benefits that industry leaders use to keep women’s health at the forefront. This event is co-hosted by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, National Wellness Institute (NWI), and Wellness Council of America (WELCOA). This virtual conference will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on August 14.
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Second Annual Summer Celebration
Slam Jam
Saturday, August 17
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This kid-focused event is hosted by Chorus Community Health Plans and the Missing Peace Community Collective, and will feature community resources and health benefits, including healthy food demos, music, haircuts, food pop-up, medication counseling, childhood lead testing, and more! It’ll be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on August 17 at 3248 W. Brown St., Milwaukee.
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Centering Family Experiences in Human Services: Strategies for Incorporating Family Advisory Councils Into Service Delivery And Research
Tuesday, August 20
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Improving alignment between human services and family needs and goals has been a key area of focus for many state and local human services programs. Family advisory councils offer a unique opportunity to facilitate meaningful engagement with families served by public programs; gain family input on policies and practices that affect them; and ultimately, to help develop programs and policies that serve families successfully and equitably. This webinar from UW Institute for Research on Poverty will be held from 12 to 1:30 p.m. on August 20.
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Amani Mobile Food Pantry
Tuesday, August 20
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Free food and resources at this Mobile Food Pantry organized by the Dominican Center, Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin, and Amani United. Walk up or drive up to 2470 W. Locust St. between 12 and 2 p.m. on August 20. Pre-register at or scan the code on the flyer. Pre-registration doesn’t guarantee items; they are first come, first served! Questions? Email or call 414-444-9930.
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Adult Mental Health First Aid
Wednesday, August 21
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Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. This training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.
This course will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on August 21. The completion of pre-course work and attendance are required for certificate of completion. This Zoom workshop is offered free of charge by Community Advocates Public Policy Institute.
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ECOM Workshop: Job Services & Financial Literacy
Wednesday, August 21
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The Empowerment Coalition of Milwaukee (ECOM) is a monthly gathering of social services professionals, advocates, and consumers organized by Community Advocates Public Policy Institute. ECOM explores topics that are vital to Milwaukee’s human services professionals. This month's topic is Job Services and Financial Literacy and will be held in person from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on August 21. Location TBD.
Fee is $5 for light refreshments and materials and can be paid via credit card. Kindly make sure to RSVP by August 16.
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Anesis Multicultural Mental Health Conference
Thursday, August 22
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Anesis Therapy recognizes the unique mental health challenges faced by communities of color and the urgent need for care that not only understands but celebrates cultural diversity. This recognition drives them to host their first Multicultural Mental Health Conference, aiming to reshape traditional approaches and pave the way for a more inclusive and understanding mental health paradigm. It will be held on August 22 at Marriott West in Middleton.
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QPR Question Persuade Refer Suicide Prevention Training
Tuesday, August 27
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We can all save lives.
The QPR mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training. The signs of crisis are all around us. We believe that quality education empowers all people, regardless of their background, to make a positive difference in the life of someone they know.
This two-hour interactive introduction to suicide awareness and prevention will also cover statistics and intervention strategies. This session from Community Advocates Public Policy Institute will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on August 27.
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Rally for Recovery
Saturday, September 7
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Wisconsin Voices for Recovery is organizing this rally at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison to support those in recovery. Activities include speakers, free pizza and refreshments, resources, a live DJ and dancing, kids’ activities, and a hobby/wellness zone.
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STRYV365’s Third Annual Trauma Symposium
Friday, September 20
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STRYV365 is organizing its third annual Trauma Symposium to bring together educators, clinicians, and community members to discuss effective ways to help youths cope with trauma. This free event will be held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. on September 20 at Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra, 325 W. Walnut St., Milwaukee.
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Alcohol Policy Seminar
Monday, October 7 & Tuesday, October 8
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The 2024 Alcohol Policy Seminar (APS) is a training and networking opportunity for communities working to reduce excessive alcohol use, which is Wisconsin’s most persistent public health challenge. Alcohol-related problems continue to grow, including disease, injuries, domestic violence, underage drinking, and motor vehicle crashes and other harms. It’ll be held on October 7 and 8 in Oshkosh.
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2024 Wisconsin Self-Determination Conference
October 21-23
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The Self-Determination Conference is one of Wisconsin’s biggest event for people with disabilities and the people who support them. Last year, over 800 people attended the conference. Your support will help provide scholarships, interpreter and translation services, technology and a high-quality in-person experience. Please help the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities continue to empower Self-Advocacy and Self-Direction in Wisconsin. It will be held from October 21 through October 23 at Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells.
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Job openings?
- Upcoming events?
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- Suggestions?
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Thank you for your service to Milwaukee!
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CADCA Launches the Over the Dose Campaign
CADCA has developed a social media resources for its new Over the Dose campaign, which aims to prevent the risk of overdose at home through October 31. The campaign urges individuals to safely dispose of unused prescription medication by taking them to a secure drop box or using a medication deactivation pouch such as a Deterra pouch. Access the campaign.
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Online Health and Safety for Children and Youth: Best Practices for Families and Guidance for Industry
The Kids Online Health and Safety Task Force (KOHS) report provides recommendations and best practices for safer social media and online platform use for youth. The recommendations underscore the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to address the ongoing youth mental health crisis. Read the report.
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Los Recursos Familial en Español | |
Su versión más saludable: Herramientas de bienestar
“La versión más saludable” de cada persona es diferente. Tenemos diferentes cuerpos, mentes, situaciones de vida, y gente que influye en nuestras vidas. Cada área puede afectar su salud general. Esto significa que cada uno de nosotros tiene un grupo exclusivo de necesidades médicas. Utilice los kits de herramientas de bienestar de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud para encontrar formas de mejorar su bienestar en cualquier área que desee. Accede a ellos ahora.
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Healthy MKE
De Milwaukee Health Care Partnership y Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Services, el sitio web Healthy MKE ofrece una única fuente de información para los servicios públicos y privados en el condado de Milwaukee, donde los proveedores y los miembros de la comunidad pueden obtener la información que necesitan para ayudarse a sí mismos o a otros. Accede a ellos aquí.
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Programa de intervención familiar (FIP)
Objetivo del programa de intervención familiar es eliminar importantes barreras que impiden latinos y afroamericanos individuos y familias de buscar servicios de asesoría tradicional. Este programa de manejo de caso intensivo, basado en el hogar, enfoque familiar ofrece servicios de apoyo a las familias que luchan con el impacto de la adicción a la sustancia y la violencia doméstica. Servicios son proporcionados sin costo a la familia. Para obtener más información sobre el programa de intervención familiar, por favor llame a 414-270-4600. Aprende más.
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Family Resources in English | |
Your Healthiest Self: Wellness Toolkits
Each person’s “healthiest self” is different. We have different bodies, minds, living situations, and people influencing our lives. Each area can impact your overall health. This means we each have a unique set of health needs. Use the National Institutes of Health wellness toolkits to find ways to improve your well-being in any area you’d like. Access them now.
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Positive Options for Women Entering Recovery
Are you worried about your drinking or drug use? You aren’t alone. The Positive Options for Women Entering Recovery (POWER) is here to help. The Milwaukee Women’s Center’s POWER provides FREE day treatment for women struggling with alcohol and other drug issues. Click here to learn more or call 414-270-4600 to get help.
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Family Intervention Program (FIP)
Struggling with drug and alcohol use can make you feel alone. Not being able to find a counselor who understands your unique treatment needs can make things even harder. The Family Intervention Program is a no-cost, bilingual English and Spanish drug and alcohol treatment program specifically designed for Black and Latinx individuals and families in Milwaukee. To learn more about the Milwaukee Women’s Center’s Family Intervention Program, please call 414-270-4600 or click this link.
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