February 12, 2025

Cochecho Waterfront Development Advisory Committee

Norm Fracassa, Chair

Sean Fitzgerald, Vice Chair

Steve Brown

Cliff Blake

Matthew Cox

Dane Drasher

Elizabeth Goldman

Dana Lynch

Jack Mettee

Kyle Pimental

Kimberly Schuman

Ex Officio:

Christopher G. Parker,

Deputy City Manager

Ryan Crosby 

Dover Housing Authority 

Executive Director


Robert Carrier


Letter from the Chair

Welcome to the February edition of the Dover Waterfront Newsletter. The whole area continues to change and evolve on what feels like a daily basis. Due to mild winter weather in early January, 2025 has started on track. 

Site work continues

The ongoing construction along the Nebi Park shoreline has reached a significant milestone with the completion of the living shoreline up to station 1+00, which is across from the Farm restaurant. Only a small section remains unfinished, pending the installation of the granite block stairs element, closer to the Makem Bridge. The living shoreline is a technique that incorporates natural elements to protect against shoreline erosion

Meanwhile, the construction of the granite sea wall is progressing on the northern, upriver side of the existing bulkhead area. Additionally, water and sewer installations along Seaport Way within the right-of-way have been successfully completed, marking a crucial step forward in the infrastructure enhancements.

Eversource has successfully relocated both utility poles and their associated wires, including telecommunications lines. The removal of the old poles and guide wires has cleared the way for the city's contractor, Northeast Earth Mechanics (NEEM), to proceed with the remaining drainage and road improvements.

Onsite processing of rock and stone material continues to generate materials essential for completing the park creation and constructing the drainage infrastructure projects. Furthermore, subgrade improvements at the Building “F” footprint are ongoing. The stockpiled materials generated from Cathartes’ work area, are actively being transported to the dredge cell area for further stockpiling. These materials were leftover remains in the ground from historic uses and are not suitable for building upon.

Work will continue in the Cochecho River on the shoreline treatment into March as allowed by the permit from the Army Corps of Engineers. Once that work is completed, site work will focus on Nebi Park. 

Looking west towards the Waterfront Development, from Cochecho Street. In the foreground, crews work between the shoreline and the pavilion foundation. In the midground, framing is underway on the upper floors of the mixed-use buildings, with the townhomes in the background. 

Private development takes shape

Cathartes’ team is making substantial gains on the mixed use and townhome buildings. As you can see from Cochecho Street, Building C has its fifth-floor framing nearing the half way point. This is in addition to the completion of a portion of the ground floor slab. Building D's fourth floor framing is nearing completion as well.

The rough exterior construction phase of the townhomes is nearly complete, and rough framing is expected to be underway in the coming weeks. Cathartes will continue to focus on Buildings C, D and E for the coming winter, and work towards their completion in about a year. 

You can learn more about the private development at its website:

Nebi Park Pavilion

Frost protection has been installed on the park pavilion building to ensure the integrity of the interior foundation during construction. We expect to see the park pavilion construction, above the foundation, begin in late March or early April. With an 8-10 month build time, we should see completion in late 2025. 

Electrifying the site

Coordination efforts with Eversource to supply permanent power to the waterfront project are ongoing. Temporary poles have been installed on Payne Street and lower Washington Street, and NEEM’s electrical contractor, Yates Electric, has completed the installation of conduits and risers to the temporary pole on Payne Street. Eversource is anticipated to provide temporary power, through overhead connections and generators, to the construction site in the coming months.

We look forward to providing more progress updates on this project next month.

Best regards,

Norm Fracassa, Chair

Cochecho Waterfront Development Advisory Committee

CWDAC meets next on Feb. 18

The Cochecho Waterfront Development Advisory Committee's next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall's Council Conference Room (new meeting location). The agenda, once confirmed, will be posted on the city's calendar for upcoming meetings.

The meeting will be televised on Channel 22 and online at, where it will also be available for on-demand viewing.

For more information on the committee and its meetings archive, click here.

Missed the last meeting?

The Cochecho Waterfront Development Advisory Committee last met on Jan. 21, 2025.

Click here for the meeting agenda and minutes.

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