Greetings Tonyehn,
If we can't stop them at least we can keep an eye on them so that they can be held accountable for the damage they do.
~ Dimock, PA resident about PSR PA research and data collection
As 2022 comes to an end, Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania (PSR PA) would like to say thank you for supporting cleaner, healthier, safer communities. Through devastating climate catastrophes, a war, the increased cost of food and high prices at the gas pump, support from donors like you helps us remain vigilant and proactive. Your belief in our mission to promote socially and environmentally responsible practices, policies, and programs to safeguard and improve public health has allowed PSR PA to continue to grow, develop new programs and support more impacted communities. We could not have done this without you!
Protecting the health of Pennsylvanians from environmental and climate harms requires a sustained commitment -- at PSR PA, we are fighting the good fight not just today and tomorrow, but for the long-term. Please consider making a gift this year to help us continue our critical work of advocating alongside those facing the greatest health threats.
This year PSR PA has been busier than ever! Here are a few highlights.
Through PSR PA’s five-part series Climate Emergency Film Club, more than 300 people from around Pennsylvania learned how environmental feedback loops exacerbate global warming and what we can do to stop them. You can find recordings here:
Our Gas, Steel and Petrochemical Tours highlighted the heavy health toll of these industries on southwestern PA residents. Read more here:
Better public policies require better informed legislators. PSR PA provided expert testimony and comments at PA Department of Environmental Protection and US EPA hearings, educating policy makers and the public on air pollution, fracking waste, and more.
- Our work with the PA Medical Society has impacts right in your own kitchen: we have helped inform health care providers and the public about risks that can be associated with gas cooking, including household air pollution and childhood asthma.
- We also kicked off a citizen science project on Air Quality Monitoring across Pennsylvania tracking volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter to help communities advocate for better policies.
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As PSR PA heads into the new year, your donations will allow us to continue to expand our research on VOCs and other toxins affecting the health of communities across Pennsylvania. Through mobile air quality monitoring, expanded sample collection and analysis we can arm communities and legislators with the data that allows them to be more effective advocates for their communities. Donations from supporters like you enable us to be agile and responsive to emerging needs.
Enough cannot be said about how much we appreciate your dedication to PSR PA. Today we ask that you continue your support of our work on issues we know are near and dear to your heart.
With gratitude,
Tonyehn Verkitus
Executive Director