Dear friends:

Happy New Year!

I have been blessed in my life to experience Thoroughbred horse racing from all angles. 

It is my joy to know many of you, and my privilege to bear first-hand witness to the impact of the NY Chaplaincy.

Our teamwork and shared love of the backstretch community have combined to make a real difference throughout the year in the lives of those who are anonymous to much of the world.

I know how frightening life can be when you are alone in a new country, and appreciate how a small gesture can make a big difference. A shared smile, a hot cup of coffee on a cold day, an invitation to join in a team sport or attend a prayer meeting, all combine to build a trusting relationship.

Because of your support, these relationships are forming and building every day on the backstretch. We are the 2 am call, the person who is trusted when there is a crisis in the family, the voice of tough love when a change in your life is necessary.

You make this possible. and on behalf of the staff and board of the NY Chaplaincy I thank you for being part of this team. Each of you makes a difference.

Sharon and I wish you and your family a Happy and Healthy 2023! Hope to see you soon on the track.

Ramón Dominguez
President of the Board of Directors