The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
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Hello BHS family, friends, and community.
We already raised almost $64,000!
Our goal is to raise $70,000 this year. There is still time to donate to support our PTSA programs and community! Reaching this goal will allow us to fully fund all of our PTSA programs, which include:
- Over $35,000 in grants directly to academic, sports, and student organizations
- Staff appreciation events
- Support Youth Eastside Service mental health counseling at school
- Giving closet for BHS students and families in need
- Sharing information with our community via the Blast and BHS PTSA Website
- Much much more!
Please donate using the button below or via your corporate giving program for matching!
Thank you all for your support
The donors’ list is not updated for this week. Will be updated for the coming week.
If your company offers matching, please take a moment to submit a match request and stretch your donation. Bellevue High PTSA’s tax id number is 91-1459440.
If you donate through Benevity, there will be a delay to put your name on our honor roll. If you want your names to be added into the honor roll now, free to email your full name and your donation number to
Should you prefer to write a check, please make it out to Bellevue High PTSA and mail it to 10416 SE Wolverine Way, Bellevue, WA 98004.
Got questions?
Thank you very much for your support!
105 BHS marketing and business students will be competing at the Area 4 DECA competition on January 6. It’s a great opportunity to get dressed up in professional clothes, apply what they have learned in class, and build confidence and leadership skills. Students will be given a business scenario, and have 10 minutes to come up with a solution to a problem or a develop an idea. They then have 10 minutes to present their idea to a judge. The judge scores them based on criteria that the students have seen ahead of time, and that score is added to a 100-question multiple choice test that students have taken. The winners (Top 10 students in each event; finance, business law and ethics, apparel and accessories marketing, human resources management, etc.) will advance to the state competition to do it all over again with their peers from across the state in March. From there students can qualify for the international competition. This year it is in Orlando.
Bellevue DECA will be competing against more than 1200 students from high schools in Bellevue, Issaquah, and Snoqualmie Valley on January 6, 2023 at Bellevue’s Meydenbauer Center. Students will solve business problems with business people from the community who volunteer as judges. If you have business experience, and would like to volunteer your time and expertise, please email DECA advisor, Tammi Riggers at riggerst@bsd405.org. The time commitment is from 8:30 am until about 1:00 pm on Friday, January 6. Parking will be validated, and there will be coffee and pastries for judges. This is a great event for students and judges alike. Your support and participation are greatly appreciated!
January is going to be a very busy month for the theater department! Join us in all of these exciting events!
MOD Pizza Night - Wednesday, January 11th ALL DAY
Bring your friends and family to MOD Pizza at 317 Bellevue Way NE on Wednesday, January 11th and mention the Bellevue High Theater Arts Program to help support the program's spring musical and upcoming trip to Scotland for the Fringe Festival.
Postponed Play - She Kills Monsters - January 12, 13, and 14 at 7 PM
Join us for a comedic romp into the world of fantasy role-playing games with homicidal fairies, nasty ogres, and 90's pop culture. Tickets are $10 at the door or online through the BHS In Touch payment website - see QR codes for easy ticket ordering!
Screenshot receipt or show email receipt for admission to Theater!
Fringe Festival and Booster Club Meeting - Tuesday, January 17th at 7 PM
All students planning to attend the Fringe Festival in Scotland and their parents are invited to an informational meeting about the festival details. Join us in the theater at 7 PM on January 17th. A brief booster club meeting will follow.
Upcoming Black Box Shows - January 19th and 20th
Join us for the next Black Box shows - student written, directed, and acted!
Spring Musical Auditions - January 31st, February 1st and Februay 2nd
Save the date! More details to come soon!
BHS Orchestra Booster Club Meeting - Jan 10th @ 7pm
All BHS Orchestra parents are invited to our booster meeting on Tuesday, January 10th at 7pm in Room 1405.
The 2022-23 Wolverine Guard Program is going strong! We already have received applications and hours for some students. For those who aren’t familiar with it, WG is a Bellevue High PTSA sponsored award that recognizes students who perform 100+ hours of community service in the 12-month period from May 1st to April 30th of each school year. Students who complete the WG requirements earn a certificate of recognition and who get WG two years during high school, get a special tassel at graduation.
For current guidelines, rules and required forms for WG 2022-23, please go to the BHS PTSA website, Wolverine Guard Program.
A few ideas for volunteer service with links below:
As a reminder: The PTSA WG program is separate from the Bellevue School District's volunteer hours requirement for graduation. However, hours that are earned to meet graduation requirements may also be used to meet WG requirements. You will need to download WG forms off of our website to both record your hours (and get supervisor’s signatures!) and the WG Application form. Thank you to those students who are supporting people through giving your time and energy. You do make a difference!
- First 25 students in get free slice card for pizza at Pagliacci for BOTH JV (3:30 pm) and VARSITY (6:30 pm) Girls Basketball Game
- ALSO a chance to win a $25 Gift card to Pagliacci in a half time competition.
Your Wolverine girls’ basketball teams resume league play at home this week on Friday Jan 6th against Juanita. JV begins at 3:30 and Varsity at 6:30. Come cheer on your teams and win Pagliacci Pizza. See above. Go Wolverines.
Monday and Tuesday January 2nd & 3rd
Wednesday January 4th
Girls JVC Basketball at North Creek High School 4:00pm
Thursday January 5th
Gymnastics at Inglemoor High School with Mercer Island High School and North Creek High School 7:00pm
Wrestling v. Issaquah High School, Mount Si High School, and Mercer Island High School @ Bellevue High School 6:00pm (first match), 7:00pm (second)
Supervisor Vic Anderson
Gym Manager Minh Nguyen
Tickets Debra Andrews
Friday January 6th
Boys and Girls Junior Varsity and Varsity Basketball v. Juanita High School @ Bellevue High School JVB 3:30pm, JVG 5:00pm, VG 6:30pm, VB 8:00pm
Supervisor Katie Klug and Cristian Mackintosh
Gym Manager Minh Nguyen
Tickets Jerry Iseman, Debra Andrews, Israel Perez
Table Crew Dave Sherbrooke, Jim Butcher, Jeff Cato
Saturday January 7th
Boys and Girls Junior Varsity and Varsity Basketball v. Juanita High School @ Bellevue High School JVB 3:30pm, JVG 5:00pm, VG 6:30pm, VB 8:00pm
Supervisor Katie Klug and Cristian Mackintosh
Gym Manager Minh Nguyen
Tickets Jerry Iseman, Debra Andrews, Israel Perez
Table Crew Dave Sherbrooke, Jim Butcher, Jeff Cato
Go Bellevue!!!
Hello Wolverine Basketball, Gymnastics, and Wrestling families;
Through Hometownticketing, we have created season passes for all of the HOME games we will host this year. This will allow only an initial surcharge being applied to the purchase of the passes. Additionally, the price of the total number of games/passes to be used is also discounted by 10% (example – 10 game pass at $7 per would be $70, minus 10% is now $63 plus surcharge from HTT). This will help balance out the surcharge total and it is only applied once at initial purchase.
This is for HOME games only. Each school we visit OUTSIDE of the BSD will have their individual management for ticket purchasing.
Wrestling has THREE home matches this winter season so the 6 Game PASS might be an option for parents to consider if they are both attending the matches. Gymnastics has TWO home meets so individual tickets might be the best option.
Bellevue High School Girls Basketball have 9 NINE HOME games so our Flex Pass options are:
Adult 18 game flex pass $116.40
Adult 9 game flex pass $59.70
K – 8 - 18 game flex pass $84
K – 8 - 9 game flex pass $43.40
Bellevue High School Boys Basketball have 6 SIX HOME games so our Flex Pass options are:
Adult 12 game flex pass $78.60
Adult 6 game flex pass $40.80
K – 8 – 12 game flex pass $57
K – 8 – 6 game flex pass $30
Individual game tickets will also still be sold to accommodate visiting home and away fans, as well as visiting students and youth accompanying their families.
Bellevue Winter Athletics Flex Pass
Thursday, December 1st – Saturday, February 4th
10416 SE Wolverine Way
John Hill
Athletic Director
Bellevue High School
Dear BHS Families,
BSF recently published our 2021-2022 Gratitude Report. Thank you to the over 1000 people and organizations that supported our students and educators last year! If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation before the end of 2022, you can do so at our website. BSF wishes everyone a happy holiday season!
PS: Spring for Schools 2023 is on April 1st, 2023 from 5:00—7:00 PM! Save the date!
Qiuya(Rachel) Li
BSF Ambassador
One of the greatest determining factors in academic success is parental involvement.
Your participation and membership have a direct impact on students’ success at school!
Make Bellevue High School Strong – Join the PTSA
The deadlines for submitting Bellevue Blast articles are as follows:
School news and PTSA articles – Friday 6 pm deadline
Athletics and Activities articles – Sunday 6 pm deadline
PTSA Presidents
PTSA Vice President Fundraising
PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications
PTSA Secretary
Krista Heys
PTSA Treasurers
BHS Administration
BHS Athletics/ Activities
BHS Main Office
Our Address:
10416 Wolverine Way
Bellevue, Washington