
December 28, 2022


No Arctic science event is scheduled for today.


Juneau Will Keep Planning for Icebreaker, Despite Removal From Federal Spending Bill

Funding to buy a privately owned icebreaker was removed from the $1.7 trillion spending bill signed by President Joe Biden on Friday morning. The decision delays plans to possibly dock an icebreaker in Juneau. The U.S. Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act earlier this month, which gave the government permission to spend $150 million on an icebreaker called the Aiviq. The removal of that funding from the separate spending bill means the purchase won’t happen, at least for now.


[Canada] New Scholarship Program Directed Toward Indigenous Students

TD has announced a new scholarship program it is offering Inuit, First Nations and Métis students from across Canada. TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples makes available 25 scholarships annually, each worth a potential $60,000 with a disbursement of $15,000 each school year.

Nunatsiaq News

Too Many Alaska Children are Unnecessarily Institutionalized, Says U.S. Department of Justice

The U.S. Department of Justice has released the findings of an investigation into the lack of adequate mental health services available to children in Alaska. The investigation found that youth in the state were forced to endure unnecessary and unduly long institutionalization in locked facilities because no alternatives exist. Michelle Theriault Boots is an investigative reporter with Anchorage Daily News and wrote about the DOJ report.

Alaska Public Radio

Canada's Grants for Master's, PhD Students Haven't Increased Since 2003. These Researchers Want that Changed

Students doing graduate-level research say Canada risks losing its future scientists to other countries because the dollar amounts of annual grants have remained stagnant for nearly 20 years. A Canada Graduate Scholarship from one of the three federal research funding agencies is $17,500 per year for a master's student or $21,000 per year for a doctoral student. Those amounts have not changed since 2003.

CBC News

January 17- 18, 2023 | Abu Dhabi

Arctic Circle Abu Dhabi Forum

The Arctic Circle Abu Dhabi Forum is organized by Arctic Circle and the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) in association with the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment. Theme: Third Pole - Himalayas and the Arctic Model. The melting of the Third Pole / Himalayan glaciers carries water security implications for 1.65 billion people. The region will experience profound ecological and geophysical transformations as a result of climate change. As outlined in the 2019 Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment, the scope of these consequences is not fully understood and scientific data is lacking.

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January 23-27, 2023 | Anchorage, Alaska USA

2023 Alaska Marine Symposium

The Alaska Marine Science Symposium (AMSS), Alaska’s premier marine research conference, has been bringing together scientists, educators, resource managers, students, and interested public for thirty years to discuss the latest marine research being conducted in Alaskan waters. Over 700 people attend.

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January 30- February 2, 2023 | Tromsø, Norway and virtual

Arctic Frontiers 2023 Moving North

The key topics of Arctic Frontiers 2023 will reflect transformation, modeling, adaptation, and development in the rapidly changing global landscape. Furthermore, business development in viable industries and Arctic health will feature, due to their relevance with the concept of Moving North. While looking at both the long-term and short-term impacts of the environmental, humanitarian, and economic crises, looking for potential solutions will be a key driver of the Arctic Frontiers 2023: Moving North conference. 

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January 30- February 3, 2023 | Santa Barbara, California USA

Fundamentals in Data Management for Qualitative and Quantitative Arctic Research

The National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, California hosts this in-person workshop will provide researchers with an overview of reproducible and ethical research practices, steps and methods for more easily documenting and preserving their data at the Arctic Data Center, and an introduction to programming in R. Special attention will be paid to qualitative data management, including practices working with sensitive data. Example datasets will draw from natural and social sciences, and methods for conducting reproducible research will be discussed in the context of both qualitative and quantitative data.

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February 17-24, 2023 | Vienna, Austria

ASSW 2023 Science Symposium: The Arctic in the Anthropocene

This event is organized by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)and hosted by the Austrian Polar Research Institute (APRI). This event provides opportunities for coordination, cooperation, and collaboration between the various scientific organizations involved in Arctic research. It was initiated by the IASC in 1999. This event includes a Science Symposium. These symposia create a platform for exchanging knowledge, cross-fertilization, and collaboration and attract scientists, students, policymakers, and other professionals from all over the world.

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February 21-23, 2023 | Toronto, Canada


The Arctic360 annual conference brings together Northern and Indigenous governments, institutions, and corporations; global financial institutions, state leaders; mining, innovation, and other industry leaders; and Arctic experts from Canada and around the circumpolar North to advance the conversation and foster action for building a sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous Arctic region.

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March 4-6, 2023 Tokyo, Japan

Arctic Circle Japan Forum

Arctic Circle and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation are pleased to announce new dates for the Japan Forum. The Forum will focus on Asia in the Future of the Arctic: science, geopolitics, economy, oceans, climate, and technology.

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March 6-10, 2023 Tokyo, Japan

Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-7)

The International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR) has been held every two years since 2008 and aims to present and discuss scientific results with researchers on the Arctic from all-over the world, extracting and sharing issues to solve, and exploring the future of the Arctic. ISAR-7 will consist of General Sessions and Special Sessions. General Sessions will address the following topics: atmosphere; ocean and sea ice; rivers, lakes, permafrost, and snow cover; ice sheets, glaciers, and ice cores; terrestrial ecosystems; marine ecosystems; geospacer; laws, politics, and economy; language, culture, and health; and, engineering for sustainable development.

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March 27-31, 2023 | Santa Barbara, California USA

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

This 5-day in-person workshop will provide researchers with an introduction to advanced topics in computationally reproducible research in python, including software and techniques for working with very large datasets. This includes working in cloud computing environments, docker containers, and parallel processing using tools like parsl and dask. The workshop will also cover concrete methods for documenting and uploading data to the Arctic Data Center, advanced approaches to tracking data provenance, responsible research and data management practices including data sovereignty and the CARE principles, and ethical concerns with data-intensive modeling and analysis.

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March 29-31, 2023 | Anchorage, Alaska USA

The Arctic Encounter 2023

As the largest Arctic policy and business conference in the United States, with partners and convenings worldwide, the Arctic Encounter continues to gather leading voices from around the world. The Arctic Encounter is eager to welcome participants to Alaska for a world-class arts and cultural experience, including dialogue and presentations with elected and international leaders, business executives, Indigenous peoples, scientists, students, defense leaders, diplomats, policymakers, and more.

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May 1-4, 2023 | Houston, Texas USA

Offshore Technology Conference 2023

The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters. The conference will include presentations discussing technical solutions, innovations, and advancements of all aspects of the offshore energy industry. Participants will include operators, research, vendors, and stakeholders. The experience of the last 50 years in the Arctic will be in attendance. That expertise and knowledge is available to move forward and support energy, mining, renewables, marine transport, tourism, and other activities in the harshest environments.

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May 22-25, 2023 | Anchorage, Alaska USA

Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference

The 2023 Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference will focus on Alaska’s role leading the energy transition from established renewable sources to innovative and emerging technologies. World-renowned speakers and experts will highlight the agenda, along with breakout tracks, panel discussions, and multiple networking opportunities.

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2025 | Boulder, Colorado USA

4th International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV)

In lead up to its 35th anniversary in 2025, the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) is coordinating a multi-year planning process for the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) that will engage Arctic researchers, policymakers, residents, and stakeholders from around the world to collegially discuss the state of Arctic science, the place the Arctic occupies in global affairs and systems, to consider the most urgent knowledge gaps and research priorities that lie before us and to explore avenues to address these research needs. This event is hosted by a consortium of US institutions, including the University of Colorado Boulder, University of Northern Iowa, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and Alaska Pacific University. ICARP I, II, and III focused the attention of the world’s researchers toward the value of strategic international coordination in accelerating progress in addressing critical challenges. ICARP IV will build upon this concept by striving to achieve consensus and build collaborations among the leading scientific, academic, environmental, Indigenous and political organizations currently concerned with Arctic issues.

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