The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
Bellevue High Families - we can’t believe how time flies! The 2022-2023 school year is almost over, which means it is time to elect next year’s PTSA Executive Board. Our Nominating Committee has been hard at work finding amazing candidates for next year’s board. Please see their nomination letter below We look forward to seeing you at the last PTSA meeting of the year, June 14th, where you can meet the nominees and help elect next year’s Board! 

Rebekah and Jaclyn 
PTSA Co-Presidents 


Dear Bellevue High PTSA board and PTSA membership chair,

With great pleasure we would like to nominate our new Executive Board members of our PTSA as follows:
  • Co-president     Tanya Stoney
  • VP Fundraising        Meghan Lewison      
  • Co -VP Communications    Rachel Hall
  • Co-Treasurer              Belinda Wong

All of the above have great experience and are enthusiastic about their candidate positions. The Bellevue High PTSA Nominating Committee highly recommends these candidates to serve for our PTSA Board for the year of 2023-2024. Please note that elections for the 2023-2024 PTSA board will take place at the PTSA meeting on June 14th following the Principal's Coffee.

Thank you,

Bellevue High PTSA Nominating Committee,

Dana Gribble
Susan Ishii  
Olya Gubareva
Allison Frey
Final Push – we’ve raised $12k with a few days to go
We need YOU - BUY your tickets TODAY!!!!

Let’s help fund prom, grad night, senior breakfast and baccalaureate
for our rising seniors!

THANK YOU to this AMAZING group of parents! Many of you have stepped up to buy or sell raffle tickets and we appreciate you! We still need MORE PARENTS - this is a COMMUNITY effort and YOUR SUPPORT is the ONLY way we will raise the money we NEED to ensure that YOUR kids’ graduation celebration events will take place next year.

Please BUY TICKETS before 6/9 so we can reach our $20k goal!

The more we raise, the less we need to do in the Fall – these events are planned, funded, and executed by us – the 2024 parents. Funds raised go ONLY to the Class of 2024 and we will only be as successful if our collective group of parents pulls together!

Got 1 minute? BUY TICKETS FROM KIM MILLEN - email or text 858-888-3528 how many tickets you want and you will be given payment instructions. Nothing else for you to do or pick up – your ticket stubs will be filled out and entered into the drawing!
It has been energizing to see our class of parents rally together and join in this effort! We are well on our way to funding our kids’ graduation events next year thanks to YOU!

The drawing will take place on Friday at 5pm and winners will be announced next week!

Go Class of 2024 Wolverines! Kim Millen & Leslie Feller, Class of 2024 Parent Advisors
Raise some Dough MOD Pizza Fundraiser 6/7

Hey Bellevue! Let’s raise some dough for the Class of 2024! Grab some pizza this Wednesday, 6/7, and mention code MODGIVES20 or use it when placing an order online.  20% of all proceeds go to support the Class of 2024 prom! Thank you for your support!

Bellevue 2024 Class Officers
2023 年毕业典礼主题:
6月12日星期一晚上 7:00
Sacred Heart Church in Bellevue
毕业典礼是毕业周仪式中历史悠久的传统部分。 这是朋友和家人聚在一起纪念这一人生重要的时刻,庆祝学长学姐的许多才华(歌手、音乐家、艺术家等等……!),并为反思和感激创造空间。
NEEDS: 20 parents –
Who: PREFERABLY Class of 2024 Parents
Time and Date7:30 -10:30pm on Wednesday June 14, 2023 at Bellevue HS
Description: Check in the class of 2023 Seniors for their All Night Grad Party and send them off for an evening of fun and celebration with their classmates. Instructions to be provided closer to June 14. If you have issues with the sign up please contact Heather Serres –
Looking for 4 additional chaperones for the Graduation Party Night! (SENIOR PARENTS IF POSSIBLE)
This is a great way to continue the festivities with the class. Chaperones will arrive at 9:30pm by the lower aux gym and return with the students after the event around 4:30-5:00am. If you have a buddy you can pair up on the bus. The event cannot run without the chaperones. Feedback last year was extremely positive and parents that attended had a blast!
Senior Salute Banquet – “Prior to the Senior Salute Awards Assembly, a high-tea luncheon will be held in the main gym. Help with setting up tables and food service will be much appreciated! 12:15pm on Tues June 13. Please see sign-up genius link …

Please contact Gina Dattilo if you can help out!
Camp Sasquatch的照片和视频现已发布在上。今天就去看看吧!
Registration for Sports will open in May 15 for the 2023-24 – Registration for Clubs will be open after the school year begins.
FinalForms is out athletic and activities database for our BHS students. The parent and student forms need to be complete every year prior to participating in sports or activities. WIAA allows one sport per season. Our BSD 2-page sports physical is good for 2 years from the date of physical and valid impact testing is good for 2 years.

To Participate in a Sport at BHS:
1. Register for Athletics or Clubs at BHS FinalForms (
a. A student may be on only one interscholastic sport roster per season
b. Parent/Guardian and Student questions need to be complete every year
c. If you attend International, Bellevue Virtual Academy or Big Picture, please contact Kelli at
2. Please attend ImPACT Testing (if required)
a. Athletes for most high school sports must have a current concussion baseline ImPACT test completed to participate (valid for 24 months) require ImPACT testing.
b. Sports that do not require ImPACT testing are: Cross Country, Badminton, Drill Team, Swim Only, Tennis, Golf, and Track & Field (except Pole Vault requires the ImPACT test)
c. ImPACT testing dates – June 14th, July 5th, July 12th, July 19th and July 26th at BHS **we will have additional dates for individual teams to host impact testing**

3. A 2-page BSD sports physical will need to be on file with the school Athletics and Activities department, email a copy to Kelli at
a. BSD Sports physicals are kept on file for 2 years – please be sure we will have valid BSD sports physical on file for your athletes for the whole sports season.
b. Coaches should not accept or receive a sport physical.
4. To make payments:  
a.* Please Note: ASB membership is required to participate in Athletics and the Athletic Fees are applied to your students account & applied when team rosters are complete. The fees include the ASB Card fee, a school transportation fee (fee amounts vary), and a participation fee per sport (maximum $300 per individual/family per school year), $150 Club sport base fee for Water Polo, Lacrosse and Badminton.
b. Sports fees are applied once rosters are set each season.
c. Questions in regard to Fees/Fines, please contact Cathy Lanning, BHS ASB Accountant at

Regular Season Sports 2023-24
Fall Sports – registration opens 5/7/23 until 8/21/23 and XC, Golf, Soccer, Swive, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo begin 8/22
Cross Country, Boys Golf, Girls Soccer, Girls Swim and Dive, Boys Tennis, Volleyball, Boys’ Water Polo, Cheer and Dance
Football – registration opens 5/7/23 until 8/15/23 and football begins 8/16
Winter Sports - registration opens 5/7/23 until 11/12/23 for Basketball, Swive and Wrestling begin on 11/13
Boys and Girls Basketball, Boys Swim and Dive, Boys and Girls Wrestling
Gymnastics registration opens 5/7/23 until 11/5/23 and gymnastics starts on 11/6
Spring Sports- registration will open 5/7/23 until 2/25/23 and begin on 2/26
Girls Badminton, Baseball, Girls Golf, Boys Soccer, Softball, Girls Tennis, Boys and Girls Track & Field and Girls Water Polo
Boys and Girls Lacrosse – start TBD
**please check out BHS athletics website for all cut sports
Practices are mandatory beginning on these dates. If a team has a tryout, it will be scheduled for the first days of practice.
To find contact information for our all of our coaches please visit our school website –
FinalForms, athletic and activities site:
Questions? Please contact Kelli Mayer, BHS Athletics & Activities
ImPACT Test Dates for the BHS Fall Sports Season 2023/24, calling all athletes participating in BHS Fall Sports:
No registration needed, just show up – the impact test takes approximately 30 – 45 minutes.
ImPACT Testing will begin at 2:00pm
May 3rd and May 10th – Football Team impact testing in the Lower AUX Gym
May 17th – Girls Soccer Team impact testing in Room 1113, the History Hallway
May 24th the Volleyball Team – Room 1113, the History Hallway
May 31st – Boy’s Water Polo Team – Room 1113, the History Hallway
June 14th – ImPACT testing - Room 1113, the History Hallway
Students need to bring their fully charged laptop to take the ImPACT test for the May & June test dates.
July 5, July 12, July 19 and July 26 – BHS Fall Athletes ImPACT testing – Room 0108 (basement) **no laptop needed.
August 15th - Football Team – Room 0108 (basement) **no laptop needed.
August 17th for Fall sports Teams – Room 0108 (basement) **no laptop needed.
Impact testing is required for Football, Soccer, Divers, Volleyball, Water Polo prior to participating.
Please contact Kelli Mayer, BHS Athletics & Activities at if you have any questions.
The Wolverine Way. It’s Worth the Climb…. We hold high standards.
We embrace the challenge together and support one another along the way.
Bellevue Youth Theatre Auditions for Alice in Wonderland!
Tuesday, Wednesday June 6th & 7th, 5:00-6:30p
Come join the cast of Alice in Wonderland. Follow Alice down the rabbit hole into the mysterious Wonderland. Everyone who attends an audition will be included in the cast. No pre-registration! Attend an audition and complete the paperwork. Once you’ve completed the audition, you are in a cast! 

Take a trip down the rabbit hole in this year's production of AMPLIFY!
Join Beyond the Stage Youth in connection with the Bellevue Youth Theatre, as we aim to remix the classic tale of Alice in Wonderland! Through written exercises, collaborative activities and community conversations, teens will write their own reimagining of Wonderland that will no doubt be filled with unexpected twists and turns.

If you are interested in acting, creative writing, script writing or songwriting, or just want to have some fun this summer THIS is the program for you! No experience necessary! You will need to attend one of the audition dates on Tuesday, Wednesday June 6th & 7th, 5:00-6:30p. 
Are you looking for something fun yet challenging for your student over the summer? What about an introductory physics course to prepare your middle school student for high school classes and olympiads? Bellevue Physics Online Learning (BPhOL) is a summer online program brought to you by top physics students and olympiad competitors in Bellevue High School's Physics Club.

BPhOL is organized by top physics and math olympiad competitors - USAPhO, USA(J)MO, and AIME qualifiers - who are extremely experienced educators through teaching assisting and tutoring. We are incredibly passionate about teaching physics and will be teaching your child concepts and problem-solving skills covering AP Physics 1 and 2 and beyond! Throughout the program, your student will build stronger analytical and creative skills that they will apply to a variety of problems and gain a foundational understanding of physics that can also be used in preparation for olympiads like F=MA and USAPhO.

You can sign up at, and if there are any questions, please contact us at We hope to see your student there!

Who: Current 5th - 8th graders
When: July 31 - August 11, 10 AM - 12 PM
Where: Online over Zoom
Cost: $275 per student (financial aid is available - please contact us!)
寻找:有主见的大四学生去Chinook 中学演讲
Chinook 中学 PTSA 正在寻找六名不同的 BHS 高年级学生在小组讨论会上向 Chinook 家长和学生讲述他们的高中经验。

主要要求:善于表达和坚持己见(这比高 G.P.A. 更重要),并且在 6 月 13 日星期二晚上 6:00-8:00 有空。该活动将在 Chinook 图书馆举行。被选中的12年级学生必须有自己的交通工具。


如需考虑,请尽快通过 联系 Sharon Pang,并提供以下信息:
(1) 你在校内外参与了哪些活动。
(2) 毕业后的计划。

如果被选中,每位演讲者将获得 40 美元的礼品卡酬金。
提交 Bellevue Blast 文章的截止日期如下:
  • 学校新闻和 PTSA 文章 – 周五下午 6 截止日期
  • 体育和活动文章 - 周日下午 6 点截止
PTSA 执委会 / 快速链接
PTSA Presidents

PTSA Vice President Fundraising

PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications

PTSA Secretary

Krista Heys

PTSA Treasurers

BHS Administration

Asst. Prin: Katie Klug
Asst. Prin: Thomas Gangle

BHS Athletics/ Activities
Director: John Hill
Asst.Dir: Kelli Mayer

BHS Main Office
