Children's Council Connections

February 2025

Learn more about the team!

***The texting option for HMG Navigator line is not available right now, but we hope to have it operating again soon! The calling option is still available!***

Meet the Team!

When families connect with Help Me Grow Skagit, this is the team providing support.

Janna Uffelman connects with pregnant people through Pregnancy Connections.

Liz Cooksey meets families in the hospital as our Newborn Outreach Nurse.

Xiomara De La Rosa, Natalia Laguas, Rosa Paz and Yana Pshenychna provide families with basic needs items through the Family Resource Center at the Children's Museum.

Emily Molina & Rosa Paz offer resource navigation support to connect families with services. Xiomara and Natalia are also trained to provide navigation support.

This team also makes up our Coordinated Access Point and Family & Community Outreach Action Team. Click the green button to learn more about them!

Children's Council Meetings

Children's Council General Meeting: February 12th from 8:30 - 10:00AM

Spotlight Topic: Equity Action Team, Allia Allen

Zoom Link: HERE

Have you registered for the Meet & Greet on March 12th? Check out the flyer and register HERE

Help Me Grow Skagit Action Team Meetings:

  • Childcare Action Team: 2nd Thursday at 1pm - Contact Lexi Hughes for the Zoom link.
  • Coordinated Access Point / Family & Community Outreach Action Team: 2nd Tuesday at 3pm - Contact Janna Uffelman or Liz Cooksey to get more information.
  • Equity Action Team: To connect with the Equity Team, Contact Allia Allen
  • Health Care Provider Outreach Action Team: 2nd Friday at 9am - Contact Francie Chalmers for the Zoom link.
  • Policy & Advocacy Action Team: Last Tuesday at 11am - Contact Debra Lancaster for the Zoom link.

Outreach to Early Childhood Educators

On Saturday, February 1st, a few members of our Help Me Grow Skagit Team staffed a resource table at the Focus on Children conference at Whatcom Community College. Early Education Professionals from across the region attended a full day conference and stopped by our table throughout the day to learn more about the services we provide to families.

Have an event coming up where HMG could spread the word about our services? Reach out to Liz Cooksey to see if we are available!

Pictured Above: Emily Molina, Lexi Hughes, Janna Uffelman

Planning Team Members Pictured Above: Lyndie Simmonds, Emily Kipp, Deirdra Brummer, Kathryn DeFillipo, Dr. Rick Levine, Dr. Francie Chalmers, Jennifer Sass-Walton (not picture: Dr. Chao-Ying Wu)

2025 Virtual Education Series

Healthcare Provider Education Events

The Children's Council of Skagit came together with Whatcom partners to host and in-person event for professionals from medical, mental health, OT/PT, early education, and parent support programs to hear from Dr. Erin Gonzales from Seattle Children's FAST program, Department of Psychiatry about Supporting Behavioral Health in Families with Young Children. It was a day full of great information, panel presentations, family voice and provider networking.

Starting in February, we will be hosting a monthly virtual education event for medial providers focused on a variety of topics around pediatric health.

Click the dark purple box to learn about the upcoming events!

Equity Action Team

This month's Children's Council meeting spotlight will feature information on our DEI Guiding Principles that were developed by our Equity Action Team. Additionally, we will be providing some resources to support families in Skagit County. Below are links to some of the resources that will be shared.

Immigration Resource Information

Immigrant Legal Resource Center - Red Card

PFLAG Skagit: Executive Order Explainers and Resources

OSPI Gender Inclusive Schools Resources

OSPI Immigrant Students' Rights

Washington State RCW 49.60.030: Freedom from discrimination - Declaration of civil rights

Advocacy Resources

Supporting early childhood development is crucial for building a brighter future for our communities. But, where to start? Check out the new page on our website that connects you to organizations advocating for policies that benefit young children and their families, as well as tools to identify and connect with your state legislators.

Advocacy Resource Page