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The Best Laughs Archives!

Hello Albert,

I thought I'd shake things up a little. I'm including some humor, but also some articles that have recently come out that clarify what's going on nationally. Including this one by Ezra Klein called "Don't Believe Him" (the video is a good way to receive this one.

The substacks below are worth subscribing to!

I'm very concerned with what's going on at USAID.

This message is also going out to my monthly The Eleven readers - thanks for playing along and see you on the 11th!

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Where's the Real Power Nexus? How Does the Opposition Get To It?

I've made this point a few times in passing in other posts. But as events develop I wanted to explain it succinctly and with emphasis. Democrats are out of...

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Massive Computer Error by DOGE Donates Musk's Entire Fortune to Save the Children

The teenager who made the error apologized to Musk, whose net worth now stands at zero dollars.

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Understanding His Sick Game

We're being bombarded with crazy by the White House. Here's how to handle it.

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The Logic of Destruction

And how to resist it

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Is Somebody Doing Something?!

Yes. Let me break it down for you.

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LinkedIn Or Don't!

Funny corner, from BakermanDan!


I've included something sweet from my friend Joe Jencks below. This is the first in a new series called Lullabies that I'm starting. If you'd like to take it for a spin, click here.

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