IPAC Uplink Newsletter
January 2023
Euclid NASA Science Center at IPAC (ENSCI)
NExScI Science Affairs at IPAC
Each year NExScI offers the Sagan Summer Workshop, a week-long workshop that explores a specific exoplanet topic in detail. The topic of the 2023 workshop is “Characterizing Exoplanet Atmospheres: The Next Twenty Years.”
The Roman Virtual Lecture Series, run jointly by JPL, IPAC, GSFC, and STScI, is open to the entire astronomical community and covers science, engineering, and technology related to the Roman mission. Talks are the 3rd Thursday of each month from 1 pm to 1:30 pm Pacific/4 pm to 4:30 pm Eastern, and are ~ 20 minutes with ~ 10 minutes reserved for Q&A. To receive monthly lecture announcements and webinar connection
Roman Splinter Session @ AAS 241
We are pleased to announce that a splinter session on "Starting Now: Community-Led Definition of the Roman Core Community Surveys " will be held at the 241th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, WA, on Wednesday, January 11, 2022 at 2 pm PDT in Room 4C-3.
NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA)
IRSA has been releasing new data from the Zwicky Transient Facility every two months during 2022. The 14th public data release in November contains approximately 43.8 million images, 701 billion source detections extracted from these images, and over 4.5 billion light curves.
IRSA has released a number of observational data sets contributed by community members:
- data from the Spitzer SMC-Last program, which adds two epochs at 3.6 and 4.5 microns covering the entire 30 square degree footprint of the SAGE-SMC survey
- data from the Herschel Maps of Local Group Galaxies program, which combined Herschel observations with lower-resolution data from all-sky surveys to recover extended FIR emission
- data from the Galactic Census of High- and Medium-mass Protostars (CHaMP) survey of molecular clouds and star formation along the Carina Arm of the Milky Way
- an extension of the S4G Early-Type Galaxies survey, adding 465 galaxies to the original sample
IRSA Functionality Upgrades
A new version of IRSA Viewer allows pinning of custom plots of tabular data, enabling a simultaneous view of multiple different chart types and axes.
IRSA has released a new version of the software underlying WISE Image Service with a modern user interface consistent with other IRSA tools. Twelve of the tutorial videos for the WISE Image Service have been updated.
NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
NED had two data releases since Chandra data were integrated in April. More than 200K object links to 1800 new articles, 160K redshifts, and 153K new sources have been added.
NED staff will be at the IPAC booth providing NED demos, answering your questions, and taking your suggestions. We invite you to attend a talk “NED and Open Science” on Wednesday, January 11 from 2:15 pm PST to 2:30 pm PST at the NASA Hyperwall.
We are seeking new members of the NED Users Committee. If you would like to help shape the future of NED, please contact Joseph Mazzarella (mazz@ipac.caltech.edu).
The Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) now ingests newly acquired raw data from all the instruments in real time. KOA is a collaboration between NExScI and the W. M. Keck Observatory.
The Ultraviolet Explorer (UVEX)
The Ultraviolet Explorer (UVEX) is one of two concept studies for the next NASA Medium Explorer. Launching no earlier than 2027, UVEX would undertake a UV synoptic survey of the entire sky, probing the dynamic universe (e.g., aftermaths of gravitational wave-discovered compact object mergers, discoveries of fast UV transients, and the early stages of explosive phenomena).
IPAC would operate the UVEX Science Data Center to generate science-ready data products and provide real-time alerts for transient detections. IRSA would serve the data products, analysis tools, and documentation to the community.
Select IPAC Science Publications and Leadership in Large Projects
There were many changes in the IPAC team in 2022. We filled 24 positions with people who either joined IPAC afresh or with existing staff who transitioned to new roles. If you are interested in joining IPAC, please check our job opportunities page.
IPAC at the 241st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, January 8 – 12, 2023
We are looking forward to seeing you (virtually or in-person) in Seattle! IPAC will have a vibrant presence at the 241st meeting of the AAS in Seattle, WA, held January 8–12, 2023. Look for us at the IPAC booth. Several talks, posters and workshops will be given by IPAC scientists. Follow our activities at https://www.ipac.caltech.edu/page/ipac-at-aas-dps.
IPAC Science Conference October 23 – 27, 2023