December 30, 2022

Dear Residents –


I want to wish all of you a happy and, more importantly, a healthy New Year. As we enter 2023 and the start of my fourth year as Supervisor, I can’t help but think about all that has been accomplished over the last few years. To name just a few, the addition of a dog park, all-inclusive playground, new exercise equipment and pickleball courts at Veterans Memorial Park. We have also seen the completion of the Middletown Road project and start of construction for the new Town Hall. But there is more to do, and I look forward to working hard to make 2023 the most productive year yet.  


Need an idea for a New Year’s Resolution? For those not yet participating, maybe you want to give the Orangetown Food Scrap Recycling Program a try in 2023. I have been partaking in the program for a year now and it is really not that difficult. You can purchase a kit at the Town Clerk's office (or on-line) for pick up at the Highway Department, or you can use a container of your own choosing. The compostable bags are available at the Highway Department and local libraries, and are provided at no cost. Once filled, the bags get dropped to the Orangetown Drop-off Center by the Highway Department.  


I know it sounds like a lot of effort but food scraps are the single largest component in the municipal solid waste stream. Decomposition of the food scraps in the landfill produces methane, a greenhouse gas more damaging than CO2. In 2022, Orangetown residents diverted 95,640 lbs. of compostable food waste from the landfill. There are over 550 families already participating in the program, so why not consider giving it a try and doing your little part for our planet?


As a reminder, Town Hall will be closed on Monday, January 2, 2023, in observance of New Year’s Day.


Enjoy your New Year’s Eve, be safe and may 2023 be everything you want and more!  


Teresa M. Kenny

Town Supervisor

Town of Orangetown

26 Orangeburg Road

Orangeburg, New York 10962

(845) 359-5100 x 2293

Town of Orangetown

Towh Hall will be closed January 2, 2023

January 24 - Public Hearing:

  • To consider adopting the Orangetown Comprehensive Plan Update (continued from December 13th meeting) For updated plan, please click here.

Camp Shanks Museum - Winter Hours

  • Saturday, January 14, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Saturday, February 18, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

For all future Town Board meetings, please click here.

Public Service Announcement

Orangetown Police Department

Going out?

If you are headed out to a party, it’s important to be responsible and avoid drinking and driving. Not only do you risk your life, you risk the lives of those around you (or around your car).

Have a designated driver

Always a wise choice, have someone in your group stay sober. Make sure you pick someone who is responsible and can get everyone home safely.

Take a taxi

It may cost a bit more, but that’s nothing compared to the cost of a life, for what could equal the value of a human soul? If you’re feeling a little woozy or are afraid your judgment might be impaired, call a taxi and make sure you get home safely.

Stay over

If you aren’t confident in your driving skills–confident enough to bet your life on your ability to drive–then ask your friend if you can crash on his (or her) couch for the night.

Give your keys to the host

If you’re afraid you might get too drunk to drive safely, ask the party’s host if he (or she) can keep hold of your keys unless he (or she) believes you are sober enough to drive home.


A DUI (driving under the influence) or DWI (driving while intoxicated) can earn you jail time, a license suspension, and large fees. Driving while drunk could cause a car accident, which may increase your insurance. It could also kill someone, which can result in vehicle-manslaughter charges, a second degree murder charge. Driving drunk is not worth these risks. You may have the mentality that you won’t “get caught” driving drunk, but it’s not about getting caught. It’s about protecting your life, your passengers’ lives, and the lives of those sharing the road with you.

How much is too much?

  • Frequent drinkers believe they can “handle” their liquor. But, the truth is, most metabolisms need a full hour to properly digest a glass of alcohol. A standard “glass” is usually classified as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits. If you drink more than this in an hour, you should wait before getting behind the wheel.

Orangetown Highway Department

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