Student Organization Newsletter
January 27, 2023
Engagement Platform Transition/Student Organization Forms

As many officers are aware already, the previous MyLynx (Presence) is no longer active. We have ended our contract with the provider and are working diligently to get the contract signed and the new MyLynx (Engage) up and running for organizations.

During this transition period, please utilize the student organization forms section of the student organization website for operations.
Current Active Organizations Check

Where can students find our information? We have created a public document where students can find a list of all current active student organizations. We want to encourage all officers to check their information on this document and please contact us if anything needs updated.
Spring Involvement Fair Signup

Student Life & Campus Community will be hosting our two spring involvement fairs in early February. We are encouraging organizations to register for this opportunity now to reserve a table. Spots will be limited, so register as soon as possible. As a reminder, student organizations will not be permitted to table on-campus unless they meet all student organization requirements, including attending the Spring Student Organization Conference.

Register for these involvement fairs through this link.

Student Life & Campus Community