Worship Notes
Summer is upon us! The summer calendar for Westminster begins THIS WEEK!
“Old School: Bible Stories”
Westminster friends and families – We are going old school this summer with all of your favorite Bible stories. It is like Vacation Bible School…but for everyone. We’re bringing back Noah’s Ark, Jonah and the whale, plus Daniel in the lion’s den. Join us for a summer of these beloved classics. June 4 – Sept 3.
“Adam & Eve” plus Recognition Sunday. We are kicking off the summer with an exciting presentation in worship called “The Danger of a Single Story.” If you would like to preview it ahead of time, click here. If you prefer a transcript, click here.
A Note from the Music Directors….
Music is at the core of our human existence; its melody provides more than most words could ever say. This Sunday we joyfully celebrate all of our musicians at Westminster! Each week, multiple ensembles comprised of many members gather at Westminster in a common goal: To provide spiritual growth and rejuvenation through song. With a combination of over 6 hours of in-person rehearsals a week and early morning Sunday rehearsals, we have never been so blessed to work alongside such committed musicians and leaders of the church! For each of us, music holds a special place in our heart with varying experiences, preferences, and memories, however a commonality we all share is that it is a core pillar in how we experience God’s love and message. At Westminster, we are all the musicians. Whether you are playing in the Worship Team, ringing with the Handbell Choir, singing with the Chancel Choir, or musiking from within the congregation, we thank you! Let us continue Westminster’s legacy of the beautiful arts by joining together in this sacred ministry: all are welcome. ~Ariana and Jeffrey