March 2022
The Pennsylvania Key Coaching Team welcomes you to another edition of Coaching: Window with a View. We invite you to engage and respond to questions posed as well as sharing exciting and insightful resources that facilitate reflection and critical thinking.
Words Matter

More and more recently, the Coaching Team has become aware of just how much words matter. Our enhanced awareness and reflections have given us a heightened appreciation regarding the impact of our words.

Speaking for myself, I find that I spend much more time when drafting emails, writing thank you notes, and even these newsletters. In the past, there were many times where I was in the habit of hurriedly crafting a message, sending it out, and then regretting I didn’t take more time to focus on the words to ensure I was communicating the intended meaning.

The coaching skills I’ve been working on developing, such as presence, listening, clarifying and reflecting, have taught me to pause and really think about what it is I actually want to communicate. Please allow me to share my process; I just start writing to get something on the page, go back and review, and literally ask myself, “What are you really trying to say here?” Simply asking that question helps me refine my words to drill down to my real message.

Here are some questions to spark further exploration on your part:
  • What skills help you communicate your message clearly?
  • What is your process for making sure you are saying what you mean and meaning what you say?
  • What gets in the way?

Remember – Words Matter!

Submitted by,
Rasheeda Coston, Director of Coaching,                    
Barb Willier, Coaching Coordinator,   
The Pennsylvania Key
Coaching values the knowledge, skills and desired goals of the early childhood education
professional and supports them in moving towards sustainable change.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning is committed to
supporting professional development opportunities, based on the latest
research regarding adult learning and practice development.

The title of this newsletter, Coaching: Window with a View, reflects how only a small slice--or window-- of a perspective or viewpoint is necessary to make an impact in the process of coaching. This monthly newsletter is where you can find information, research, articles and perspectives to support engagement and continued development of the coaching mindset. 

For additional information about coaching, visit the Pennsylvania Keys website.
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