This electronic communication is a resource providing businesses and interested parties with relevant information about funding sources, events, resources, and other local municipal information.

AA’ Rating for Renfrew County

Pulpwood Rating Will Strengthen Woody Biomass Utilization and Support Regional Forestry Operations

The County of Renfrew and Ecostrat recently announced the AA' rating investment grade BDO Zone Rating for Woody Biomass for our region. Emanating from the central area of Pembroke, Ontario, this is the province’s first ‘AA’ rating for Pulpwood. This rating supports investment in biomass-related industries noting that a sufficient feedstock supply exists. Review the media release and visit the County of Renfrew page with the full BDO report.

Labour Market Report 2023-2024

The 2023-2024 Labour Market Report was released in May. The report indicates Petawawa had 8,653 jobs in 2023 with average salary of $61,297. According to the report, the fastest growing industries in Renfrew County in 2023 were:

  1. Accommodation & Food Services
  2. Manufacturing
  3. Health Care & Social Assistance
  4. Arts, Entertainment & Recreation
  5. Wholesale trade
  6. Educational Services
  7. Finance & Insurance
  8. Other Services (except public administration)
  9. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting
  10. Real Estate and Rental & Leasing

The Local Labour Market report also indicates the three industries in Renfrew County that have the greatest number of employers are Real estate and rental and leasing, construction, and agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting. The real estate industry has experienced significant growth over time driven by population increases in Carleton Place, Petawawa and Arnprior.

Read the full report here

FedDev Ontario Regional Program FUND

FedDev Ontario has launched the spring intake for its regional funding program streams. Incorporated businesses can apply for no-interest, repayable contributions

from $125,000 up to $10M to grow, innovate and diversify. Not-for-profit and

community development organizations can apply for non-repayable contributions

from $125,000 up to $10M to grow regional ecosystems, transform local economies,

and foster inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

Priorities for the spring intake include:

• Clean economic growth.

• Innovation-led growth companies.

• Technology – high-potential firms in cutting-edge sectors.

• Industrial transition – expansion in traditional sectors, develop new sectors.

• Zero-emission vehicles (new).

• Housing manufacturing innovation (new).

• Inclusive growth for underrepresented groups and across urban centres and small

and rural communities alike.

Information sessions about the program will be offered on May 14 and 29, 2024 for

businesses and May 16 and 28, 2024 for not-for-profits. The deadline to apply for the spring intake is June 24, 2024.

Funding for businesses in southern Ontario: What we support (

New Business Spotlight "Airborne Petawawa"

The Town of Petawawa is thrilled to welcome Airborne Petawawa to our community! Airborne Petawawa is opening on May 25th and 26th, 2024 at their location at the Pembroke & Area Airport (148 Len Hopkins Drive). They will be offering tandem and solo jumps with online booking now available. Welcome to our community Airborne Petawawa!

Workshops, Events and Engagements

May 28: ONCA Compliance Workshop for Non-Profit Organizations from 9:00am to 1:00pm hosted by Renfrew County Community Futures. Meeting Registration (

June 4: Marketing Channels webinar 10:30 – 11:30am hosted by Enterprise Renfrew County. Master Marketing Series. Meeting Registration (

June 5: Introduction to Intercultural Competency. 9-11 a.m. Presented by Local Immigration Partnership - Lanark & Renfrew. Meeting Registration - Zoom

June 11: DEBUT Sales webinar 10:30 - noon hosted by Enterprise Renfrew County. Master Marketing Series. Meeting Registration (

June 12: Cultural Orientations virtual workshop with Local Immigration Partnership. 1-3 p.m. Meeting Registration - Zoom

June 19: How to Engage Meaningfully in Allyship and Anti-Bias Practices virtual workshop with Local Immigration Partnership. 5-7 p.m. Meeting Registration - Zoom

Business Recognition

Petawawa Hotel Wins National Award

Congratulations to our local Quality Inn and Suites Petawawa team on their 2024 Platinum win. This honour is achieved based on the Choice Hotels guest customer satisfaction program. A Platinum win means being in the top 3% of the 330 brand hotels coast to coast! This is not the first prestigious award for this hotel. They have been recognized each and every year for excellence within their brand. What an achievement! Congratulations and thanks to the staff team for your dedication to serving our community visitors.

Tee Up For Education

Bursary Fundraiser and Networking Opportunity

Join the Upper Ottawa Valley Chamber of Commerce as they raise funds for their bursary program. A 9-hole best ball tournament and dinner at The Oaks of Cobden. It all takes place Friday, May 31st (1 pm registration and networking, 2 pm tee off time and 6 pm dinner).

Play a Round of golf for $90 single, and $340 Four-some: Come on out and tee up! As a best ball 9 hole, it is a fun social, and engaging event. Gather your co-workers, fellow business owners, and your best ladies, or make it a couples night. Not only do you get to play - you play some fun games along the course - maybe win the hole in one prize or some other fabulous gifts and end this networking opportunity with a scrumptious BBQ steak BBQ meal!

Please share with all your friends and colleagues. You don't have to be a member to support and play.

Register for the Charity Golf Tournament Here

EDI Committee Event Seeking Business Sponsorship

The second annual Petawawa Pride Celebration is taking place June 14th, from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at the Kin Hut (16 Civic Centre Road).

This will be an all-ages event. Activities will include arts and crafts, a DJ, entertainment, and food.

Businesses who wish to sponsor the event should contact Theresa Sabourin by emailing:

Winner of Petawawa Ramble

Early Registration Prize Package

Congratulations to Scotiabank Petawawa, the winner of our 2024 Petawawa Ramble Residential and Business Harvest Display early registration contest. Scotiabank will receive a $300 prize pack to help decorate their business this fall! Thank you to the 35 businesses and 7 residents, who signed up to Ramble with us!

If you haven't yet registered, get more promotion and marketing of this event by registering early.

There is a new sponsorship opportunity. We are adding horse-drawn wagon rides as part of the Sunday, October 20th Ramble activities. If your business would like to have your banners on the wagon and sponsor this FREE activity, reach out to Christine.

A special thank you to our early registration prize package sponsors:

  • The McDonald Family
  • Mike's Hardware Doors and So Much More
  • Hyska's Your Independent Grocer
Registration link for the Business & Residential Harvest Display 
Town of Petawawa
Petawawa Business Advisory Network
1111 Victoria St. Petawawa, Ontario
Phone 1-613-687-5536

Petawawa Businesses be sure to use Shop Petawawa to drive additional sales to your businesses' shopping and social platforms. Need help using this FREE resource? Want to advertise your business event or celebration? Contact Christine 

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