Top News
Thank You
A Message to Our Supporters
From all of us at the Allegheny County Parks Foundation, thank you to everyone who supported our work to improve, conserve and preserve the nine Allegheny County Parks in 2022. Together, we were able to achieve projects across all nine parks, such as:

  • The completion of the Carol R. Brown Sculpture Garden at Hartwood Acres
  • The planting of over 2,000 native trees and shrubs
  • The planning of the North Park Observation Tower restoration
  • The assessment of the biological conditions of over 10.5 miles of streams.

As we welcome in 2023, we are excited for the prospect of the year. We still need your support as we begin new projects and continue our work on on-going projects, including:

  • The restoration of the North Park Observation Tower
  • The completion of the historical Nevin Shelter at South Park
  • The planting of groundcover and installation of signage at the Suffragist Grove
  • The completion of the Harrison Hills Ecological Assessment

Our work wouldn't be possible without the support of our generous donors. Please consider continuing your support in 2023. Click here to donate now!
Meet Jaime
New Marketing and Communications Manager

Help us welcome Jaime Filipek to the Parks Foundation as our new Marketing and Communications Manager! Whether it is through email, social media, our website, or out in the parks, Jaime is the person helping us get information to you, our people for the parks.

About Jaime
Jaime comes to the Parks Foundation with ten years of experience working on program development, event management, communications and more with the local nonprofit PUMP. Jaime is passionate about the outdoors, exercise, advocacy and building a more equitable region for every Pittsburgher.
Next Pittsburgh Feature
Check out this great article in Next Pittsburgh highlighting our new Executive Director, Joey-Linn Ulrich.

Project Updates
Peaceable Kingdom Fund
Tree plantings in all 9 county parks

The Allegheny County Parks Foundation, in partnership with Allegheny County, completed a two-year, on-going series of plantings supported by the Peaceable Kingdom Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation. During that time, the Parks Foundation completed work in all 9 county parks, including:
  • 2,012 trees and shrubs planted
  • 80 perennials planted
  • 850 live stakes planted
  • 13.2 acres of meadow created
  • 3.2 acres of riparian improved
  • 2.2 acres of reforestation
  • 2 avian monitoring sites showing an increase

This project was possible thanks to the hard work of the Parks Department and over 300 volunteers.
Suffragist Grove

Visible progress has been made at the Suffragist Grove in Hartwood Acres Park as 47 trees were planted this year!

The Suffragist Grove honors those who championed women’s right to vote. The inspiration to plant this stand of trees rose from the early days of the movement advocating for women’s voting rights. Activists who had been jailed were encouraged to plant trees as part of their healing process. This site was chosen for the grove because Mary Flinn Lawrence, who once lived at the mansion, was an active participant in the movement.

The Parks Foundation recently secured $20,000, thanks to the Laurel Foundation, in order to beautify the landscape with groundcovers and ephemerals blooming colors of white and purple, the colors signifying the Women’s Suffragist Movement.

Honor someone special in your life by making a contribution to the Suffragist Grove. Donations of $250.00 or more will be acknowledged on permanent signage that will be placed in the Suffragist Grove in the final phase of the project. Click here to learn more!
Pinkertons Run Acid Mine Drainage Clean Up and Streambank Stabilization

Our work cleaning up Pinkertons Run from Abandoned Mine Drainage (AMD) is nearly complete! Since 2018, the Parks Foundation, in partnership with Allegheny County, has been working on AMD pollution clean-up and streambank stabilization on Pinkertons Run in Settlers Cabin Park.

A treatment system has been created to capture the mine discharge by pipe and carry it to a 1,500-ton dolomitic limestone bed, which successfully raised the discharge from a 3.1 pH to 7 pH - think of that as turning orange juice into water suitable enough to host fish! 1,200 linear feet of the streambank has also successfully been stabilized using salvaged tree roots and logs from the AMD treatment system construction site.

As we closeout this project, we are hopeful that we can meet the goal of one day stocking Pinkertons Run with native fishes such as trout to be enjoyed for sport again. Click here to learn more about the project.

This project was made possible through funding from Allegheny County, the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, and generous individuals.
Save the dates for our 2023 events! Details and ticket information will be available soon.
In the Parks
The Ski Slopes are Open!
The Boyce Park Ski Slopes are now open! Tickets and season passes can be purchased online. For snow conditions, directions, or more information click here!
Get Outside for Mental Wellness Month
January is Mental Wellness Month, highlighting the importance of both emotional and physical health. We understand the positive impact that equitable, vibrant public spaces can have in someone's life. That is why we are encouraging you to explore your parks this January! Even though it's cold outside there are still plenty of activities, for any budget, going on throughout your nine county parks.

January Park Ranger Calendar
Learn more and register for the events listed below HERE!
Intro to Snowshoeing
January 12 and 26, 9:30-11:00 am
January 15, 7:30-9:00 pm
Boyce Park Four Seasons Activity Center
$10 Adults & $5 Kids 5-10

Guided Hike: Winter Animals
January 14, 1:00-2:30 pm
Hartwood Acres Mansion Parking Lot

January 21, 1:00-2:30 pm
Round Hill Harmony House Shelter

January 22, 1:00-2:30 pm
North Park Harmar Shelter

January 22, 1:00-2:30 pm
White Oak Administrative Building

Junior Ranger: Winter Animals
January 8, 1:30-2:00 pm
Harrison Hills
Environmental Learning Center
Guided Hike: Winter Birds
January 28, 10:00-11:30 am
Harrison Hills Yakaon Shelter

January 29, 10:00 - 11:30 am
Deer Lakes Anglers Shelter

January 25, 12:15-12:45 pm
Virtual Program

Nocturnal Animals Encounter
January 7, 1:00-2:00 pm
Round Hill
Visitor Center

Winter Birds
January 11, 6:00-6:30 pm
Virtual Program
Ways to Support
Become a Monthly Donor in 2023!
Support your parks in the most sustainable way by making a recurring monthly gift that will support your favorite parks all year long.

How does it work? When you make a recurring monthly gift to the Allegheny County Parks Foundation, you will receive a confirmation email of your first payment. Each month thereafter, you will be charged on the same day of the month as your initial payment. Donate now!
Save on Amazon Prime and Support the Parks Foundation!
Every Amazon purchase earns the Parks Foundation cash!

Give back while you shop by selecting the Allegheny County Parks Foundation as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile. All your shopping pays off with a donation to your parks!

For more information, please contact Caitlin Harpster, Individual Giving Manager at or at 724.327.7627.
Boyce Park | Deer Lakes Park | Harrison Hills Park | Hartwood Acres Park
North Park | Round Hill Park | Settlers Cabin Park | South Park | White Oak Park
Contact Us:
Allegheny County Parks Foundation | 675 Old Frankstown Road | Pittsburgh, PA 15239