January 30, 2023

February Family Connections

(Formally called Parent/Teacher Conferences)

Sign Up Links

Offered In Person or Virtual

Thursday, February 16th 2:30-6:30 PM

Friday, February 17th 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

"Please be aware that when teachers have online and in-person conferences back to back, a few minutes of transition may be needed. We respectfully ask for your understanding and patience if this happens to you."

Family Connect Meetings


Please find below the links by classroom to schedule your Family/Teacher Connect Meeting(s) online using SIGN-UP GENIUS. Simply click on the teacher's name to connect to their schedule of available 20 minute conference time slots. Please note, you do NOT need a SIGN-UP GENIUS account for conferences.  Contact the teacher directly if for any reason you are unable to schedule your conference online.

Specialists will be available to meet with in their learning areas. (P.E., Music, and Media). TD Teachers see below.


Ms. Dvorak

Ms. Hansen

Ms. McDonald

Ms. Rohde

First Grade

Ms. Helmers

Ms. Rome

Ms. Stolusky

Ms. Windhorst

Second Grade

Mr. Bordson-Nolle

Ms. Gamble

Ms. Swan

Third Grade

Mr. deNeui

Ms. Hill

Mr. Mr. Homstad

Fourth Grade

Ms. Cornelius

Ms. Cowan

Ms. Morrow

Fifth Grade

Ms. Bancroft

Ms. Baysinger

Ms. Blumer

Talent & Development

Ms. Schauer- Grade K-2 Room 317

  • Thursday, February 16 - 3:00-4:30 PM and 5:30-6:30 PM
  • Friday, February 17 - 8:00-11:30 AM

Ms. Runke- Jones- Grades 3-5 Room 219

  • Thursday, February 16 - 3:00-4:30 PM and 5:30-6:30 PM
  • Friday, February 17 - 8:00-11:30 AM and 12:30-3:00 PM

Family Connections Plan

Students are encouraged to bring their families to the Talent Develop classrooms to share their learning.

Staff Appreciation During Family Connect:

February 16 & 17, 2023

It's time to show appreciation and celebrate our teachers & staff during Winter Family Connect meetings. They put in long hours on these days and what better to thank them but..with food! 

Thursday, February 16 will include an afternoon meat, cheese, crackers, nuts, veggies, and olive bar, then an evening baked pasta dinner.. Friday, February 17 will have morning doughnuts and coffee then Jimmy John's & Chips for lunch. The Snack Cart will be up and running in the mailroom ALL DAY Friday!

We are asking for your help! You can contribute in three ways:

  1. Make a financial donation to cover the costs of ordered food: coffee, meat & cheese tray, doughnuts, sandwiches, and snack cart. 
  2. Sign up to bring a food item.
  3. Volunteer with us! We would love help with set up and clean up. You can sign up here. You can also go drop off a message from your family for the teachers and staff. We will post these messages in the lounge.

If you would like to contribute funds to support these efforts, please first sign-up here and then second, make a payment using the DONATE/PayPal button on the Susan Lindgren PTO webpage. For planning purposes, we are requesting all financial contributions be received by MONDAY, February 13. If you have any questions, contact Aimee Munson (612-385-8881) or Tara DiNicola (612-702-7636).

Your Proud Partner in Learning

Clarence Pollock


Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair will be returning to the Media Center during Family Connections!

Keep an eye out for volunteer sign up coming real soon! We will need a lot of parent volunteers to help sell books- it’s a lot of fun and great to see the joy new books bring! Save the date: 

  • Thursday, February 16th from 2:30-6:30 PM
  • Friday, February 17th from 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Clarence Pollock, Principal

Arsenio Richardson, Elementary Support Supervisor

4801 West 41st Street

St. Louis Park, MN 55416

Phone: 952-928-6700

Fax: 952-928-6713

Connect with us!

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