
Volume 7, Issue 1

January 2025

Message from Mark Denzin

Texas Ramp Project Executive Director

Happy New Year!


I hope this message finds you and your family well, and that the recent cold weather hasn’t caused any challenges for you.


As we embark on 2025, let’s take a moment to celebrate the incredible milestones we achieved together in 2024. Across the state, our team completed over 2,700 ramps—a record-breaking total! But more importantly, each of those ramps provided individuals and their loved ones the freedom to live beyond the confines of their homes. Together, we made a profound difference in people’s lives.


This commitment to helping others is the very reason the Texas Ramp Project was founded 40 years ago, and it remains the driving force behind our work today. Helping those in need is a deeply human instinct, and as we move forward this year, we must continue to channel our talents and energy into fulfilling our mission. For every ramp we completed in 2024, there are at least two more individuals still waiting for help.


Achieving even greater impact in 2025 won’t be easy. It will require renewed enthusiasm from all of us and a collective effort to engage others—recruiting new volunteers, securing additional funding, and forging new connections that open doors to untapped opportunities. With statewide coordination and teamwork, we can exceed last year’s accomplishments and bring hope and freedom to even more Texans.


To guide us in this effort, we will focus on three key pillars in 2025:


1.  Volunteer Development – Expanding and energizing our network of dedicated builders and supporters.


2.  Revenue Growth – Ensuring we have the resources needed to sustain and grow our efforts.


3.  Field Sustainability – Strengthening our operations to deliver lasting impact across communities.


By uniting around these priorities, we can inspire others to join us and ensure our mission continues to make a positive, tangible difference in the lives of those we serve. Let’s make 2025 a year of even greater impact!


Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Here’s to another year of changing lives together.


Warm regards,


Another Record-Setting Year for Texas Ramp Project 


If there were any doubts about the momentum we were all feeling about TRP, they were dispelled at the end of 2024. Volunteers across the state reported an amazing 2,711 ramps built—a 12% increase from 2,429 ramps in 2023 and 40% from 1,929 in 2022. In 2024 TRP provided ramps in 141 of Texas’ 254 counties. Our ultimate goal is to provide ramps in all of them.


The 2024 figures brought TRP’s total ramps built since our founding in 1985—40 years ago—to 28,888. Those ramps, if laid end-to-end, would extend for 148 miles. Just imagine one long ramp running, for example, from Austin to Houston or from Fort Worth to Abilene. What a sight that would be!


Referrals, at 6,833, were only about 200 more than in 2023 but a big leap—19%—from 2022. Referrals originated in 208 counties, indicating that there is a great need across Texas. In fact, over 1.7 million people of all ages in Texas report a mobility issue. Nearly a quarter of Texans 65 or over need a ramp. And two-thirds of the ramps TRP builds are for people in this age group.




This level of construction could not have been achieved without an increase in revenues. In 2024 TRP received over $2,451,600` in grants, reimbursements and other donations. The largest sector was foundations, charities and trusts, at 50% of total revenue. The second highest amount of funding, at 14%, was from individuals. Businesses, civic organizations and churches each provided about 7% of total funding, reimbursements 6%, in-kind contributions of lumber and tools 5%, and interest earned 3%.


The foundation grants are primarily generated through central support, but much of the rest is generated by region coordinators, team leaders and volunteers being proactive with local businesses, churches and civic groups. The most heartwarming contributions are from individual donors. These are people whose lives, or hearts, have been touched by people they know or hear of struggling with a mobility issue.


The highlight of the year was the TRP biennial conference in August. More than 130 key volunteers from across the state gathered in Dallas to celebrate TRP’s success, share ideas, and network with fellow volunteers. The two-day event was full of ways to recruit volunteers, generate local funding, and build better ramps. Seldom has a room been so full of people with the biggest hearts ever.


Central Support


The TRP board of directors and a number of key volunteers, whom we consider “central support,” has spent the year working to communicate better with volunteers in the field and answer the hard questions about how to manage a region. In the beginning of the year TRP set up a Region Coordinator Advisory Committee to keep the ideas flowing from central support to key coordinators to regions across Texas. The RCAC has met quarterly throughout the year.


Central support people have worked hard this year to develop corporate sponsorship, both for funding and for volunteers. They have developed what we are calling a regional health check to monitor each region as to their builds, goals, volunteers and funding. The health check will be rolled out to the regions this year. It will help us identify regions that might need a little more support in one of the key areas to help cement their success.


IT professionals in central support are also working with the Salesforce database to make it more streamlined and efficient. The goal is to make it easier and clearer for health care providers to make referrals and for field volunteers to enter build data. We also plan to expand Salesforce’s capability beyond recording ramp activity to tracking corporate partnerships, foundations and other donors.


A New Era


With the arrival of a new executive director, TRP’s momentum is more than just perceived. Mark Denzin brings to the Texas Ramp Project a wealth of experience in managing a nonprofit for maximum effectiveness. Mark Denzin spent the last eight years as executive director of the Alzheimer’s Association. He previously served eight years with Ability Connection Texas and 18 years with the Muscular Dystrophy Association. He understands the disability community.


2025 will see TRP celebrating its 40th year helping Texans with mobility issues get the help they need to live a safe and more independent life. We will surely see TRP building its 30,000th ramp and its 150th mile of ramps. All these major achievements could never be made without the abiding loyalty of close to 3,500 volunteers who have given their time and talent to helping their neighbors. We have all been blessed.


The Texas Ramp Project moves into 2025 with a solid balance sheet and not a single region with a deficit. This is an absolute first for TRP. Donations continue to come in, grants are being written every day, local partners are becoming stronger, volunteers keep showing up, and ramps are being surveyed and built. We are an amazing group of people working to make life easier for some of the most vulnerable people in Texas.


Changes at the Board


2024 brought changes to the TRP board of directors. Keith Henderson remains as president of the board, but Mark Hinzman, who has been working at corporate development since joining the board in 2021, has stepped up to become vice president. Peter Heinkel, who has served as vice president for many, remains on the board. Peter manages credit cards and investments for TRP.


Two new members joined the board in 2024. They are Vipin Gupta, retired chief innovation and digital officer for Toyota Financial Services, and Brittany Pratt, vice president of social responsibility for WellMed Medical Management. Vipin will oversee TRP’s IT improvements, and Brittany will work on fundraising and volunteer recruitment.


Three board members retired. Myron Knutson served 14 years, assisting the treasurer. Gary Gatzlaff spent five years on the board and handled all inquiries. Though retired from the board, he continues to assist with Salesforce referrals and data entry. Rachel Marchand, an SMU Fellow who developed TRP’s Client Satisfaction Survey, left the board after graduating from SMU.


TRP accepted two new SMU Board Fellows this fall to serve as ex officio board members. They are Kendyl Kirtley, a senior majoring in corporate communications and public affairs, and Zaheen Chowdhury, a freshman majoring in health and society.


For a complete board list, click here.

Volunteer of the Month: Jeff Mulkey,

East Texas Emory, Wood County

“I have trained my entire life for this.” That’s how Jeff Mulkey sums up how much the Texas Ramp Project means to him. He sold oilfield tools early in his career, seeing all parts of Texas. He taught middle school for 30 years, working with more than 9,000 students. And he owned a construction company that specialized in small home repairs.


So when he met Tom Lewis at a Holly Lake Kiwanis meeting in 2022, he wasn’t hard to convince. Tom was TRP team leader for Wood County, which last year built 38 ramps. “Tom needed volunteers,” says Jeff, “and I love building things. It was a great fit.”


At first Jeff did whatever was needed, mostly building modules. When Tom stepped down last year, Jeff stepped up. When he took over, Jeff says, “Tom told me that ‘God will give us exactly what we need.’ Tom was right about that. It’s all about having faith and being patient.”


As proof of that faith, Jeff says, service organizations across the area help with whatever the rampers need—tools, materials, funding, even an upgrade to their trailer.


“The best thing about building ramps is seeing how much we can change a person’s life in four hours. What [the clients] don’t realize is how blessed we feel to be able to do this.” Still, his biggest reward is the satisfaction of a job well done. “When we leave, I know that the ramp was built right.”


Jeff grew up in Garland and earned a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from Texas A&M and a master’s in education from East Texas State. He moved around Texas before settling in at Garland ISD and operating DJ Paint N More. He’s been married to his wife, Dee, for 44 years. They have three children and six grandkids. They moved to Holly Lake Ranch full-time in 2022.


In addition to building ramps, Jeff is a member of Chapel in the Woods near Winnsboro and volunteers with Men Making a Difference (MMAD) in Holly Lake. MMAD helps people in need with various projects around the house. When Jeff needs extra help with a ramp, MMAD members are sure to lend a hand.


When Jeff isn’t serving others through TRP or MMAD, he is likely to be riding his Harley. He usually takes two extended trips a year on his bike. “One of the best things about living in East Texas,” he says, “is that every road is an adventure.”

On January 15 Jeff Mulkey and seven volunteers from Ranch Riders, Summit Heights and Hollybrook Baptist Church built a 38-foot ramp for Ms. O., a Wood County resident. Here’s Jeff’s report in his own words: “Ms. O. started crying when she tried out the ramp. It was the first time in four months that she could go outside by herself. Since last October she only went outside for her doctor appointments. When she had medical appointments, her boyfriend would have to carry her to the car. She was excited because she would now be able to ride outside in her wheelchair and just sit in the sun all by herself. When we left, she was sitting in the sunshine (on one of the turnarounds), just watching her two daughters play outside. Her smile and tears made our day.”

DisABILITYsa Raises Funds for TRP

Braeden Serwacki is a young man with special needs. He was a participant in the 2025 Fiesta Especial Royal Court Campaign, in which he raised funds for charity. Braeden joins fellow volunteers from Abiding Presence Lutheran Church to build ramps in San Antonio and chose to provide 40%, or $2,528, of the funds he raised to TRP. The campaign is conducted by DisABILITYsa for its Fiesta Especial Celebration Day, an annual event that enables individuals with disabilities to participate in Fiesta San Antonio. At the January 23 celebration, Braeden received his crown, cape and sash and presented a check to Scott Badger, San Antonio Central region coordinator.

Recent Grants and Donations

December brought the usual rush of year-end donations, especially from individual donors. TRP received nearly $62,000 in individual contributions. For example, Temple/Belton received over $2,000 from 14 individuals, along with another $1,478 from Immanuel Lutheran Ministries, where Grayson Albers serves as senior pastor. The Temple/Belton region built 23 ramps in 2024. Individual donations from across the state ranged from $10 to $12,000.


Other grants and donations (excluding individuals and government reimbursements) received in the past month include the following:

  • $20,000 for statewide from Sterling-Turner Foundation.
  • $20,000 for McAllen from The Raul Tijerina Jr. Foundation.
  • $15,000 for statewide from PennyMac Giving Fund in Memory of Stanford L. Kurland.
  • $15,000 for Austin South Hays County from The Burdine Johnson Foundation.
  • $14,258 for Dallas and statewide from King of Glory Lutheran Church.
  • $10,000 for Texoma and Texarkana North from St. Joseph’s Community Foundation.
  • $10,000 for Texarkana North Red River County from Martha, David and Bagby Lennox Foundation.
  • $5,985 for East Texas Tyler from Tyson Properties LLC.
  • $4,000 for Tarrant and Dallas counties from Burns & McDonnell Foundation.
  • $4,000 for Amarillo from Faithbuilders Bible Class at Hillside Christian Church.
  • $2,800 for Waco South from Waco Habitat for Humanity.
  • $2,000 for Abilene Brown County from Thomas B. Shoemake Trust.
  • $1,478 for Temple/Belton from Immanuel Lutheran Ministries.
  • $1,000 for Abilene Brown County from Tom and Lilian Grinnan Wilkinson Trust.
  • $1,000 for Amarillo from Canyon Lions Club.
  • $1,000 for San Antonio Northeast from St. John’s Episcopal Church.
  • $750 for Amarillo from West Plains Lions Club.
  • $600 for East Texas Tyler from Ed and Mary Heath Foundation.
  • $500 for Amarillo from Amarillo Lonestar Lions Club.
  • $500 for Amarillo from Amarillo Downtown Lions Foundation.
  • $500 for San Antonio Central from Prosperity Bank.
  • $500 for East Texas Marshall Panola County from New Destinations Inc.
  • $450 for Austin West from Hill Country Fellowship.
  • $412 for Austin North from Habitat for Humanity Williamson County.
  • $350 for Texarkana East from Avinger Area Lions Club.
  • $100 for East Texas Tyler from Langen/Wink Bible Class.
  • $56 for East Texas Tyler from Garden Valley Baptist Church.

Ramp of the Month, East Texas Tyler

Smith County

Five-year-old Dane W. of Smith County had a ramp, but it was in terrible shape. It was not safe for getting Dane in and out of the house. Because the existing ramp was in such disrepair, Texas Children’s Health Plan made a referral to TRP for a new ramp. Ten TRP volunteers showed up to build Dane a new 43-foot ramp, donating 30 hours of labor to build it. Dane’s sister was so engrossed in the process that she offered her Barbie to a volunteer so she could try out the impact wrench. As the photos show, Dane, his sibling and the dogs love the new ramp.

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