Weekly Newsletter of the
First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton
January 30, 2025
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Image by Elias from Pixabay | |
Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 10:15am
Worship Service: Pearls of Forgiveness
Rev. Joel Miller
Forgiveness can be a way of sustaining our spirits in difficult times, but it is an essential spiritual practice through the smaller conflicts of everyday life. And it can be a powerful way to deepen our spiritual lives.
Join Us On Zoom: https://bit.ly/fuusn-worship-2024-2025
Share Your Joys or Sorrows
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Split the Plate February 2025: Wildfire Relief Fund of the California Community Foundation
As of January 17th, the wildfires in LA County have claimed at least 24 lives, destroyed thousands of homes and businesses, and displaced more than 180,000 Angelenos. Yet, in the face of devastation, the Los Angeles community stands united.
The California Community Foundation has a long history of making a direct and meaningful impact on individuals and families in need, ensuring that support reaches those most affected. Since 2003, the CCF Wildfire Recovery Fund has provided over $30 million to communities affected by disasters.
For the LA County wildfires, they have activated their fund to complement immediate relief, addressing the long-term recovery needs of neighborhoods long after media attention has shifted away. Their disaster and recovery efforts support an array of critical recovery services, including housing, case management, mental health, and medical care for displaced residents. It also aids in rebuilding essential infrastructure like emergency communication systems and offers financial disaster assistance, labor law education, and immigration services to low-wage workers and immigrant families.
Please give generously to support those whose lives have been changed by the California Wildfires. Half of the monies collected during worship this month will help them recover from this devastation.
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February Worship Services
February 2: Forgiveness - Rev. Joel Miller Forgiveness can be a way of sustaining our spirits in difficult times, but it is an essential spiritual practice through the smaller conflicts of everyday life. And it can be a powerful way to deepen our spiritual lives.
February 9: God - Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner
Unitarian Universalists are theists, deists, atheists, agnostics, and more. In this service, Rev. Debra will help us explore historical, religious, and philosophical approaches to God.
February 16: What Kind of Times Are These - Anne Watson Born
Poetry gives us containers for our fears and our joys in chaotic times; it enables us to express our feelings and thoughts more deeply and coherently; in its many forms it facilitates action. Join us for a service centered on poetry and music, both of which speak to our current condition while keeping love at the center of our efforts.
February 23: Useful Conflict - Rev. Joel Miller
Conflict is inevitable in congregation life... and in our own lives as well. How can we use conflicts to grow and deepen our relationships?
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Donations Needed for Rosie's Place
The FUUSN Housing Crisis Committee, organized and headed by FUUSN youth Skye Larson and Emily Riordon, is sponsoring a drive on behalf of Rosie’s Place. We will be collecting donations of items needed by the unhoused women who are Rosie’s Place clients. Please help us provide this small bit of comfort to these women.
The items they are requesting include:
- Personal care items in SMALL (travel) or REGULAR sizes, such as
- Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Floss
- Deodorant, Soap, Body Wash
- Lip Balm, Face Cream, Hand Lotion
- Shampoo, Conditioner
- Hand Sanitizer, Wipes
- Personal care items – same as above, but FULL-SIZE; and in addition:
- Disposable shaving razors
- Hairbrushes, picks, and combs
- Elastic hair ties
Starting Sunday, February 2nd continuing for 2-3 Sundays, there will be two boxes set out for collection, one in the narthex and one in the parking lot vestibule. Please bring your donations on Sunday (or any time) and leave them in one of the two boxes.
Thank you for helping us offer comfort and dignity to Rosie’s Place clients.
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Become a Part of Mission Possible!
Mission Possible! Pledge Drive Kick Off Party Saturday, March 1st at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. Mission Possible is our theme. Becoming part of possible is your call to action! Bring your inner spy. Creative spy-wear encouraged! Enjoy performances by FUUSN's talent. Munch on snacks and desserts created by the community. Volunteer to help set up, bring snacks or more. Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949ABA729ABFAC07-54648769-fuusn#/lunteer/)
Email the Pledge team with questions.
Become part of possible as we reach our annual fund drive goal.
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Fabulous FUUSN Mardi Gras Services Auction
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Don't miss our Mardi Gras Services Auction on Saturday, February 1! This party is one of the more enjoyable Saturday nights you will have all year.
- Doors open at 5:30pm for dinner, socializing, and browsing raffle and auction items.
- Live Auction starts at 6:30pm. Optional bidding on great items such as weekend vacation homes, gourmet dinners, and other services. End time 8:30/9:00pm.
- $10 per adult entry INCLUDES dinner and drinks!! (Wine/beer as well as non-alcoholic options.)
- Childcare in the Children’s Chapel included throughout the evening! There will be games, crafts, and movies for the kiddos while adults relax, enjoy each other’s company, and are entertained by the auctioneers. Kids can bring PJs and sleeping bags for the movie.
- No need to RSVP.
- You are encouraged to wear your most festive Mardi Gras party outfits - nothing is too silly!
The success of the auction is by nature dependent on the donation of services by FUUSN folks. We are always looking for donations of services, particularly from folks who have not donated services in the past. You can view last year's auction catalogs. Feel free to be creative in thinking about what service you can donate.
As part of the auction activities, we also sell raffle tickets for special offerings leading up to the auction itself. We will have a Services Auction table set up in the Parish Hall after services on January 11, 18, and 25. We will be selling raffle tickets and/or you can sign up to donate a service. Or if you just want to learn more about the Services Auction, this is the place to come.
Questions or if you want to discuss offering a service? Please contact Pat Rohan.
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Farewell to Jenise
Sunday, February 2, 2025, 11:30am
A farewell party will be held for Jenise Aminoff, our former Communications and Technology Coordinator, on Sunday, February 2, 2025 during coffee hour. Cake and goodies will be served, including gluten-free treats. Jenise's last day was Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
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Friday, January 31
6-6:30pm: Zoom Vespers, on Zoom
Saturday, February 1
5:30-9pm: Services Auction, Parish Hall, Kitchen, and Children's Chapel
Sunday, February 2
11:40am-12pm: Farewell to Jenise Aminoff, Parish Hall
12-1:30pm: Reparations Task Force Meeting, Children's Chapel
3:30-5pm: JourneySongs Rehearsal, Children's Chapel
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Food & Plastic: Hearing the Cry of the Earth with Professor Philip Landrigan, MD
February, 6, 2025, 7:30-9pm
Our Lady Help of Christians’ Lower Hall
The Sacred Heart and Our Lady Help of Christians Collaborative Creation Care Team invites you to hear from a global environmental health expert, Professor Philip J. Landrigan, MD, Director of the Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good at Boston College. From 2021 to 2023, Dr. Landrigan chaired the Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human Health, which studied plastics’ impacts on human health and helped shape recommendations for the UN Global Plastics Treaty. Learn More
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Parents' Night Out
Friday, February 7, 6-9pm
Member Services and the RE Committee have worked together to offer Parents free childcare for ages 6mo. through 5th grade (6th and 7th graders become helpers) at FUUSN once a month between December and May, starting on December 13. Reserve space for your kids today and plan that date night (RSVP required)!
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Social Action Speaker Lunch: Communities for Restorative Justice
Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 12pm
“Restorative justice is a process to involve those with a stake in an offense. To collectively identify and address harms, needs and obligations, to heal and put things right."
Everyone is invited for our monthly free lunch after coffee hour in the Alliance Room. RSVP so we know how much soup to prepare. Volunteer to help set up, clean up and prepare lunch.
A guest from Communities for Restorative will speak. This program is a significant direction in our society on many fronts. The Newton police department has participated with this organization for many years. It is changing the culture of policing and moving us toward rehabilitation and away from incarceration.
Another aspect of this work is in schools. Rather than using suspensions, teachers look for the anxiety under the problems that students exhibit. They work with each student to resolve the issues with which they are struggling. Suspensions cause more harm and isolate a student from the school community. Teachers find that it often takes many weeks before a student can integrate back into school life after being required to leave school because of something they did or said. The teacher also can teach about positive behaviors that will help all students to be part of the responsible school community.
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UU Plant-Based Eating Club Small Group Potluck
Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 6pm
On Sunday, February 9, at 6pm, the UU Plant-Based Eating Club is hosting small-group potluck dinners in members' homes. Participants will enjoy a variety of plant-based foods, share recipe ideas, and discuss topics relating to plant-based eating. Any items brought to the potluck should be free of animal products, including eggs, cheese, dairy and honey. Newcomers are welcome, and recipe assistance will be provided upon request. For further details and to RSVP, go to this Signup Genius page. Please note that small-group potlucks are for Plant-Based Eating Club members only; if you are not a member and would like to join, or are not sure if you are a member, please send an email to UU-Plant-Based-contact-us@googlegroups.com.
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Dinners for 7
February 22, 2025 at 6pm
Dinners for 7 is a great opportunity to socialize with a small group at a member's home. Everyone brings an assigned dish, and the host provides the main dish.
Sign up to host or to attend a dinner.
Any questions, please email Lynne Karlson.
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A Big thank you to Arthur Anderson for his valuable, informative Over 60 presentation last Sunday! Arthur expanded our understanding of the roots of Unitarianism in his robust research re: the ancient Greek philosophical religious way of life and personal morality. This inspired the religious freedom of thought of the 19th century Transcendentalists and the Unitarian premise that the locus of religious authority resides in the individual rather than in creeds. Good questions and reflections followed in discussion. His work and his thoughts are much appreciated!!!
Check Arthur’s Website: https://arthur-anderson.com/
for information on his Part I book and his Part II book in process.
A thank you to Linda Ross for handling the Zoom and the challenges that can occur with the connection and sound. Also, our thanks to Nancy Stanton for her preparation and provision of much of the lunch spread.
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The UU Plant-Based Eating Club would like to recognize Dede Vittori, who masterfully organized three potluck dinners on January 12, as well as Kate Thibeault, Norm Thibeault, Phyllis Evan, Brenda Asis, Andrew LeCompte, Dede Vittori, and Jeff Baker who hosted and facilitated the dinners. A good time was had by all! Thanks are also due to Julia Huston for writing the monthly newsletter. | |
Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Agatha, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.
Submissions for each newsletter must be sent in by the preceding Tuesday at 9am.
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FUUSN Contacts
Anne Watson Born, Director of Music Ministry, (617) 286-2622
Agatha Clancy, Office Administrator, (617) 286-4105 (9am-3pm or emergencies only)
Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner, Co-minister, (617) 286-4668
Rev. Joel Miller, Co-minister, (617) 286-4226
Devin Shmueli, Director of Family and Community Ministries, (617) 286-6257
Lay Minister On Call for January: Christine Lookner, 617-340-9299
Lay Minister On Call for February: Nancy Mattei, 617-340-9299
Care Crew contact: Sheila Ardery, 617-564-1769
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First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton www.fuusn.org | 617-527-3203 | | |
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