January 1, 2023

Happy New Year!

As we begin a new year, we look back and consider how truly generous our community has been during 2022. While our clients continued to increase, so did the donations and support that make our service possible. Thank you so much to everyone who donated food and funding and who volunteered time during the past year.

Thank you, Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce!

Great big checks mean GREAT BIG SMILES! We are beyond thankful to the Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce and Grapes, Grains, and Giving event sponsor Benjamin Passwaters Team for their presentation of this amazing check to the Holly Springs Food Cupboard. Thanks to all who attended, participated, volunteered, and donated to make this event such a success!

Serasana Collecting Feminine Hygiene Supplies for the Cupboard

Check out Serasana's beautiful center at 116 Bass Lake Road and drop off a donation (specifically menstrual hygiene supplies) for the Holly Springs Food Cupboard. Through January, Serasana is raffling a free massage. Receive a raffle ticket each time you make a donation!

Around the Cupboard in December

Thank you to Vision Martial Arts on Ten Ten Road in Cary for a very generous donation!

Many thanks to the Edwards family for their donation of food and supplies!

A HUGE thank you to the Holly Springs Parks and Recreation Department for inviting the Food Cupboard to be part of the Holly Springs Tree Lighting event last month. Food donations were collected, and the Cupboard truck was a festive backdrop to so many great family and pet photos!

Mallory Kate Photography showed up with all the good stuff for our student bags! Fruit cups, single packs of raisins, chef boyardee cups, and mac 'n cheese - after a digital online fundraiser for the cupboard! Thank you!

Many thanks to Captain Mike Patterson, the Holly Springs Police Department, and the Holly Springs Rotary Club for a blood donation event that doubled as a fundraiser benefitting the Holly Springs Food Cupboard!

We are so thankful to Danny O'Lone, a senior at Middle Creek High School, for choosing the Cupbaord as part of his senior project! He collected donations and brought in beautiful flowers for our volunteers.

These amazing athletes deserve a perfect "10" for collecting non-perishable food for our community. Thank you Sonshine Gymnastics!

Thank you, Keller Williams Legacy Holly Springs! During December, the company placed a new collection box for non-perishable food items at their office at 201 W Center Street downtown. The firm also donated and delivered chicken for Cupboard clients... and partnered with Oasis Church for a hot chocolate fundraiser for the Cupboard during the Happy Holly Days Parade!

Thank you, Primrose School at Holly Grove for an amazing food drive and delivery!

Thank you, Connor and Jordan for the donations and sweet smiles!

Thank you to Christine Thompson for donating reverse advent calendar items! 

Check out this huge load of nonperishable food and toiletry items that was dropped off by the Sunset Ridge North community! Thank you so much!

Holly Springs Rotary Club did not let wet, wintry weather deter them! The club dropped off food and a monetary donation from their 50/50 raffle!

Once again, we are so thankful to the great folks at Coldwell Banker HPW for donating 30 turkeys. Even in the rain, our clients were so thankful to receive them!

Bob Glaser dropped off a donation from the NADA Foundation (National Automobile Dealers Foundation). As an ambassador within the foundation, he was able to designate the Holly Springs Food Cupboard for a $2,000 grant. Thank you so much! 

Well done Holly Springs High School! Thousands of pounds of nonperishable food and paper products were donated following a school-wide food drive. We are so grateful to all the students who helped load up five vehicles and are especially thankful for those who came to the Cupboard to help us unload and weigh.

Two departments from the Town of Holly Springs held a competitive food drive - and between the Public Works and Utilities & Infrastructure departments, they brought in OVER 1000 pounds, making the Food Cupboard and OUR CLIENTS the clear winner!  

Check out the "Holly-est" bunch of bankers we ever did see! ❄️ Thanks to Fidelity Bank for donating over 200 pounds of food this week!! 

Garden Update: Hibernating Through the Winter

Regularly scheduled Saturday gardening work days are suspended until February 2023 for a winter hibernation, along with the garden.

Want to put your name on our gardening mailing list to receive announcements when we will restart in February? Contact Food Cupboard Garden Director Jerry DeWitt at to be added to the volunteer list!

Got Extra Garden Tools? Consider Donating Them!

Cleaning out your garage and storage shed? The Holly Springs Food Cupboard Garden may be able to use some of your old, used equipment and supplies. If you would like to drop off your “gift“ to us, stop by any day (except Thursday) and put it by the door to the garden shed. We can provide you with a donation receipt if desired.


Jerry DeWitt

Here’s what we could use:

  • Partial bags of lawn fertilizer
  • Push-type lawn fertilizer spreader
  • Used bricks & bags of play sand
  • Spade or shovel for digging holes and mulching fork for compost
  • Electric dehydrator for drying our herbs
  • Small grinding wheel to sharpen hand tools
  • Small workbench vice
  • Hand tools: crescent wrench, screwdrivers, socket wrench set, pliers, hand saw
  • Lumber: usable 2x6 boards that are about 4-10 ft long
  • Paper scissors
  • Wood screws 1-3 inches long
  • Partial boxes of nails
  • Cement blocks
  • Hand pruners/clippers for plants

December Outdoor Activity

Thanks to the many volunteers who help maintain our garden and work to grow and harvest healthy produce for our clients.

Our amazing volunteers work on cold mornings to harvest these fresh greens, lettuce, collards, kale, and turnips. Thank you!

Check out these Tiger Cubs & dads from Pack 66 who stacked up limbs and moved logs from downed trees in our woods. Well done!

New for 2023! The Cupboard is starting to grow shiitake and oyster mushrooms in our garden. It’s a fun activity for our garden volunteers. Mushrooms are low in calories, carbohydrates, fat, and sodium, which makes them a healthy and easy addition to our clients' meals. They also contain antioxidants, which can help with post-exercise recovery and boost the immune system. We hope to see our first mushroom in the fall. 

Do you need food assistance? Know someone who does?

Please visit us. The Holly Springs Food Cupboard is here to help. Drive through food distribution is every Thursday, 2-5 p.m. Shopping food distribution by appointment only is every Monday, 1-4 p.m. Deliveries are available to persons with compromised health or without transportation. Click here for more information or to sign up for an appointment to shop in person.

Donating food?

How to Get Food to the Cupboard

The Cupboard can receive donated food on:

  • Preferred hours: Mondays 9-11 a.m.
  • Also: Thursdays noon-5 p.m.

Place donations on our delivery dock on the side of our facility and ring the doorbell for assistance. Or, give us a call and we can meet you to pick up food from your neighborhood.

If you have food that you want to deliver at other times, you can take it to one of our community drop-off sites listed below. If necessary, we can arrange a time for a pick-up. Please do not leave food outside the Cupboard.

Community Drop-Off Sites

  • Bless Your Heart Boutique, 242 S. Main Street, Ste. 106
  • The Block on Main, Corner of Main Street and Rogers Street
  • Coastal Credit Union, Village Walk Drive
  • First Flight Federal Credit Union, Village Walk Drive
  • Holly Springs Farmers Market, West Ballentine Street
  • Holly Springs Town Hall, Main Street
  • Keller Williams Legacy, 201 W. Center Street 
  • Pet Mania, Sunset Lake Road
  • Sunrise United Methodist Church, 5420 Sunset Lake Road
  • Sweet Berry Bowls, 150 W Holly Springs Road
  • Wake FC, Ting Park

More Ways to Give

  • PayPal: Support the Holly Springs Food Cupboard when you shop online with PayPal. Set us as your favorite charity, and you can choose to donate $1 when you checkout with PayPal. Click here visit PayPal and save the Holly Springs Food Cupboard as your favorite charity. This allows you to conveniently support us at checkout and other donation opportunities.
  • Venmo
  • Amazon: Enjoy online shopping? Use this link to set up AmazonSmile. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Holly Springs Food Cupboard.
  • If you're using the Amazon app, select the main menu, select "AmazonSmile" within Programs & Features, and select "Holly Springs Food Cupboard as your charity. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app.

More Information

Thank you, again, to our dedicated volunteers and generous community for making everything we do possible.
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