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Making Tracks

The Newsletter of the Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Joyfully Connecting our Community with the Wonder of the Refuge


Photo credit: Richard Scheideman


Puddle Stompers- Baby Birds

May 08, 2024 10:00 AM

Tualatin River NWR

May Board of Directors Meeting

May 28, 2024 2:00 PM

Riparian Room 19255 SW Pacific HWY

Second Saturday Work Party

June 8, 2024 9:00 AM

Tualatin River NWR

Puddle Stompers- Snakes

June 12, 2024 10:00 AM

Tualatin River NWR

*Save the Date!* Brews for the Birds Music Festival

August 2, 2024 4:00 PM-9:00 PM

August 3, 2024 12:00 PM-9:00 PM

Langer's Entertainment Center

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President's Perch

by Cheryl Hart

Board President

Last weekend, the Refuge Deputy Manager and I took advantage of the opening of our Seasonal Trail to take a walk around the loop. It was cold. It was raining most of the time. But I was awed by the beauty that nature continues to create along our recently restored Chicken Creek. When we are frequent refuge trail visitors, we may not always appreciate how quickly recently restored areas begin to thrive. But, it was an amazing experience to witness what Mother Nature has been up to behind the curtain provided by the winter closure. If you haven’t

ventured out on the Seasonal Trail yet this year, you have some beautiful surprises in store

when you do make that trip!

If you happened to be at the refuge on Saturday, April 27, you might have seen some excited

and enthusiastic youth taking part in the Second Annual Youth Climate Change Summit. The

weather chose not to cooperate for this event either, so it was staged inside the Visitor Center

this year. The uncooperative weather couldn’t dampen the spirits of the students who

participated. Many of them have worked together to plan this event for the whole school year.

Bonnie and I have the honor of working with these students throughout their planning process

and we both admire the dedication of the planning team and the great ideas they come up with to engage their classmates in activities that can help to save our planet. Most of the planning team are Seniors so they will be stepping out into a wider world next year but not before they pass the torch to the next set of Summit planners. This is truly one of my favorite things all year. Meeting weekly with these student leaders really recharges my batteries!

Our Service Staff and Friends are making a continued effort to welcome people to the refuge

who may not have always felt welcome in nature. Two years ago, we celebrated the opening of the Seasonal Trail with Oregon Chinese Coalition sharing their culture. Last year, the refuge

hosted a Pride event and an event for Latinx families. This year, we are planning another Latinx

event and a special event for women Veterans and their families. Keep a watch on our Web Page and social media to find out what other special events will be hosted at our refuge.

As I was writing about the drizzle that interfered with some of my activities over the last month, I am aware that we just had our first 80-degree day since October and, not to be shown up, today is supposed to be 90 degrees. There is nothing like a morning walk in the cool wooded

areas of the refuge when the weather heats up. Remember, the refuge opens at sun-up and is

open until sundown so take advantage of the cooler morning and evening hours, and I’ll see you at the refuge.


Focus on Friends

by Bonnie Anderson

Executive Director

Honoring Women Veterans at the Tualatin River NWR in June

The Friends of the Tualatin River Refuge are proud to announce a special event honoring our local women veterans! This event wouldn't be possible without a series of connections that highlight the power of community.

January | A Seed is Sown

In January, we were invited by U.S. Rep. Andrea Salinas to participate in a Senior Outreach Fair. There, we met Jessica Bradley, the Women Veterans' Coordinator for the Oregon Department of Veteran Affairs (ODVA).

February | The Invitation

Jessica, impressed by our work, invited us to be the only non-veteran exhibitor at their annual luncheon celebrating Women's Military History Week. This event allowed us to connect with many inspiring women veterans from the Tri-County area.

March | A Generous Spark

Following these encounters, Jessica and I discussed the potential for connecting women veterans with the healing power of nature offered by the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge. This conversation, coupled with a generous donation of birding books from Heather and Alan Fitzpatrick, ignited the idea for a special event.

June | Honoring Our Heroes

Collaborating with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and ODVA, we're thrilled to host an event at the Refuge on June 15th. This event will celebrate both the women veterans themselves and the anniversary of the signing of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act in 1948.

Honoring, Celebrating, and Connecting

On June 15th, we'll welcome these brave women and their families to the Refuge. This will be an opportunity to:

  • Thank them for their service and sacrifice.
  • Celebrate their achievements and stories.
  • Connect them with the healing and restorative power of nature found at the Refuge.

Connecting Our Community

This event exemplifies how the Friends of the Refuge play a vital role in connecting our community. By collaborating with ODVA and the Pacific Northwest Veteran Sisters group, we create valuable opportunities for our community members.

Support Our Work

If you believe in what we do, please consider making a donation to support us in providing these opportunities that connect veterans with nature.

Together, we can create a space for healing, connection, and celebration for our local women veterans and more! Please make an online donation here, so we can continue to provide these opportunities.


Friends Staff Explore Pierce NWR

Bonnie, Executive Director of Friends, and Bella, Habitat Restoration Specialist, joined USFWS staff for a private Behind the Sign tour at Pierce NWR, a serene and untouched haven situated in the Columbia George National Scenic Area, just past Beacon Rock State Park. Thanks to Assistant Refuge Manager Eric Anderson, the group experienced a rare and unforgettable excursion.

Another Successful Mini Bird Festival at Greenway Elementary School on May 2nd

Mini Bird Fest at Greenway Elementary School in Beaverton: A Soaring Success! Heartfelt gratitude to all remarkable partners and devoted volunteers from the Friends for making this event spectacular and impactful!

Greenway Link

The Birds are Back and Brews Are Flowing: Brews for the Birds Returns! Save The Date: August 2 & 3, 2024

The Friends of the Refuge are thrilled to announce the return of their popular fundraiser, Brews for the Birds! This free, family-friendly festival celebrates local brews, music, and our feathered friends.

Mark your calendars! The festival takes place outdoors at Langer's Entertainment in Sherwood.

What to Expect:

  • Local Brews, Ciders, and Seltzers: Quench your thirst and support local breweries while benefiting the Friends of the Refuge.
  • Musical Headliners: Get grooving to the soulful sounds of Portland blues legend Lloyd Jones Struggle and the infectious rhythms of Zydeco favorites Swamp Thang.
  • Family Fun: Bring the whole family for a day of entertainment and environmental appreciation.

Support Our Cause:

  • Sponsorship Opportunities: Partner with the Friends and showcase your brand to a dedicated community.
  • Vendor Market: Applications are open for Friday night and Saturday festival markets. Showcase your unique products and connect with festival attendees.

Stay tuned for more details about sponsorship opportunities, vendor applications, and festival activities.

Together, let's raise a glass to conservation and celebrate the beauty of our local wildlife!

2023 Brews for the Birds

Photo credit Bonnie Anderson

As of May 15th


Native Plant Sale Thank You!

From Bonnie Anderson

"I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who came out to support our plant sale on April 19-21! Whether you planned to come in advance or stopped by because you were enjoying the beautiful weather, thanks to your support and Bosky Dell Native's generous collaboration, the Friends sold over $8,400 and raised $4,221! Donations for our own native plant pollinator garden and a new native plant garden at Greenway Elementary School were also collected and greatly appreciated. This brings us significantly closer to our goals!

A huge Thank You to all of the amazing volunteers that made this such a fun and enjoyable event. A special THANK YOU to George Burnett for all of her help planning and executing the sale - you are an outstanding volunteer!"

Look What's New in the Visitor Center

Explore the Refuge Like a Pro!

Uncover the wonders of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge with our brand-new Species and Habitat Guide! This comprehensive resource, created by our knowledgeable and dedicated Refuge Volunteer Naturalists, is now available at the Visitor Center. Thank you for all of the hard work put into this guide!

Want it at your fingertips?

The Friends of the Refuge are also happy to offer the guide electronically on our website.

An important notice from Oregon Bottle Drop about donations for the Friends program. Here's the key takeaway:

  • Donations must be placed in the blue bags provided by the Friends, not in trash bags with a Friends' sticker.
  • Remove any unrelated items (including trash) from the blue bag before drop-off to ensure your donation is counted.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure the success of the Friends program and Oregon Bottle Drop's participation in it.


Stop by the Visitor Center and pick up a Blue Bottle Drop Bag! Donate your cans and bottles to the Friends!

1. Stop by the Visitor Center and pick up Blue Bottle Drop Bags

2. Fill the bags up with cans- (only fill halfway if donating glass)

3. Drop off at your nearest Donation site

4. No need to wait in line- there is a drop off door just for you!

If you have your own Bottle Drop account you can also donate directly to The Friends of Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge from your account.

Calling All Photographers

By Phyllis Millan

Let’s share the beauty of TRNWR and other wild places through your pictures. Submit via email to

Include your name, where the picture was taken, and any pertinent information.

Photo credit: Spencer Giles

This Week at Interior | May 10, 2024

This Week: Secretary Haaland and Department leaders take part in a White House celebration honoring the legacy and contributions of women and girls to our history; the Secretary travels to New Mexico to announce a $60 million investment for water conservation and drought resilience in the Rio Grande Basin; Interior announces $147 million to help western communities in ten states prepare for and respond to drought and water scarcity challenges; $87 million in funding is on the way for the conservation and restoration of more than 300,000 acres of wetlands and upland habitats; the Tule River Indian Tribe in California joins the list of tribes signing on to the National Park Service's Tribal Historic Preservation program; two and half million dollars is approved for the U.S Virgin Islands under the Office of Insular and International Affairs' Technical Assistance Program; the largest ongoing freshwater fishery restoration effort in the world is underway once again on the Great Lakes; it's a celebration of all things amphibian on the National Mall; Interior leaders salute the recipients of the 2024 Interior Honor Awards.

Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

19255 SW Pacific Hwy Sherwood, Oregon 97140

503.625.5944 x 15227

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