Last Mile Federal Funding Account Grant Program Stakeholders,
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued the fourth round of recommended last mile broadband project awards for public comment on Monday, July 22, 2024.
This fourth set of recommended awards is part of the $2 billion last mile Federal Funding Account Grant Program. The program expands broadband internet access for underserved and unserved communities across California. This announcement continues a rolling process of awards and recommendations, highlighting the state’s commitment to bridging the digital divide through Broadband For All.
The recommended grant awards are for $143.3 million for 12 last mile Federal Funding Account broadband infrastructure grant projects in the 7 counties of Mono, Nevada, Placer, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, and San Mateo counties benefitting an estimated 170,000 Californians. The Draft Resolution includes a recommended grant to the Colorado River Indian Tribes. Find more details in Draft Resolution T-17835.
This most recent release builds on—
- Awards of $105.3 million for 14 projects in 6 counites benefitting approximately 196,800 Californians to date. All 14 awards are to public entity applicants and 9 benefit primarily disadvantaged or low-income communities. Resolutions T-17826 and T-17829, and ministerial approvals.
- Recommended awards out for public comment of $95.2 million for 10 projects in 5 counties benefiting approximately 246,000 Californians. Four of the awards are to public entity applicants and eight benefit primarily disadvantaged or low-income communities. These recommended awards can be voted on by the Commission at the August 1, 2024 public voting meeting. Resolution T-17833.
With this fourth release, the total amount awarded and recommended for award is $343.8 million for 36 projects in 17 counties benefitting approximately 613,000 Californians.
Draft Resolutions with award recommendations will be released for public comment approximately every two to three weeks through the rest of the year. These recommendations will be considered and must be approved by vote of the CPUC’s Commissioners at a public voting meeting.
Please visit the Federal Funding Account Recommendations and Awards webpage for information on how to file public comments, and for news and updates on past, present, and future awards.
Thank you for your continued commitment to closing the digital divide in California.
Federal Funding Account Team
California Public Utilities Commission