Founders' Club Trip 2023 - Party at the Palace

Congratulations to our 2023

Founders' Club Trip earners!

The moment has finally arrived to congratulate those Consultants who will be traveling "L'BRI style" to Cabo San Lucas!

We will be visiting one of the most famous places in Mexico, a destination where the Pacific Ocean and Sea of Cortez come together to create amazing views and stunning sunsets.

These trip earners can look forward to making memories and friendships they'll treasure for a lifetime!

sunset-opt image

But first - we would like to congratulate 15 Consultants and 4 NEW Consultants who earned the trip in the final week of the qualification period - grab your passport - your spot is waiting for you!

Susan Auger

Jennifer Budde

Ginger Clark

Lori Fandrey

Therese Fierek

Brenda Goodling*

Cayli Hildebrand

Katie Hollen*

Megan Hones

Suzie Inglis*

Laura Klingelhoets

Laura Latini*

Mishal Long

Ruth Luebker

Kelli Nash

Susan Pantalena

Jennifer Piala

Natalie Schultz

Katrina Seavers

A BIG congratulations goes to our final Top 10 point earners

who will enjoy an ocean-side suite for this accomplishment.

hotel image


Amber Juslen



Dilles Kuehl



Jessi Aberle



Kristy Lauzon



Katelyn Swanson



Sarah Alvarez



JoAnn Byus



Kendra Muth



Julie Talford



Amy Moffatt



Tomorrow is the deadline to complete your TRAVEL REGISTRATION FORM and secure your reservation.

ALL Consultants who have earned the trip must complete the form so we can finalize the number of travelers who will be joining us.

Please join us for a round of applause

and congratulate all of our

2023 Founders Club Trip earners!

You can view the photos of our final trip earners or

view by point level on the official trip site.

Jessi Aberle

Liz Adams

Linda Alfonso

Sarah Alvarez

Samantha Anderson

Katie Asman

Laurie Atwater

Amanda Atwood*

Susan Auger

Kristi Bares

Chris Becker

Shawna Bellomy

Lori Benz

Patricia Bisch-Steinke*

Nikol Blood*

Annette Bove*

Lisa Bozeman

Tara Bruckner

Jennifer Budde

Maria Burgos

JoAnn Byus

Melissa Carroll

Angela Cawley

Ginger Clark

Haylie Cobb

Cathy Jo Crall

Jackie Curtis

Silvia Davis*

Jody DeMuth

Lori Fandrey

Therese Fierek

Antoinette Fraeyman

Molly Amelia Gardner

Crystal Gonzales-Miller

Brenda Goodling*

Peggy Sue Hammen-Schuller

Kristen Hardy

Maria Harvey

Cayli Hildebrand

Laura Hoban

Katelyn Hoetschl

Katie Hollen*

Megan Hones

Erin Husnick

Suzie Inglis*

Amber Juslen

Jodi Keller

Rachel Kitzan*

Laura Klingelhoets

Dianne Klopp

Heather Knauer*

Christy Kornak

Dilles Kuehl

Liz Kultgen

Kelley Kuphall

Gina LaGalbo

Brenda Landis

Laura Latini*

Kristy Lauzon

Kathy Lehman

Kari Logterman

Mishal Long

Sandra Lorenz

Ruth Luebker

Sara Lueth*

Jody Lyons

Charlotte Mahone

Corinn Martin*

Christie Martin

Jennifer Mast

Jessica Maxwell

Mary McKay

Mandie Menzer

Amy Moffatt

Kendra Muth

Kelli Nash

Sue Nelson

Gina O'Sullivan

Joy Panizzi

Susan Pantalena

Jennifer Piala

Gina Pille

Maria Porn

Shayna Reichenbach

Janeen Reid

Kay Reppen

Kathy Roen

Kristin Rogers

Marlene Rogers

Sarah Rutland*

Molly Sankey

Jennifer Scheidt

Michele Scherdin

Natalie Schultz

Katrina Seavers

Sophie Simms

Kelly Skladanek

Janet Smith

Trina Stevenson*

Lori Stone

Shirley Straub

Katelyn Swanson

Julie Talford

Lisa Taylor

Charity Tchida

Beth Thierfelder

Cynthia Trent

Melinda Tuhy

Jean Uhlmann

Christina Wiedmeyer

Susan Windsor

Melissa Yoder

Tina Zwicker

*New Consultants who joined L'BRI 1/1/2022 or later

Enjoy all the beautiful experiences that are possible when you travel with L'BRI!

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