January 9, 2025

Cochecho Waterfront Development Advisory Committee

Norm Fracassa, Chair

Sean Fitzgerald, Vice Chair

Steve Brown

Cliff Blake

Matthew Cox

Dane Drasher

Elizabeth Goldman

Dana Lynch

Jack Mettee

Kyle Pimental

Kimberly Schuman

Ex Officio:

Christopher G. Parker,

Deputy City Manager

Ryan Crosby 

Dover Housing Authority 

Executive Director


Robert Carrier


Letter from the Chair

Welcome to the January edition of the Dover Waterfront Newsletter. The whole area continues to change and evolve on what feels like a daily basis.

Here are the latest updates as we look ahead to 2025.

Site work continues

Progress on various construction and utility projects related to the waterfront continues to unfold across the city, marking significant milestones in development.

The flexible mechanically stabilized earth (Flex MSE) shoreline treatment has been hydro-seeded, enhancing its winter stabilization. The first phase of this shoreline restoration effort spans approximately 400 feet. Meanwhile, construction of the overlook retaining wall was completed in December. With this progress, work on the Flex MSE treatment in the surrounding area has resumed, further advancing the project.

On Seaport Way, utility work is well underway. Crews have installed a 300-foot sewer main, along with an additional sewer maintenance hole, extending service to the driveway of a residence at 36 Seaport Way. Additionally, approximately 450 feet of water main piping has been laid. These upgrades are set to provide permanent utility service to the residence and connect with Maglaras Park and the dredge cell.

These coordinated efforts reflect the city’s commitment to infrastructure development and improved public amenities. 


Private development takes shape

Our private partner continues to make significant development progress. Buildings “C” and “D” have the ground floor steel erected. This work is the first significant visual above-ground progress. The first-floor galvanized steel panels are nearly complete, and should be set by the time this is read. 

Work on interior utilities is complete in preparation for final backfilling and slab-on-grade preparation in buildings C and D. Work is also ongoing on Building "E," which are three sections of townhomes, each with its own sub-number. Building E-3’s framing is nearly complete; E-1 is underway and the first-floor walls have been installed. E-2’s slab has been installed and framing preparations are underway.

Nebi Park Pavilion

At the Park Pavilion, significant strides have been made. The building foundation has been formed and poured, and the installation of a two-inch water service is complete. Methane-proof waterproofing, a crucial safety measure, has also been installed. After reviewing bids, city staff selected a preferred contractor, Pine Brook Construction; the City Council awarded them the contract at its December meeting. Work is anticipated to begin in April and be completed by the end of 2025.

Electricity is coming

Also at the December City Council meeting, the Council approved resolutions related to the installation of electric power necessary for the development. The city is collaborating with Eversource and telecom suppliers to eliminate aerial utilities and relocate them underground from lower Washington Street through the project site and Payne Street. Once completed, existing overhead utilities will be removed.

This work is expected to commence in the coming months and is a continuation of work done further west along Washington Street in 2020 and 2022. This effort will connect with upcoming work on Henry Law Avenue and future efforts to relocate most utilities underground in downtown Dover.

What's next

Work will continue on the Cochecho River's shoreline treatment. The timeline still shows this work being finished in early 2025, per the permit from the Army Corps of Engineers. Once that work is completed site work will focus on Nebbi Park. Find project updates on the project website

Cathartes will continue to focus on buildings C, D and E for the coming winter, and work towards their completion in about a year. It has been announced that nationally recognized, local restaurateur and chef Evan Hennessy will be opening a new restaurant in one of the buildings and Cathartes is marketing the other non-residential locations. You can learn more about their progress on their project web page

Best regards,

Norm Fracassa, Chair

Cochecho Waterfront Development Advisory Committee

CWDAC meets next on Jan. 21

The Cochecho Waterfront Development Advisory Committee's next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall's Council Conference Room (new meeting location). The agenda, once confirmed, will be posted on the city's calendar for upcoming meetings.

The meeting will be televised on Channel 22 and online at, where it will also be available for on-demand viewing.

For more information on the committee and its meetings archive, click here.

Missed the last meeting? Watch it online now

The Cochecho Waterfront Development Advisory Committee last met on Nov. 19, 2024.

To view the meeting, visit

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