Alleviating Trauma with Acupuncture
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) results from exposure to a traumatic event that causes long-lasting health problems, both mental and physical. PTSD can happen to anyone after any type of traumatic experience.

Acupuncture can relieve suffering caused to your emotions and your physical body by releasing the affected organs and decreasing the intensity of symptoms.

If you're wondering how trauma has impacted your health and what you can do to move beyond it, read our latest blog article.
Trending, but not Trendy
Lymphatic massage is something you’ve probably heard about on social media and seen promoted by wellness influencers. Many new fans and followers come to this treatment from body modification surgeries and liposuction as plastic surgeons are increasingly recommending it as part of the recovery process after cosmetic surgery. This treatment has also become popular as a weight loss, immune boosting, and skin clearing tool, real benefits of lymphatic massage.

Guess what? I specialize in lymphatic massage! I have been one of the few therapists ever to offer lymphatic massage in Jacksonville and I have performed this type of massage for almost 20 years!

A lot of the recent attention to this technique has come from those learning about and self-treating with gua sha--a Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to clearing heat and wind from the back lung area. Gua sha on the face and neck used by estheticians actually encompasses part of the lymphatic massage process. While I encourage you to try this at home along with dry brushing, I highly recommend an initial session at the Acupuncture by Andrea clinic to get some background and basics that will greatly enhance overall results.

Contact me with any questions you may have about this amazing treatment and learn more about lymphatic massage in our recent blog article.
Support Acupuncture!
There is currently a bill in the Florida legislature on its way to the Governor that will make it illegal for Doctors of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture to be designated as “physicians”. This could negatively impact how we provide services and could lead to further restrictions in our practices.
Do you love the treatment you receive at the Acupuncture by Andrea Clinic? Support us and acupuncturists throughout Florida with a call or email to Governor Desantis’s office asking him to veto SB230. Two minutes of your time can make a big difference.

Thanks for your support and I look forward to continuing to treat all of you for many years to come as Dr. Danti, proud practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Herbal Treatments for Physical and Emotional Health
Formulas suggested for those living with trauma, anxiety and related physical symptoms of PTSD vary depending on the person’s condition and primary symptoms. The formulas listed here are effective in treating a wide range of both emotional and physical issues, and restoring balance to your body and mind.
Prescription medications may be contra-indicated with recommended herbal treatments. If you are taking multiple prescriptions, I recommend waiting on the herbs and receiving only the needling portion of the acupuncture treatment until the herbs can overlap with or replace your current medications.
Recommendations: clearing anger and digestive distress
An ancient and frequently prescribed herbal formula also known as Free and Easy Wanderer, it clears a stagnant liver and tonifies spleen function. This can help clear anger and resentment, anxiety, headaches and digestive distress. If excessive body heat is also an issue, an additional 2 herbs are added for a cooling effect.
Emperor’s Ginseng Zizyphus
Recommendations: insomnia, night sweats, palpitations
This formula works primarily on the heart. Symptoms that may be alleviated with this formula include palpitations, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, mouth ulcers and night sweats. This formula calms the heart, tonifies the blood and yin, and clears heat.
Red Vessel
Recommendations: circulation, constipation
This pain formula helps unblock stuck channels. If years of physical trauma have caused bodily pain, this formula’s analgesic/pain relieving features along with blood activating and tonifying will help clear the body of stagnantion and pain due to lack of circulation. Dang gui herb in this formula will help with menstruation regulation and constipation.
Bupleurum, Cinnamon & Ginger Combination
Recommendations: psycho-emotional disorders
Highly effective in treating extreme highs and lows, such as moving between very cold and very hot temperatures, or restless anxiety and extreme fatigue. This formula regulates the boundaries between too much and too little.
Speaking Event Cancellation

We’re heartbroken to learn of the passing of Dr. Ellan Marie Schlinger Duke, respected doctor, friend, and owner of Wellness Accelerated. The previously announced open house event and speaking engagement for Dr. Danti at Wellness Accelerated on May 19th has been cancelled.
Seasonal Changes Inside and Out
In Traditional Chinese Medicine we often talk about seasonal transitions and how our bodies reflect the changes we experience in the larger natural world. As we move from spring to summer here in North Florida, the rains become stronger and the sunshine more intense. Everything needs accommodations during these extremes. Just as we expect to invest time to get maximum performance from our brains and bodies, growing life-giving, healthy produce takes a little work and some extra effort.

Gardening is such a great way to align your physical body and your headspace. The benefits to your joints, muscles, breathing and mental health are well documented and within your reach!

Watch this video for inspiring gardening tips for the spring to winter transition in Florida.
Being Near, a Tranquil Pleasure
I love etymology—the history of words and where they come from. A friend recently shared a great word with me—Midding. It means feeling the tranquil pleasure of being near a gathering but not quite in it, safe in the knowledge that everyone you care about is together and everyone is okay.

I’ve had a midding feeling from time to time and I bet that you have, too!